


[A35] " A community detection-based parallel algorithmfor quantum circuit simulation using tensor networks ", Alfred M. Pastor, Jose M. Badia, Maribel Castillo Journal of Supercomputing, 81, art no. 450, January 2025 ISSN: 1573-0484 (Online); 0920-8542 (Print) DOI:10.1007/s11227-025-06918-3 .
[A34] " Reliability of Vision Transformers and CNNs on Edge AI systems under neutron radiation ", Jose M. Badia, Ignacio Martin-Salinas, German Leon, Adrian Amor-Martin, Lester Frias-Dominguez, Jose A. Belloch, Mario Garcia-Valderas, Almudena Lindoso, Carlo Cazzaniga, Luis Entrena IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, (early access) Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xx--xx, January 2025 (open access). ISSN: 1558-1578 (Online); 0018-9499 (Print) DOI:10.1109/TNS.2025.3536519 .
[A33] " Efficient quantum circuit contraction using tensor decision diagrams ", Vicente Lopez-Oliva, Jose M. Badia, Maribel Castillo Journal of Supercomputing, 81, art no. 354, December 2024 ISSN: 1573-0484 (Online); 0920-8542 (Print) DOI:10.1007/s11227-024-06836-w .
[A32] " Evaluating and accelerating vision transformers on GPU-based embedded edge AI systems ", Ignacio Martin-Salinas, Jose M. Badia, Oscar Valls, German Leon, Rocio del Amor, Jose A. Belloch, Adrian Amor-Martin, Valery Naranjo Journal of Supercomputing, 81, art no. 349, December 2024 ISSN: 1573-0484 (Online); 0920-8542 (Print) DOI:10.1007/s11227-024-06807-1 .
[A31] " Optimizing Millimeter Wave MIMO Channel Estimation Through GPU-Based Edge Artificial Intelligence ", Diego Lloria, Sandra Roger, German Leon, Jose M. Badia, Carmen Botella-Mascarell, Jose A. Belloch Journal of Supercomputing, 81, art no. 270, December 2024 ISSN: 1573-0484 (Online); 0920-8542 (Print) DOI:10.1007/s11227-024-06795-2 .
[A30] " Analysing the radiation reliability, performance and energy consumption of low-power SoC through heterogeneous parallelism ", Jose M. Badia, German Leon, Mario Garcia-Valderas, Jose A. Belloch, Almudena Lindoso Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 101049, 5 November 2024 Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 72, No. 6, pp. 383--393, June 2024 (open access). ISSN: 2210-5387 (Online); 2210-5379 (Print) DOI:10.1016/j.suscom.2024.101049 .
[A29] " Efficient Velvet-Noise Convolution in Multicore Processors ", Jose A. Belloch, Jose M. Badia, German Leon, Vesa Välimäki Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 72, No. 6, pp. 383--393, June 2024 (open access). ISSN: 1549-4950 DOI:10.17743/jaes.2022.0156 .
[A28] " Analysing the influence of memory and workload on the reliability of GPUs under neutron radiation ", German Leon, Jose M. Badia, Jose A. Belloch, Mario Garcia-Valderas, Almundena Lindoso, Luis Entrena. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 71, No. 8, pp. 1487--1495, August 2024 (open access). ISSN: 1558-1578 (Online); 0018-9499 (Print) DOI:10.1109/TNS.2024.3387490 .
[A27] " Comparative analysis of soft-error sensitivity in LU decomposition algorithms on divese GPUs ", German Leon, Jose M. Badia, Jose A. Belloch, Almundena Lindoso, Luis Entrena. The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 80, pp. 12844-12862, June 2024. ISSN: 0920-8542. DOI:10.1007/s11227-024-05925-0 .
[A26] " Strategies to parallelize a finite element mesh truncation technique on multi-core and many-core architectures Multicore implementation of a multichannel parallel graphic equalizer ", Jose M. Badia, Adrian Amor-Martin, Jose A. Belloch, Luis Emilio Garcia-Castillo. The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 79, pp. 7648--7664, December 2022 (online), May 2023 (print). ISSN: 0920-8542. DOI:10.1007/s11227-022-04975-6 .
[A25] " Multicore implementation of a multichannel parallel graphic equalizer" ", Jose A. Belloch, José M. Badía, German León, Balázs Bank, Vesa Välimäki. The Journal of Supercomputing, No. 78, pp. 15715--15729, April 2022 (online), September 2022 (print). ISSN: 0920-8542. DOI:10.1007/s11227-022-04495-3 .
[A24] " Reliability evaluation of LU decomposition on GPU-accelerated System-on-Chip under proton irradiation ", Jose M. Badia, German Leon, Jose A. Belloch, Almudena Lindoso, Mario Garcia-Valderas, Yolanda Morilla, Luis Entrena. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 69, No. 7, pp. 1467--1474, March 2022 (online), July 2022 (print). Print ISSN: 0018-9499, Online ISSN: 1558-1578. DOI:10.1109/TNS.2021.3128722 .
[A23] " Comparison of parallel implementation strategies in GPU-Accelerated System-on-Chip under proton irradiation ", Jose A. Belloch, José M. Badía, Diego F. Larios, Enrique Personal, Miguel Ferrer, Laura Fuster, Mihaita Lupoiu, Alberto Gonzalez, Carlos León, Antonio M. Vidal, Enrique S. Quintana. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 444--452, Noviembre 2021 (online), Marzo 2022 (print). Print ISSN: 0018-9499, Online ISSN: 1558-1578. DOI:10.1109/TNS.2021.3128722 .
[A22] " Students' perception of the effect of formative assessment on their learning ", Mercedes Marqués Andrés, José Manuel Badía Contelles, Gregorio Quintana Ortí. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, Vol. 16. No. 3, pp. 232--240, Agosto 2021. DOI:10.1109/RITA.2021.3122809. .
[A21] " On the performance of GPU-based SoC in a distributed spatial audio system ", Jose A. Belloch, José M. Badía, Diego F. Larios, Enrique Personal, Miguel Ferrer, Laura Fuster, Mihaita Lupoiu, Alberto Gonzalez, Carlos León, Antonio M. Vidal, Enrique S. Quintana The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 77, No. 7, pp. 6920--6935, Enero 2021 (online), Julio 2021 (print). ISSN: 0920-8542. DOI:10.1007/s11227-020-03577-4 .
[A20] " Evaluating the soft error sensitivity of a GPU-based SoC for matrix multiplication ", Germán León, José M Badía, Jose A. Belloch, Almudena Lindoso, Luis Entrena. Microelectronics Reliability, online, October 2020. ISSN: 0026-2714. DOI:10.1016/j.microrel.2020.113856 ,
[A19] " Evaluating the computational performance of the Xilinx Ultrascale+ EG Heterogeneous MPSoC ", Jose A. Belloch, Germán León, José M. Badía, Almudena Lindoso, Enrique San Millan. The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 77, No. 2, pp. 2124--2137, Febrero 2021. ISSN: 0920-8542. DOI:10.1007/s11227-020-03342-7 .
[A18] " GPU Acceleration of a Non-Standard Finite Element Mesh Truncation Technique for Electromagnetics ", Jose M. Badía, Adrian Amor-Martin, Jose A. Belloch, Luis Emilio Garcia-Castillo. IEEE Access. Vol 8. No. 1, pp. 94719-94730, 2020. ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993130.
[A17] " Design and implementation of acoustic source localization on a low-cost IoT Edge platform ", Germán Fabregat, Jose A. Belloch, José M. Badía, Maximo Cobos. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs, Vol. 67. No. 12, pp. 3547-3551, December 2020. ISSN: 1549-7747 (Print), 1558-3791 (Online). DOI:10.1109/TCSII.2020.2986296.
[A16] " An efficient implementation of parallel parametric HRTF model for binaural sound synthesis in mobile multimedia ", Jose A. Belloch, German Ramos, Jose M. Badia, Maximo Cobos. IEEE Access. Vol. 8, pp. 49562--49573, March 2020. ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2979489,
[A15] " Practical Considerations for Acoustic Source Localization in the IoT Era: Platforms, Energy Efficiency, and Performance ", Jose A. Belloch, José M. Badía, Francisco D. Igual, Maximo Cobos. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 5068--5979, 2019. ISSN: 2327-4662 DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2895742.
[A14] " Accelerating the SRP-PHAT algorithm on Multi and Many-core platforms using OpenCL ", J. M. Badía, Jose A. Belloch, Maximo Cobos, Francisco D. Igual, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí. The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 1284--1297, 2019. ISSN: 0920-8542. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-018-2422-6.
[A13] "Optimized fundamental signal processing operations for energy minimization on heterogeneous mobile devices" , Jose A. Belloch, José M. Badía, Francisco D. Igual, Alberto González, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí. IEEE Transactioins on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 1614-1627, Mayo 2018. ISSN: 1549-8328. DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2017.2761909.
[A12] " Accessing very high dimensional spaces in parallel ", J. M. Badía, F. J. Artigas, Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 176-189, Enero 2017. ISSN: 1573-0484 (Online), 0920-8542 (Papel). DOI: 10.1007/s11227-016-1673-3.
[A11] " A fast band-Krylov eigensolver for macromolecular functional motion simulation on multicore architectures and graphics processors ", José I. Aliaga, Pedro Alonso, José M. Badía, Pablo Chacón, Davor Davidovic, José R. López-Blanco, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 309, pp. 314-323, 2016. ISSN: 0021-9991. DOI: 10.1016/
[A10] " Out-of-Core Macromolecular Simulations on Multithreaded Architectures ", J.I. Aliaga, J.M. Badía, M. Castillo, D. Davidovic, R. Mayo y E.S. Quintana-Orti, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1540-1550, 2015. ISSN: 1532-0636.
[A9] " A parallel solver for huge dense linear systems ", J.M. Badía, J.L Movilla, J.I. Climente, M. Castillo, M. Marqués, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana-Orti y J. Planelle, Computer Physics Communications, vol. 182, no. 11, pp. 2441-2442, 2011. ISSN: 0010-4655.
[A8] " Large-scale linear system solver using secondary storage: Self-energy in hybrid nanostructures ", J.M. Badía, J.L Movilla, J.I. Climente, M. Castillo, M. Marqués, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana-Orti y J. Planelle, Computer Physics Communications, vol. 182, no. 2, pp. 533-539, 2011. ISSN: 0010-4655.
[A7] " Toward the parallelization of GSL ", J.I. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J. M. Badía, S. Barrachina, V. Blanco, M. Castillo, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana, G. Quintana, A. Remón, C. Rodríguez, F. de Sande y A. Santos, Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 48, pp. 88-114, 2009. ISSN: 0920-8542 (Print), 1573-0484 (Online).
[A6] " An efficient parallel algorithm to solve block Toeplitz systems ", P. Alonso, J. M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 32, n. 3, pp. 251-278, 2005. ISSN: 0920-8542.
[A5] " Solving the Block-Toeplitz Least Squares problem in parallel computers ", P. Alonso, J. M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, Concurrency & Computation. Practice & experience, vol. 17(1), pp. 49-67, 2005. ISSN: 1532-0626.
[A4] " Development and Implementation of Signal Processing and High Performance Computing Algorithms for 3D Audio", A. González, A.M. Vidal, J. González, G. Piñero, J.J. López, M. De Diego, M. Ferrer, P. Zuccarello, L. Fuster, F. Martínez, P. Alonso y J.M. Badía, WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music, Vol. 1(1), pp. 50-55, 2004. ISSN: 1109-9577.
[A3] " Inverse Toeplitz eigenproblem on personal computer networks", J.M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, Concurrency. Practice and experience, Vol. 12(2), pp. 1275-1290, 2000. ISSN: 1040-3108.
[A2] " Exploiting the Laguerre iteration for solving the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem", J.M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, Rev. Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, Vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 227-249, 2000. ISSN: 0213-1315.
[A1] " Parallel algorithms to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric Toeplitz matrices ", J.M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, Parallel algorithms and applications, Vol. 12, pp. 75-93, 1998. ISSN: 0213-1315.

Book chapters

[B24] "On the use of a GPU-accelerated mobile device processor for sound source localization" Jose A. Belloch, Jose M. Badía, Francisco D. Igual, Maximo Cobos, Enrique Quintana-Ortí. International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2017, Zurich, Suiza. in Procedia Computer Science Special Issues, Vol. 108, pp. 586-595, 2017. ISSN: 1877-0509.
[B23] "Fast k-NN classifier for documents based on graph structure ", F. Artigas-Fuentes, R. Gil-García, J.M. Badía, A. Pons-Porrata. 15th. Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Brasil. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6419", (Eds. I. Bloch, R.M. Cesar), pp. 228-235, 2010. ISBN: 978-3-642-16686-0.
[B22] " Dynamic load balancing on dedicated heterogeneous systems", I. Galindo, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía, 15th. European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, París, Irlanda, 2008. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5205", (Eds. A. Lastovetskey et al.), pp. 64-74, 2008. ISBN: 978-3-540-87474-4.
[B21] " Strategies for parallelizing the solution of rational matrix equations", J.M. Badía, P. Benner, M. Castillo, H. Fassbender, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana-Ortí, G. Quintana-Ortí, International Conference on Parallel Computing. ParCo 2007. en ''Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications'', NIC Series, Vol. 38, (Eds. C. Bischof, M. Bücker, P. Gibbon et al.), pp. 255-262, 2007. ISBN: 978-3-9810843-4-4.
[B20] " Parallelizing dense linear algebra operations with task queues in llc", A. J. Dorta, J.M. Badía, E.S. Quintana, F. de Sande, 14th. European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, París, Francia, 2007. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4757", (Eds. F. Capello, T. Herault, J. Dongarra), pp. 89-96, 2007. ISBN: 978-3-540-75415-2.
[B19] " Parallel nearest neighbour algorithms for text categorization", R. Gil-García, J.M. Badía-Contelles, A. Pons-Porrata, 13th. International Euro-Par Conference, Rennes, Francia, 2007. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4641", (Eds. A.M. Kermarrec, L. Bougé, T. Priol), pp. 328-337, 2007. ISBN: 978-3-540-74465-8.
[B18] " Parallel Solution of Large-Scale and Sparse Generalized Algebraic Riccati Equations", J.M. Badía, P. Benner, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana, 12th. International Euro-Par Conference, Dresden, Alemania, 2006. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4128", (Eds. W.E. Nagel, W.V. Walter y W. Lehner), pp. 710-719, 2006. ISBN: 3-540-37783-2.
[B17] " Parallelization of the GSL on Clusters of Symmetric Multiprocessors", J. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía, S. Barrachina, V. Blanco, M. Castillo, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana, G. Quintana, C. Rodríguez, F. de Sande y A. Santos, International Conference on Parallel Computing. ParCo 2005. Málaga (España), 2005. NIC Series, Vo. 33, (Eds. J. M. L. M. Palma, J.J. Dongarra), pp. 339-364, 2006. ISBN: 3-540-62828-2.
[B16] " Parallel Algorithms for Balanced Truncation Model Reduction of Sparse Systems", J.M. Badía, P. Benner, R. Mayo y E.S. Quintana, 7th. International Conference PARA 2004, Lyngby (Denmark), 2004. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3732", (Eds. J. Dongarra, K. Madsen y J. Wasniewski ), pp. 267-275, 2006. ISBN: 3-540-29067-2.
[B15] " Parallelization of GSL: Performance of Case Studies", J. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía, S. Barrachina, V. Blanco, M. Castillo, U. Dorta, R.Mayo, E.S. Quintana, G. Quintana, C. Rodriáguez y F. de Sande, 7th. International Conference PARA 2004, Lyngby (Denmark), 2004. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3732", (Eds. J. Dongarra, K. Madsen y J. Wasniewski ), pp. 444-453, 2006. ISBN: 3-540-29067-2.
[B14] " Dynamic Hierarchical Compact Clustering Algorithm", R. Gil-García, J.M. Badía-Contelles y A. Pons-Porrata, CIARP'05. 10th. Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, La Habana (Cuba), 2005. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3773", (Eds. A. Sanfeliu, M. Lazaro), pp. 302-310, 2005. ISBN: 3-540-29850-9.
[B13] " Implementing OpenMP for Clusters on Top of MPI", A.J. Dorta, J.M. Badía, E.S. Quintana, F. de Sande, EuroPVM/MPI 2005. 12th. European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Sorrento (Italy), 2005. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3666", (Eds. B. Di Martino, D. Kranzlmüller, J. Dongarra), pp. 148-155, 2005. ISBN: 3-540-29009-5.
[B12] " Parallel Order Reduction via Balanced Truncation for Optimal Cooling of Steel Profiles", J.M. Badía, P. Benner, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana, G. Quintana, J. Saak, 11th. Int. Euro-Par Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 2005. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3648", (Eds. J.C. Cunha y P.D. Medeiros), pp. 857-866, 2005. ISBN: 3-540-28700-0.
[B11] " Parallelization of GSL: Architecture, Interfaces, and Programming Models", J. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía et al., EuroPVM/MPI 2004. 11th. European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Budapest (Hungria), 2004. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3287", (Eds. A. Sanfeliu, J.F. Martiacute;nez, J.A. Carrasco), pp. 402-409, 2004. ISBN: 3-540-23527-2.
[B10] " Parallel Algorithm for Extended Star Clustering", R. Gil-García, J.M. Badía-Contelles, A. Pons-Porrata, CIARP'04. 9th. Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Puebla (Mexico), 2004. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3241", (Eds. Kranzlmüller, P. Kacsuk, J. Dongarra), pp. 199-206, 2004. ISBN: 3-540-23163-3.
[B9] "An efficient and stable parallel solution of non-symmetric Toeplitz linear systems", P. Alonso, J.M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, VECPAR'04. 6th. International meeting on high performance computing for computational science, Valencia (Spain), 2004. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3402", (Eds. M. Daydeacute;, J. Dongarra, V. Hernández, J.M. Palma), pp. 685-698, 2004. ISBN: 3-540-25424-2.
[B8] " Extended Star Clustering Algorithm", R. Gil-García, J.M. Badía-Contelles, A. Pons-Porrata, CIARP'03. Congreso Internacional en Reconocimientode Patrones. La Habana (Cuba), 2003. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2905", (Eds. A. Sanfeliu, J. Ruiz-Schulcloper), pp. 480-487, 2003. ISBN: 3-540-20590-X.
[B7] " Parallel algorithms for the solution of Toeplitz systems of linear equations", P. Alonso, J.M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, PPAM 2003. Fifth International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. Czestochowa (Poland), 2003. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3019", (Eds. R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, J. Paprzycki, J. Wasniewski), pp. 969-976, 2003. ISBN: 3-540-21946-3.
[B6] " A parallel algorithm for incremental compact clustering", R. Gil, J.M. Badía, A. Pons, 9th. International Euro-Par Conference, Klagenfurt (Austria), 2003. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2790", (Eds. H. Kosch, L. Böszörméyi y H. Hellwagner), pp.311-317, 2003. ISBN: 3-540-40788-X .
[B5] " Solving Large Sparse Lyapunov Equations on Parallel Computers", J.M. Badía, P. Benner, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana-Ortí, 8th. International Euro-Par Conference, Paderborn (Germany), 2002. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2400", (Eds. B. Monien,R. Feldmann), pp. 687-690, 2002. ISBN: 3-540-44049-6.
[B4] " A parallel algorithm for solving the Toeplitz least squares problem", P. Alonso, J.M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, VECPAR 2000. 4th. International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, Oporto (Portugal), 2000. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1981", (Eds. J.M. Palma, J. Dongarra, V. Hern‡ndez), pp. 317-329, 2002. ISBN: 3-540-41999-3.
[B3] Solving the inverse Toeplitz eigenproblem using ScaLAPACK and MPI", J.M. Badía y A.M. Vidal, 6th. European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Barcelona (Spain), 1999. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1697", (Eds. J. Dongarra, E. Luque, T. Margalef), pp. 372-379, 1999. ISBN: 3-540-66529-8.
[B2] "Parallel bisection algorithms for solving the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem", J.M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, in "High Performance Algorithms for Structured Matrix Problems", Vol II in "Advances in the theory of computation and computational mathematics", NOVA Science Pub., (Eds. P. Arbenz, M. Paprzycki, A. Sameh, V. Sarin), pp. 91-112, 1998. ISBN: 1-56072-594-X.
[B1] " Parallel computation of the eigenstructure of Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices on multicomputers", J.M. Badía, A.M. Vidal, PARA'94. Workshop on Parallel Scientific Computing, Lyngby (Denmark), 1994. Springer-Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 879", (Eds. J. Dongarra, J. Wasniewski), pp. 33-40, 1994. ISBN: 3-540-58712-8.

International conference proceedings

[C14] "Evaluating Sound Source Localization on Multi and Many-core Platforms", Jose A. Belloch, Jose M. Badía, Francisco D. Igual, Maximo Cobos, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí. CMMSE 2017. 17th. Internationl Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. Rota (Spain), pp. 279-286, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-617-8694-7.
[C13] "A New Parallel Access Method for Very High Dimensional Spaces", F. Artigas-Fuentes, J.M. Badía. CMMSE 2015. 15th. International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. Cadiz (Spain), pp. 160-164, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-617-2230-3.
[C12] " A High-dimensional Access Method for Approximated Similarity Search in Text Mining", F. Artigas-Fuentes, R. Gil-García, J.M. Badía. ICPR 2010, 20th. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Istanbul (Turkey), pp. 3155-3158, 2010. ISBN:978-0-7695-4109-9.
[C11] " Solving Large-Scale Linear Systems on Clusters using Secondary Storage", J.M. Badía, M. Castillo, J.I. Climente, M. Marqués et al., CMMSE 2010. 10th. Int. Conf. on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Almería (Spain), pp. 133-141, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-613-5510-5.
[C11] " Performance analysis for clusters of symmetric multiprocessors", F. Almeida, J.A. Gómez, J.M Badía, PDP 2007. 15th. Euromicro Conference on Parallel Distributed and Network-based Processing, Naples (Italy), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 121-128, 2007. ISBN: 0-7695-2784-1.
[C10] " A general framework for agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms", R. Gil-García, J. Badía-Contelles, A. Pons-Porrata, ICPR2006. 18th. International conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong-Kong (China), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 569-572, 2006. ISBN: 0-7695-2521-0.
[C9] " Parallelization of the GSL: The Web Service Interface", J. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía, S. Barrachina, V. Blanco M. Castillo, R. Mayo, E. Quintana, G. Quintana, C. Rodríguez, F. Sande, A.Santos, PDP 2006. 14th. Euromicro Conference on Parallel Distributed and Network-based Processing, Montbéliard-Sochaux (Francia), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 301-307, 2006. ISBN: 0-7695-2513-X.
[C8] " Parallelization of the GNU Scientific Library on Heterogeneus Systems", J. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía et al., HeteroPar'04. Third International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneus Networks. Cork (Ireland), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 338-345, 2004. ISBN: 0-7695-2210-6/04.
[C7] " Parallel design of multichannel inverse filters for audio reproduction", P. Alonso, J.M. Badía, A. González, A.M. Vidal, PDCS 2003. 15th. IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems. Marina del Rey, CA (USA), 2003. ACTA Press, Vol. II, (Eds. T. González), pp. 719-723, 2003. ISBN: 0-88986-392-X.
[C6] "Algoritmo de Agrupamiento GLC Paralelo", R. Gil-Garcí, J.M. Badía-Contelles, CIARP'02. Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Mexico (Mexico), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 383-394, 2002. ISBN: 970189476-6.
[C5] "Biometric identification system based in keyboard filtering", O.Coltell, J.M. Bad&iactue;a, G. Torres, 33rd. Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Madrid (Spain), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 203-209, 2002. ISBN: 0-7803-5247-5.
[C4] " Exploiting the divide-and-conquer method to solve the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem", J.M. Badía y A.M. Vidal, 6th. Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Madrid (Spain), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 13-19, 1998. ISBN: 0-8186-8332-5.
[C3] " Efficient solution of the eigenproblem of banded symmetric Toeplitz matrices on multicomputers", J.M. Badía y A.M. Vidal, 3th. Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, San Remo (Italy), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 416-423, 1995. ISBN: 0-8186-7031-2.
[C2] " Efficient parallel QR decomposition on a network of Transputers", J.M. Badía, G. Quintana, A.M. Vidal, Transputers'94, Advanced Research and Industrial Applications, Arc-en-Senans (France), IOS Press, pp. 247-260, 1994. ISBN: 90 5199 179 7.
[C1] " A parallel algorithm to solve tridiagonal systems on distributed memory multiprocessors", J.M. Badía y A.M. Vidal, 1st. Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp. 203-210, 1993. ISBN: 0-8186-3610-6.

Spanish conferences and workshops

[S10] "Un método de acceso aproximado de muy alta dimensionalidad y su paralelización", F. Artigas, J.M. Badía y R.G. Gil, XXII Jornadas de paralelismo, pp. 119-124, La Laguna, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-694-1791-1.
[S9] "OpenMP para clusters", A.J. Dorta, F. de Sande, J.M. Badía y E.S. Quintana, CEDI 2005. XVI Jornadas de paralelismo, pp. 411-417, Granada, 2005. ISBN: 84-9732-430-7.
[S8] "Paralelizando la Biblioteca Científica de GNU", J. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía, S. Barrachina, V. Blanco, M. Castillo, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana, G. Quintana, C. Rodríguez, F. de Sande y A. Santos, Congreso de las Tecnologías del Software Libre, pp. 123-133, La Coruña, 2005. ISBN: 84-609-6216-4.
[S7] "Biblioteca para el manejo automático de los buffers de comunicación en MPI", R. Gil-García y J.M. Badía-Contelles, XV Jornadas de paralelismo, pp. 60-65, Almeria, 2004. ISBN: 84-8240-714-7.
[S6] "Paralelización de la biblioteca científica de GNU para sistemas heterogéneos", J. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía et al., XV Jornadas de paralelismo, pp. 334-339, Almeria, 2004. ISBN: 84-8240-714-7.
[S5] "Strategies for Parallelizing the GNU Scientific Library", J. Aliaga, F. Almeida, J.M. Badía et al., XIV Jornadas de paralelismo, pp. 361-365, Leganés, 2003. ISBN: 84-89315-24-5.
[S4] "Algoritmo paralelo para detectar sucesos en noticias en línea", R. Gil, J.M. Badía y A. Pons, XIV Jornadas de paralelismo, pp. 121-126, Leganés, 2003. ISBN: 84-89315-24-5.
[S3] "Resolución de sistemas lineales Toeplitz por bloques en paralelo", P. Alonso, J.M. Badía y A.M. Vidal, XIV Jornadas de paralelismo, pp. 469-474, Leganés, 2003. ISBN: 84-89315-24-5.
[S2] "A web service for model reduction of large-scale linear systems on a cluster", J.M. Badía, P. Benner, M. Castillo, R. Mayo, E.S. Quintana y G. Quintana, XIII Jornadas de paralelismo, pp. 383-388, Leganés, 2002. ISBN: 84-8409-159-7.
[S1] "Un algoritmo paralelo estable para la resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones Toeplitz no simétricos", P. Alonso, J.M. Badía y A.M. Vidal, VI CMA. Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, pp. 847-854, Las Palmas, 1999. ISBN: 84-95286-17-3.