This web page was created thanks to the Innovative Education Project Introducció de la Docència en Anglès en l’Ensenyament Pràctic de Fonaments Físics
de l’Enginyeria II, which is linked to the Teaching in English Programme at the Universitat Jaume I, and supported by the Educational Support Unit (USE)
Project team: Lluís Martínez, Gladys Mínguez, Vicent Climent, Jesús Lancis, Enrique Tajahuerce, Mercedes Fernández, Javier Gil, Francesc Alted, Vicente Sos, and Vicente Durán.
The following books are included in the recommended bibliography of Physics for Engineers II, and can be found in the University Library:
1. P. A. Tipler, Physics for scientists and engineers
2. M. Alonso, E. J. Finn, Physics
3. J. D. Cutnell, Physics