1 .- J. Planelles, F. Tomás y R. Montañana.
"Theoretical Studies on Photodissociation of Carbazole in High Excited Triplet States".
Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes, 24 (1982) 61-74.
2 .- J. Planelles, J. Sánchez-Marín y F. Tomás.
"Large Protonated Alkanes Reaction Surface Model Including a Test for MINDO/3".
Journal of Molecular Structure (THEOCHEM), 108 (1984) 65-74.
3.- E. Ortí, J. Sánchez-Marín, J. Planelles y F. Tomás.
"Conformational Behaviour of 1H-pyrrole,2-(2-furanyl) and Structural Isomers".
Journal of Molecular Structure (THEOCHEM), 120 (1985) 29-33.
4.-J. Planelles, J. Sánchez-Marín, F. Tomás y A. Corma.
"A Molecular Orbital Approach to a Comprehensive Cracking Mechanism for Linear Long Chain Alkanes in Heterogeneous Acid Catalytic Conditions through Carbenium Ion b-cleavage".
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions II,(1985) 333-340.
5.-A. Corma, J. Planelles, J. Sánchez-Marín y F. Tomás.
"The Role of Different Types of Acid Site in the Craking of Alkanes on Zeolite Catalysts".
Journal of Catalysis, 93 (1985) 30-37.
6.-A. Corma, J. Planelles y F. Tomás.
"The Influence of Branching Isomerization on the Product Distribution Obtained During Cracking of n-Heptane on Acidic Zeolites".
Journal of Catalysis, 94 (1985) 445-454.
7.-J. Planelles, J. Sánchez-Marín, F. Tomás y A. Corma.
"On the Formation of Methane and Hydrogen During Cracking of Alkanes".
Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 32 (1985) 365-375.
8.-J. Piera, E. Ortí, J. Planelles y F. Tomás.
"On the Phenol-Pyridine Hydrogen Bond Complex".
Anales de Química, Serie A, 82 (1986) 201-203.
9.-A. Sánchez de Merás, J. Planelles, J.M. Aulló y F. Tomás.
"Photodissociation of b-Carbolines"
Journal of Photochemistry, 33 (1986) 219-228.
10.-P.M. Viruela, I. Nebot-Gil, R. Viruela y J. Planelles.
"A Proposal for a Branching Mechanism in Medium-sized Cycloalkanes: MINDO/3 Study of the Hypersurface for Isomerization of Cyclohexylium to 1-Methylcyclopentilium Ion".
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions II, (1986) 49-53.
11.-P.M. Viruela, I. Nebot-Gil, R. Viruela y J. Planelles.
"MINDO/3 Study of the Isomerization of 1-Methylcyclohexylium Ion to 1-Ehyl-cyclopentilium Ion. An Alternative Mechanism for this Branching Rearrangement".
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions II, (1987) 307-311.
12.-S. Carbó, J. Planelles, E. Ortí, P.M. Viruela y F. Tomás.
"On C4H9+ Energy Hypersurface".
Journal of Molecular Structure (THEOCHEM), 150 (1987) 33-49.
13.-J. Planelles, M. Merchán y F. Tomás.
"On the Low-liying states of the copper methylene (CuCH2) complex. A MO-CI study".
Chemical Physiscs Letter 149 (1988) 222-227.
14.-J. Planelles, M. Merchán, I. Nebot y F. Tomás.
"A MO-CI study on the interaction of copper(I) with methylene: (CuCH2)+ carbene-like ground state".
Journal of Physical Chemistry 93(1989) 6596-6601.
15.- J. Planelles, C. Valdemoro y J. Karwowski.
"Symmetric group approach to the study of the traces of p-order reduced density operators and of products of these operators".
Physical Review A 41 (1990) 2391-2397.
16.-J. Planelles y J. Karwowski.
"Traces of symmetry-adapted reduced density operators".
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23 (1990) 5083-5088.
17.- F. Tomás y J. Planelles,
"Catálisis Homogénea: Alcanos en médios superácidos"
Cap. 12 de "Nuevas Tendencias en Química Teórica" Vol. III: "Estructura, Interacciones y Reactividad" S. Fraga Editor, CSIC (Madrid) 1991.
18.-J. Planelles,C. Valdemoro y J. Karwowski.
"Matrix elements of spin adapted reduced Hamiltonians".
Physical Review A 43 (1991) 3392-3400.
19.- P. Viciano y J. Planelles
"Introducción al formalismo de la segunda cuantificación en química cuántica"
Edita: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) 1992.
20.- E. Ortí y J. Planelles.
"A revisión of the paper: Grid of expressions related to the Einstein Coefficients".
Journal of Chemical Education 69 (1992) 685-686.
21.-J. Planelles y J. Karwowski.
"Some results for symmetric-group-adapted reduced density operators".
Theoretica Chimica Acta 82 (1992) 239-248.
22.- J. Planelles P. Viciano y S. Pitarch
"Nuevos desarrollos en la teoria SRH: el hamiltoniano reducido a un cuerpo, su construcción y el estudio de sus propiedades"
Col.lecció Universitària de la Diputació de Castelló, Edita: Servei de Publicacions de la Diputació de Castelló (Castelló) 1993. ISBN 84-86895-42-1.
23.-J. Planelles y C. Zicovich-Wilson.
"A simple proof for the formula to get symmetrized powers of group representations".
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 47(1993)319-323.
24.-F. Rajadell, J. Planelles and J. Karwowski.
"Traces of powers of the Hamiltonian operator in finite-dimensional antisymmetric model spaces".
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 26 (1993) 3883-3901.
25.-J. Planelles, P. Viciano and F. Colmenero.
"Reduced Hamiltonians in the Hilbert spaces. The independent p-body approaches"
Anales de Física 90 (1994) 134-138.
26.-F. Colmenero, C. Valdemoro, P. Viciano and J. Planelles.
"Analysis of the Performance of Different basis sets in Quantum Chemical Calculations"
Anales de Física 90 (1994) 139-144.
27.-F. Rajadell, J. Planelles, F. Tomás, G. Asensio, M.A. Miranda y M.J. Sabater.
"Competition between Decarboxilation and Isomerization in the C3H5O2+ Energy Surface. Justification of the Experimental results by Molecular Orbital Calculations on the Solvated Ions".
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 7 (1994) 221-226.
28.-J. Planelles y P. Viciano.
"Reduced Hamiltonians I: Spin-adapted and non spin-dadpted reduced hamiltonians".
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 16 (1994) 137-148.
29.-P. Viciano y J. Planelles.
"Reduced Hamiltonians II: The size-consistence of reduced hamiltonians defined in model spaces".
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 16 (1994) 149-157.
30.-V. Mas, J. Planelles, J. Karwowski, F. Rajadell
"The Statistical Properties of Spin Adapted Reduced Hamiltonians"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 51 (1994) 487-497.
31.-J. Paldus and J Planelles.
"Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach I. General formalism".
Theoretica Chimica Acta 89 (1994) 13-32.
32.-J Planelles, J. Paldus and X. Li.
"Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach II. Application to PPP model systems"
Theoretica Chimica Acta 89 (1994) 33-58.
33.-J Planelles, J. Paldus and X. Li.
"Valence bond corrected single reference coupled cluster approach III. Simple model of bond breacking or formation".
Theoretica Chimica Acta 89 (1994) 59-76.
34.-C. Zicovich-Wilson,J. Planelles and W. Jaskólski.
"Spatially confined simple quantum mechanical systems"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 50 (1994) 429-444.
35.- M. Grinberg, W. Jaskólski, Cz. Koepke, J. Planelles and M. Janowicz
"Spectroscopic manifestation of a confinement-type lattice anharmonicity"
Phys.Rev. B 50 (1994) 6504-6507.
36.- J. Karwoski, F. Rajadell, J. Planelles and V. Mas.
"The first four moments of the spectral density distribution of an N-electron hamiltonian matrix defined in an antisymmetric and spin-adapted model space"
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 61 (1995) 177-232.
37.- F. Rajadell, J. Planelles, J. Karwoski and V. Mas.
"Spectral density distribution of an N-electron hamiltonian in a finite-dimensional and spin-adapted model space"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 56 (1995) 71-79.
38.- M. Grinberg, W. Jaskólski, Cz. Koepke, J. Planelles and M. Janowicz
"Manifestation of a confinement-type anharmonicity in emission spectra of Niobate glass"
Radiation Effectrs and Deffects in Solids 136 (1995) 141-144.
39.- C. Zicovich-Wilson, W. Jaskólski and J. Planelles.
"Atoms and molecules in cavities: a method to study spatial confinement effects"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 54 (1995) 61-72.
40.-J. Planelles
"Principis no físics de la física".
Anuari-96. Ed. ABC-UJI (1996) 77-84.
41.-J. Planelles
"Química Quàntica",
Col·lecció Material Docent, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) 1996, ISBN 84-8021-092-3.
42.-J. Planelles
"Teoria de Grups de Simetria",
Col·lecció Material Docent, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) 1996, ISBN 84-8021-091-5.
43.- J. Planelles, F. Rajadell, J. Karwoski and V. Mas.
"Diagrammatic approach to statistical spectroscopy of many-electron Hamiltonians"
Physics Reports 267 (1996) 161-194.
44.-J. Planelles, C. Zicovich-Wilson, A. Corma, and W. Jaskolski
"Semiempirical Hamiltonians for spatially confined pi-electron systems."
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 60 (1996) 971-981.
45.-F. Rajadell, J. Planelles, W. Jaskolski and C. Zicovich-Wilson
"Selection basis sets for atoms and molecules in cavities"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 60 (1996) 993-999.
46.-J. Planelles y J. Karwowski.
"Traces of the reduced density operators revisited: closed-form formulae"
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (1997) 3219-3227.
47.- J. Karwowski, J. Planelles and F. Rajadell
"Average energy of an N-electron system in a finite-dimensional and spin-adapted model space."
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 61 (1997) 63-65.
48.-J. Planelles, F. Rajadell and J. Karwowski
"Spectral density distribution moments of N-electron hamiltonians in the low density limit"
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (1997) 2181-2196.
49.-G. Peris, J Planelles and J. Paldus
"Single Reference CCSD Approach Employing Three and Four Body CAS SCF Corrections. A Preliminary Study of a Simple Model".
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 62 (1997) 137-151.
50.-X. Li, G. Peris, J Planelles, F. Rajadell and J. Paldus
"Externally corrected singles and doubles coupled cluster methods for open-shell systems".
Journal of Chemical Physics 107 (1997) 90-98
51.- G. Peris, F. Rajadell, X. Li, J Planelles and J. Paldus
"Externally corrected singles and doubles coupled cluster methods for open-shell systems. II. Applications to the low lying doublet states of OH, NH2, CH3, and CN radicals".
Molecular Physics 94 (1998) 235-248.
52.- G. Peris, J Planelles, J.P. Malrieu, and J. Paldus
" Perturbatively selected CI as optimal source of CCSD corrections ".
Journal of Chemical Physics 110 (24) (1999) 11708- 11716
53.-J. Planelles, J. Karwowski and W. Jaskolski
"Adaptation of One-Electron Basis Sets to spatial confinement"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 73 (1999) 341-347
54.- W. Jaskólski, J. Planelles, G. Peris,
"Shape-generated blue-shift in the photoluminescence spectra of hemispherical nanocrystals"
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems And Nanostructures 4 (3) (1999) 176-179
55.- G. Peris, J.P. Malrieu, and J Planelles
" Comparing (SC)2CAS-SDCI and externally corrected CCSD methods ".
in "Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics" Vol. I, Alfonso Hernandez-Laguna , Jean Maruani, Roy McWeeny and Stephen Wilson Eds., Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht 2000. (ISBN 0-7923-5969-0) pp 73-85.
56.- J Planelles, G. Peris, and J. Paldus
" Reciprocal Adjustment of Approximate Coupled Cluster and Configuration Interaction Approaches".
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Volume 77 (2000) 693-703 .
57.- A. Matamala and J. Planelles
"An Algebraic Approach to the Asymmetric Rigid Rotor"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Volume 77 (2000) 704-709.
58.- J. Planelles
"Ladder operators and boundary conditions"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Volume 81 (2001) 141-147.
59.- W. Jaskólski, M. Bosek, M Bylicki and J. Planelles
"Resonance states of quantum dots with D0 centers in a magnetic field"
Vaccum, , 63 (2001) 185-190.
60.- J Planelles and G. Peris
" Externally corrected Linear Coupled Cluster Approach (ecLCCSD): application to excited states".
Journal of Molecular Structure (THEOCHEM), 547 (2001) 27-34.
61.- J Planelles
"Externally corrected Coupled Cluster Approach".
In Pandalai S.G. (Ed.) Recent Research Developments in Quantum Chemistry, vol. 2, p. 59-69.
Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum ,2001.
62.-F. Garcia Moliner and J. Planelles, (Editors)
"La Odisea de la Ciència"
Anuari-2001. Ed. ABC-UJI (2001).
63.- J. Planelles i Roque Serrano
"Informática Aplicada a la Química",
Col·lecció Universitas, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló), 2002. ISBN 84-8021-387-6.
64.- J. Planelles, J. Climente i J. Diaz
Col·lecció Ciències Experimentals, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló), 2002. ISBN 84-8021-393-0.
65.-J. Planelles ,W. Jaskólski, and I. Aliaga
"Energy structure of quantum rings in a magnetic field"
Phys. Rev. B 65 (2001) 333061-333064.
66.- W. Jaskólski, G.W. Bryant, J. Planelles, and M Zielinski
"Artificial molecules"
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 90 (2002) 1075-82.
67.-J. Planelles, J. Díaz, J. Climente and W. Jaskólski
"Semiconductor nanocrystals in a magnetic field"
Phys. Rev. B, 65 (2002) 245302.1-245302.7.
Selected for the June 10, 2002 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology: Volume 5, Issue 23, section: ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT.
68.- J. Planelles, J. Climente, J. Diaz and W. Jaskolski,
"Hole energy structure of multishell nanocrystals in a magnetic field",
J.Phys. Condens. Matter 14 (2002) 12537–12549
69.- J. Planelles
"La ciencia, un component important de la cultura moderna"
Lliçò inaugural del curs 2001/02 de la UJI, Memoria del curs 2000/2001 de la Universitat Jaume I.
Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) 2002. Dipòsit Legal CS-182-2002
70.- J. Planelles, and W. Jaskolski,
"kp Hamiltonians of quantum dots in a magnetic field",
J.Phys. Condens. Matter 15 (2003) L67–L75.
71.- J. Climente, J. Planelles, J. Díaz, W. Jaskolski and I Aliaga
" Magnetooptical transitions in multilayer semiconductor nanocrystals ",
J.Phys. Condens. Matter, 15 (2003) 3593-3606.
72.- J. Climente, J. Planelles and W. Jaskólski ,
"Magnetooptical transitions in nanoscopic rings ",
Phys. Rev. B 68, 075307 (2003).
Selected for the August 25, 2003 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
73.- J.L. Movilla, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Effects of a thin AlAs layer on InAs quantum dot electronic structure",
J. Applied Physics, 94, 4515 (2003).
Selected for the September 29, 2003 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
74.- J. Díaz, J. Planelles, W. Jaskólski, J. Aizpurua and G.W. Bryant
" Nanocrystal molecules and chains
Journal of Chemical Physics, 119, 7484 (2003)
Selected for the October 13, 2003 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
75.- J. Díaz, and J. Planelles
"Chains of artificial atoms in a magnetic field ",
J. Phys. Chem. B 108 (2004) 2873-79.
76.- J. Planelles and J. L. Movilla,
"Tunneling in chains of quantum dots",
J. Phys. Chem. B 108 (2004) 13287-13291.
77.- J. Díaz, J. Planelles, G. W. Bryant and J. Aizpurua
"Tight-Binding Method and Multiband Effective Mass Theory Applied to CdS Nanocrystals: Single-Particle Effects and Optical Spectra Fine Structure",
J. Phys. Chem. B, 108 (2004) 17800-17804.
78.- J.I. Climente , J. Planelles and J.L. Movilla,
" Magnetization of nanoscopic quantum rings and dots ",
Phys. Rev. B, 70 081301.1-081301.4 (2004).
Selected for the August 23, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
79.- J.G. Díaz, and J. Planelles
" Theoretical characterization of triangular CdS nanocrystals: a tight-binding approach",
Langmuir, 20, (2004) 11278-11284.
80.- J.L. Movilla, and J. Planelles
" Off-centering of hydrogenic impurities in quantum dots ",
Phys. Rev. B, 71 (2005) 075319.1-075319-7.
Selected for the March 7, 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology ( Volume 11, Issue 9).
81.- J. I. Climente, M. Korkusínski, P. Hawrylak, and J. Planelles,
"Voltage control of the magnetic properties of charged semiconductor quantum dots containing magnetic ions",
Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005) 125321.1-5.
Selected for the April 4, 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology ( Volume 11, Issue 13).
82.- J.I. Climente , J. Planelles and F. Rajadell,
"Energy structure and far-infrared spectroscopy of two electrons in a self-assembled quantum ring ",
J. Phys: Condens. Matt. 17 (2005) 1573-1582.
83.- J. Planelles and J. I. Climente
"Far-infrared absorption of self-assembled semiconductor rings ",
Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 70 (2005), 605-620.
84.- J.L. Movilla, and J. Planelles,
"Image charges in spherical quantum dots with an off-centered impurity: algorithm and numerical results ",
Comput. Phys. Comm. 170 (2005) 144–152. erratum
85.- J.L. Movilla, G. Garcia-Belmonte, J. Bisquert and J. Planelles,
"Calculation of the electronic density-of-states induced by impurities in TiO2 quantum dots",
Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 153313_1-4.
86.- J.I. Climente and J. Planelles,
"Far-Infrared Absorption of Vertically Coupled Self-Assembled Quantum Rings",
Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 155322_1-5.
Selected for the November 7, 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (Volume 12, Issue 19).
87.- J. Planelles and J.I. Climente,
"Semiconductor concentric double rings in a magnetic field ",
Europhys. B 48 (2005) 65-70.
88.- J.I. Climente, J. Planelles, M. Pi, and F. Malet
"Magnetic field dependence of hole levels in self-assembled InAs quantum dots",
Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 233305_1-4.
89.- J.L. Movilla, J. Planelles and W. Jaskólski,
"From independent particles to Wigner localization in quantum dots: the effect of dielectric environment",
Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 035305_1-4.
Selected for the January 23, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (Volume 13, Issue 3).
90.- J. Planelles, J.I. Climente and J.L. Movilla,
"Aharonov-Bohm effect for pedestrian",
in "Symmetry, Spectroscopy and SCHUR", Proceedings of the Prof. Brian G. Wybourne Commemorative Meeting, Torun 12-14, June 2005,
Eds.: R.C. King, M. Bylicki and J. Karwowski, N. Copernicus Univ. Press, Torun 2006, pp. pp.223-230 (ISBN 83-231-1901-5). Also in arXiv:cond-mat/0506691
91.- J. Planelles and M. Royo,
"Magnetic field control of ground state transition from delocalized to localized electronic density in anti-ring superlattices" ,
Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 113306_1-4.
Selected for the March 20, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (Volume 13, Issue 11).
92.- F. Malet, M. Barranco, E. Lipparini, R. Mayol, M. Pi, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles,
"Vertically coupled double quantum rings at zero magnetic field",
Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 245324.1-7 (cond-mat/0603040).
Selected for the July 4, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (Volume 14, Issue 1).
93.- J.I. Climente, J. Planelles, M. Barranco, F. Malet, M. Pi,
"Electronic structure of few-electron concentric double quantum rings",
Phys. Rev. B, 73 (2006) 235327.1-6 (cond-mat/0603588).
Selected for the June 26, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (Volume 13, Issue 25).
94.- J. Planelles and J.L. Movilla,
"Trapping electrons in semiconductor air bubbles: A theoretical approach",
Phys.Rev. B, 73 (2006) 235350.1-4.
Selected for the July 11, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (Volume 14, Issue 2).
95.- J. Planelles, J.I. Climente and F.Rajadell,
"Quantum rings in Tilted Magnetic Fields",
Physica E, 33 (2006) 370-375.
96.- E. Lipparini, M. Barranco, F. Malet, R. Mayol, M. Pi, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles,
"Vertically quantum ring molecules",
in "Science and Supercomputing in Europe (report 2005)", P. Alberigo, G. Erbacci and F. Garofalo Eds., CINECA, Bologna 2006 .
97.- J.L. Movilla, and J. Planelles
"Dielectric mismatch effects in two-electron zero-dimensional nanosystems ",
Phys. Rev. B, 74 (2006) 125322.1-9
98.- M. Pi, M. Royo and J. Planelles
"A consistent extension of LSDA to account for quantum dots mass and dielectric mismatches",
J. Applied Physics, 100 (2006) 073712.1-6.
99.- F. Malet, M. Pi, R. Mayol, M. Barranco, E. Lipparini, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles,
"Vertically homonuclear quantum ring molecules",
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 3 (2006) 3652-3655.
100.- M. Royo, J. Planelles and M. Pi
"Effective mass and dielectric constant mismatch effects in spherical multishell quantum dots"
Phys. Rev. B, 75 (2007) 033302.1-4.
101.- F. Rajadell, J. Planelles y J.I. Climente,
"Cálculo del tensor de deformaciones en inclusiones"
Revista Española Física 1 (2007) 8-11.
102.- J. L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Dielectric confinement in quantum dots"
in "Computer Physics Research Trends", Silvan J. Bianco Editor, Nova Science Publisher, Inc. NewYork 2007.
103.- J.L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Far-infrared response of spherical quantum dots: dielectric effects and the generalized Kohn's theorem"
Phys. Rev. B, 75 (2007) 195336.1-6.
104.- J. Planelles, F. Rajadell, J.I. Climente, M. Royo and J.L. Movilla
"Electronic states of laterally coupled quantum rings"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 61 (2007) 936-941.
105.- J. Planelles, F. Rajadell and J.I. Climente
" Electron states in quantum rings with structural distortions under axial or in-plane magnetic fields"
Nanotechnology, 18 (2007) 375402.1-11.
106.- F. Rajadell, J.L. Movilla, M. Royo and J. Planelles
"Theory of dielectrically induced surface excitonic states in spherical quantum dots"
Phys. Rev. B, 76 (2007) 115312_1-5.
107.- J. Planelles, M. Royo and M. Pi
"Non-parabolicity and dielectric effects on addition energy spectra of spherical nanocrystals"
J. Applied Physics, 102 (2007) 094304.1-6.
108.- J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Nanoscopic semiconductor quantum Rings"
Contributions to Science, 3 (2007) 447-457.
109.- J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Characteristic molecular properties of one-electron double quantum rings under magnetic fields"
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 035212.1-8
110.- L. Movilla, F. Rajadell and J. Planelles
"Delocalized image surface states in defects free SiO2 hollow nanospheres"
J. Appl. Phys., 103 (2008) 014310.1-8.
111.- J. Planelles, F. Rajadell and M. Royo
"Dielectric control of spin in semiconductor spherical quantum dots"
J. Appl. Phys, 104 (2008) 014313.1-4.
112.- M. Royo, F. Malet, M. Barranco, M Pi and J. Planelles
"Isospin phases of vertically coupled double quantum rings under the influence of perpendicular magnetic fields"
Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 165308.1-9.
113.-J. Planelles
"Noves notes de Química Quàntica"
Col·lecció Sapienta , Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) 2009, ISBN 978-84-691-8477-6.
114.- J.I. Climente, M. Royo, J.L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Strong Configuration mixing due to dielectric confinement in semiconductor nanorods"
Phys. Rev. B (R), 79 (2009) 161301.1-4.
115.- J. Planelles, J.I. Climente, M. Royo and J.L. Movilla
"Correlation in narrow nanorods: a variational potential-configurarion interaction scheme"
J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 21 (2009) 215801.1-5
116.- J.L. Movilla, A. Ballester and J. Planelles
"Coupled Donors in Quantum Dots: Quantum Size and Dielectric Mismatch Effects"
Phys. Rev. B, 79 (2009) 195319.1-6.
117.- F. Rajadell, J.I. Climente, J. Planelles and A. Bertoni
"Excitons, biexcitons and trions in CdSe nanorods"
J. Phys. Chem C, 113 (2009) 11268-72.
118.- J. Planelles, M. Royo, A. Ballester and M. Pi
"From quantum dots to quantum wires: electronic structure of semiconductor nanorods"
Phys. Rev. B, 80 (2009) 045324.1-5.
119.- J.I. Climente, J. Planelles and F. Rajadell
"Temperature dependence of the spectral band shape of CdSe nanodots and nanorods"
Phys. Rev. B, 80 (2009) 205312.1-5 .
120.- J.L. Movilla, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Dielectric polarization in axially-symmetric nanostructures: A computational approach"
Comput. Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 92-98.
121.- J. Planelles, F. Rajadell and J.I. Climente
"Hole Band Mixing in CdS and CdSe Quantum Dots and Quantum Rods"
J. Phys. Chem C, 114 (2010) 8337-42
122.- J. M. Badía, M. Castillo, J.I. Climente, M. Marqués, R. Mayo, J.L. Movilla, J. Planelles and E. S. Quintana-Ortí
"Solving Large-Scale Linear Systems on Clusters using Secondary Storage"
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2010, p. 133-141.
123.-J. Planelles
"Problemes de Química Quàntica"
Col·lecció Sapienta , Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) 2010, ISBN 978-84-693-4124-7.
124.- A. Ballester, J.M. Escartin, J.L. Movilla, M. Pi and J. Planelles
"Mixed Correlation Phases in Elongated Quantum Dots"
Phys. Rev. B, 82 (2010) 115405.1-8
125.- J.L. Movilla, M. Pi and J. Planelles
"Dielectric confinement in quantum dots of arbritrary shape within the local spin density approximation: diluted regimes in elongated quantum dots"
J. Appl. Phys. 108 (2010) 064311.1-5.
126.-J. Planelles, R. Serrano i J.L. Movilla
"Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Computación aplicadas a la Química"
Col·lecció Sapienta, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) 2010, ISBN: 978-84-693-0995-7.
127.- J. Planelles, J.I. Climente and F. Rajadell, M.F. Doty, A.S. Bracker and D. Gammon,
"Effect of strain and variable mass on the formation of antibonding hole ground states in InAs quantum dot molecules"
Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 155307.1-8.
128.- J. M. Badía, J.L. Movilla, J.I. Climente, M. Castillo, M. Marqués, R. Mayo, E. S. Quintana-Ortí and J. Planelles
"Large-Scale Linear Systems Solver using Secondary Storage: Self-energy in hybrid nanostructures"
Comput Phys. Comm. 182 (2011) 533-539.
129.- M. Royo, J.I. Climente, J.L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Dielectric confinement of excitons in type-I and type-II semiconductor nanorods"
J. Phys:Condens. Matt. 23 (2011) 015301.1-8 ( arXiv:1011.6177v1 )
130.- J.L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Two-dimensional Bloch electrons under strong magnetic modulation"
Phys. Rev B 83 (2011) 014410.1-6
131.- J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Enhancement of the light hole character in semiconductor quantum rings"
Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics" (Special issue, V. Fomin Ed.), 6 (2011) 81-86.
132.- J. M. Badía, J.L. Movilla, J.I. Climente, M. Castillo, M. Marqués, R. Mayo, E. S. Quintana-Ortí and J. Planelles
"A parallel solver for huge dense linear systems"
Comput Phys. Comm. 182 (2011) 2441-2442.
133.- J.I. Climente, J.L. Movilla, G. Goldoni and J. Planelles
"The excitonic resonance in semiconductor-metal nano-hybrids"
J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011) 15868-15874.
134.-J.L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Quantum level engineering for Aharonov-Bohm caging in the presence of electron-electron interactions"
Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 195110.1-7.
135.- M. Royo, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Emission spectrum of quasi-resonant laterally coupled quantum dots"
Phys Rev. B 84 (2011) 235312.1-7
136.- F. Rajadell, M. Royo and J. Planelles
"Strain in free standing CdSe/CdS core-shell nanorods"
J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 014303.1-5.
137.-J.I. Climente, J.L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Auger Recombination in Core/Shell Nanocrystals:The Role of Asymmetric Electron-Hole Confinement"
Small, 8 (2012) 754-759.
138.-J.I. Climente, J.L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Effect of interface alloying and band-alignment on the Auger recombination of heteronanocrystals"
J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 043509.1-5
139.-C. Segarra, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Valence band mixing of cubic GaN/AlN quantum dots"
J. Phys: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 11580.1-8.
140.-J.L. Movilla and J. Planelles
"Magnetic modulation of the tunnelling between defect states in antidot superlattices"
J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 24 (2012) 275301.1-6.
Corrigendum: J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 (2013) 359501.
141.-A. Ballester, J.L. Movilla, J.M. Escartin, M. Pi and J. Planelles
"Configuration Interaction approach to Fermi liquid - Wigner crystal mixed phases in semiconductor nanodumbbells"
J. Appl. Phys., 112 (2012) 024311.1-5
142.-A. Ballester, J. Planelles and A. Bertoni
"Multiple-particle states of semiconductor hexagonal rings: Artificial benzene"
J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012) 104317.1-9.
143.- J. Planelles, J.I. Climente and C. Segarra
"Electron Spin Relaxation in 3D Quantum Dots: Generalized Effect of Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Interaction"
J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (2012) 25143-6.
144.- C. Segarra, J. Planelles and J.I. Climente
"Hole mixing in semiconductor quantum rings"
Chap. 17 in "Physics of Quantum Rings" Vladimir Fomin Ed., Springer 2013, (ISBN 978-3-642-39196-5)
145.- J.I. Climente, C. Segarra and J. Planelles
"Spin-orbit induced hole spin relaxation in InAs and GaAs quantum dots"
New J. Phys., 15 (2013) 093009.1-21 (arXiv 1301.4381)
146.- F. Rajadell, J. I. Climente, and J. Planelles
"Large spin anticrossings in p-doped InAs/GaAs double quantum dots"
Appl. Phys. Lett., 103 (2013) 132105.1-4 arxiu_uji
147.- J. Planelles and J.I. Climente
"Magnetic field implementation in multiband k·p Hamiltonians of holes in semiconductor heterostructures"
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 25 (2013) 485801.1-6 (arXiv 1303.6538) arxiu_uji
148.- A. Ballester, C. Segarra, A. Bertoni and J. Planelles
"Suppression of the Aharonov-Bohm effect in six-electron hexagonal quantum rings" preprint
Eur. Phys. Lett., 104 (2013) 67004.1-6
149.- J. Planelles and J.I. Climente
"The Role of Alternance Symmetry in Magnetoconductance"
Phys. Rev. B 89 (2014) 155428.1-7. arXiv:1404.4254v1
150.- J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Exciton storage in type-II quantum dots using the optical Aharonov-Bohm effect"
Appl. Phys. Lett., 104 (2014) 193101.1-4. arxiu_uji
151.- C. Segarra, J. Planelles and J.I. Climente
"Control of electron spin-orbit anisotropy in pyramidal InAs quantum dots"
Phys. E 66(2015)234-237 arxiu_uji
152.- J. Planelles
"Antibonding Hole Ground State in InAs Quantum Dot Molecules"
AIP Conf. Proc. 1642 (2015) 182-4.
153.- A. W. Achtstein, A. Ballester, J. L. Movilla, J. Hennig, J. I. Climente, A. Prudnikau, A. Antanovich, R. Scott, M. V. Artemyev, J. Planelles, and U. Woggon
"One and Two-Photon Absorption in CdS Nanodots and Wires: The Role of Dimensionality in the One and Two-Photon Luminescence Excitation Spectrum"
J.Phys. Chem. C 119 (2015) 1260-1267.
154.- C. Segarra, J. Planelles, J.I. Climente and F. Rajadell
"Anisotropy of spin-orbit induced electron spin relaxation in [001] and [111] grown GaAs quantum dots"
New J. Phys., 17 (2015) 033014.1-11. (arXiv:1409.2392)
155.- M. Royo, C. Segarra, A. Bertoni, G. Goldoni and J. Planelles
"Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and electron gas transitions in hexagonal core-shell nanowires with an axial magnetic field"
Phys. Rev. B, 91 (2015) 115440.1-9. (ArXiv:1501.06694)
156.- S. Christodoulou, F. Rajadell, A. Casu, G. Vaccaro, J. Grim, A. Genovese, L. Manna, J.I. Climente, F. Meinardi, G. Raino, T. Stoferle, R. F. Mahrt, J. Planelles, S. Brovelli, and I. Moreels
"Band structure engineering via piezoelectric fields in strained anisotropic CdSe/CdS nanocrystals"
Nature Communications, 6 (2015) 7905.
doi: 10.1038/ncomms8905 (2015)
157.- J. Planelles, F. Rajadell and J.I. Climente
"Symmetry Induced Hole-Spin Mixing in Quantum Dot Molecules"
Phys. Rev. B 92, 041302.1-6(R) (2015). (arXiv:1505.06009)
158.- C. Segarra, J.I. Climente, F. Rajadell and J. Planelles
"Hole spin relaxation in InAs/GaAs quantum dot molecules"
J.Phys.Condens. Matt., 27 (2015) 415301.1-8. arxiu_uji
159.- C. Segarra, J. Planelles and S. Ulloa
"Edge states in dichalcogenide nanoribbons and triangular quantum dots"
Phys. Rev. B 93, 085312.1-6 (2016). (arXiv:1511.00866)
160.- J.I. Climente, C. Segarra, F. Rajadell and J. Planelles
"Theory of electrons, holes and excitons in GaAs polytype quantum dot"
J. Appl. Phys. 119 (2016) 125705.1-10. (arXiv:1512.03646)
161.- C. Segarra, J.I. Climente, A. Polovitsyn, F. Rajadell, I. Moreels and J. Planelles
"Piezoelectric control of the exciton wave function in colloidal CdSe/CdS nanocrystals"
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 7 (2016), 2182-2188.
162.- J. Planelles, F. Rajadell and J.I. Climente,
"Electronic Origin of Linearly Polarized Emission in CdSe/CdS Dot-in-Rod Heterostructures"
J. Phys. Chem. C, 120 (2016) 27724-27730 (arXiv: 1611.00973)
163.- C. Segarra, F. Rajadell, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (2017) 6386-6392. (preprint) (supplemetary material)
164.- J. Planelles
"Simple correlated wave-functions for excitons in 0D, quasi-1D and quasi-2D quantum dots"
Theor Chem Acc, 136 (2017) 81.1-16.
165.- F. Rajadell, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles
"Excitons in core-only, core-shell and core-crown CdSe nanoplatelets:interplay between in-plane electron-hole correlation, spatial and dielectric confinement"
Phys. Rev. B 96 (2017) 035307.1-10. (arXiv:1707.02092v2)
166.- J. Paldus and J.Planelles
Valence bond approach and Verma bases
J Math Chem 56 (2018) 1595-1630 full-text view-only version
167.- C. Segarra, J.Planelles and J.I. Climente
"Magnetic field dependence of edge states in MoS2 quantum dots"
in Chapter 17 of "Physics of Quantum Rings" (Springer, ed.V. Fomin), 2nd edition also available at arXiv:1707.09457
168.- J.Planelles
"A brief note in the form of a decalogue about Berry phase, Chern number, curvature, topological Hamiltonians and much more ... an outline for beginners"
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13602.73923
169.- J. Planelles, A. Achtstein, R. Scott, N. Owschimikow, J.I. Climente
"Tuning intraband and interband transition rates via excitonic correlation in low-dimensional semiconductors"
ACS Photonics, 5 (2018) 3680-88 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00689 see also (arXiv:1806.00595)
170.- S. Christodoulou, J.I. Climente, J. Planelles, R. Brescia, M. Prato, B. Martin-Garcia, A. Khan, I. Moreels
"Chloride-Induced Thickness Increase in the Colloidal Synthesis of CdSe Nanoplatelets"
Nano Letters, 18 (2018) 6248-6254 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b02361
171.- A. Polovitsyn, A.H. Khan, I. Angeloni, J.Q. Grim, J. Planelles, J. I. Climente and I. Moreels
"Synthesis of Anisotropic CdSe/CdS Dot-in-Giant-Rod Nanocrystals with Persistent Blue Shifted Biexciton Emission"
ACS Photonics, 5 (2018) 4561-4568 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01028
172.- J. Llusar, J. Planelles, and J. I. Climente
"Strain in Lattice Mismatched CdSe-Based core/Shell Nanoplatelets" preprint
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 21299-21306.
173.- S. Masi , C. Echeverría-Arrondo , S. Muhammed , T. Ngo , P. Méndez , E. López-Fraguas , D. Macias-Pinilla , J. Planelles , J. Climente and I. Mora-Seró
"Chemi-structural stabilization of formamidinium lead iodide perovskite by using embedded quantum dots for high-performance solar cells"
ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 418-427 DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.9b02450 Alternativament pots mirar el Preprint
174.- A. Khan, G. Bertrand, A. Teitelboim, A. Polovitsyn, J. Planelles, J.I. Climente, D. Oron, and I. Moreels
"CdSe/CdS/CdTe Core/Barrier/Crown Nanoplatelets: Synthesis, Optoelectronic Properties and Multi-Photon Fluorescence Upconversion"
ACS Nano, 14 (2020) 4206-4215 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b09147
175.- J. Movilla, J. Planelles and J.I. Climente
"Dielectric Confinement Enables Molecular Coupling in Stacked Colloidal Nanoplatelets" (arXiv:1912.04182)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (2020) 3294-3300 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00855176.- Steinmetz, Violette; Climente, Juan; Pandya, Raj; Planelles, Josep; Margaillan, Florent; Puttisong, Yuttapoom; Dufour, Marion; Ithurria, Sandrine; Sharma, Ashish; Lakhwani, Girish; Legrand, Laurent; Bernardot, Frédérick; Testelin, Christophe; Chamarro, Maria; Chin, Alex; Rao, Akshay; Barisien, Thierry
"Emission State Structure and Linewidth Broadening Mechanisms in Type-II CdSe/CdTe Core-Crown Nanoplatelets: A Combined Theoretical - Single Nanocrystal Optical Study"
J. Phys Chem. C 124 (2020) 17352-17363 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c04547 Alternativament pots mirar el Preprint
177.- J. Planelles
"Vídeo-curs de Química Quàntica"
Recursos Educatius de Química Repositori Universitat Jaume I: Química Quàntica Vídeo-curs
178.- J. Planelles
"Vídeo-curs d'Informàtica Aplicada a la Química"
Recursos Educatius de Química Repositori Universitat Jaume I: Informàtica Aplicada a la Química Vídeo-curs
179.- J. Planelles and J.I. Climente,
"A simple variational quantum Monte Carlo-effective mass approach for excitons and trions in quantum dots"
Computer Physics Communications 261 (2021) 107782.1-8 ArXiv (arXiv:2009.09662)
180.- D. Macias-Pinilla, C. Echeverría-Arrondo, A.F. Gualdrón Reyes, S. Agouram, V. Munoz-Sanjose, J.Planelles, I. Mora-Seró, J. Climente,
"Morphology and band structure of orthorhombic PbS nanoplatelets: an indirect band gap material"
Chemistry of Materials, 33 (2021) 420-429
181.- J.Planelles,
"The kp model: a short overview for beginners (lecture notes)"
Reserch Gate 10.13140/RG.2.2.31685.58082
182.- D. Macias-Pinilla, J.Planelles, I. Mora-Seró and J. Climente,
"Comparison between trion and exciton electronic properties in CdSe and PbS nanoplatelets"
J. Phys. Chem. C 125 (2021) 15614-15622. També en arXiv: arXiv:2105.01987
183.- J.Planelles,
"Axion Electrodynamics in Topological Insulators for beginners (lecture notes)"
Reserch Gate DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22785.17761/1
184.- C. Dabard, J. Planelles, H. Po, E. Izquierdo, L. Makke, Ch. Gréboval, N. Moghaddam, A Khalili, T. Dang, A. Chu, S. Pierini, C. Abadie, M. Cavallo, E. Bossavit, X-Z. Xu, Ph. Hollander, M. Silly, E. Lhuillier, J-I. Climente and S. Ithurria,
"Optimized cation exchange for mercury chalcogenides 2D nanoplatelets and its application for alloys"
Chem. Matter. 33 (2021) 9252 (doi:
185.- J.Planelles,
"Must be the wave function single-valued? Ring vs. periodic boundary conditions, spinors and double rotations"
ChemRxiv: Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage; 2022
Research Gate: publication/357579626
186.- D Macias-Pinilla, J.Planelles and J.I. Climente,
"Biexcitons in CdSe Nanoplatelets: Geometry, Binding Energy and Radiative Rate"
Nanoscale, 14 (2022) 8493-8500. DOI
187.- J.Planelles, J.L. Movilla and J.I. Climente,
"The topological magnetoelectric effect in semiconductor nanostructures: quantum wells, wires, dots and rings"
Phys. Rev. Research, 5 (2023) 023119 També en arXiv: 2212.13427
188.- J.L. Movilla, J.I. Climente and J. Planelles,
"Generalized method of image dyons for quasi-two dimensional slabs with ordinary - topological insulator interfaces"
Comput Phys Comm. 291(2023) 108826 També en ArXiv 2302.05180
189.- Frenkel, Nadav; Scharf, Einav; Lubin, Gur; Levi, Adar; Panfil, Yossef; Ossia, Yonatan; Planelles, Josep; Climente, Juan; Banin, Uri; Oron, Dan,
"Two Biexciton Types Coexisting in Coupled Quantum Dot Molecules"
ACS Nano,17 (2023) 14990-15000 També en ArXiv 2305.11027
190.- A. Alo, L.W.T. Barros, G. Nagamine, J. Planelles, J.L. Movilla, J.I. Climente, H.J.Lee, W.K. Bae, and L.A. Padilha,
"Beyond the Universal Volume Scaling: Tailoring Two-Photon Absorption in Nanomaterials by Heterostructure Design"
Nano Lett. 2023, 23 (15), 7180-7187
191.- J.L. Movilla, J. Planelles, J.I. Climente,
"Excitons in metal halide perovskite nanoplatelets: an effective mass description of polaronic, dielectric and quantum confinement effects"
Nanoscale Adv. 5 (2023), 6093, ... correction
Supplementary material Wolfram Notebook Archive
192.- J.I. Climente, J.L. Movilla, J. Planelles,
" The Electronic Structure of Biexcitons in Metal Halide Perovskite Nanoplatelets"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15 (2024) 7379-7386
193.- J.I. Climente, J.L. Movilla, J. Planelles,
"Electronic Structure of Trions in Layered Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites "
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128 (2024) 17563-17571.
194.- J.L. Movilla, J. Planelles, and J.I. Climente
"Binding energy of Trions and biexcitions CsPbBr3 nanocrystals "
submitted Novembre 8. Arxiv 2411.09526