On going projects

Smartphone-based indoor positioning

Non-funded project whose main aim is to develop a working indoor positioning system, android applications (update map-based and augmented-reality existing ones) and improve indoor location in many alternative ways.

A-WEAR - A network for dynamic WEarable Applications with pRivacy constraints (MSCA-EJD)

GEOTEC is one of three partners organising the Joint Doctorate "A-WEAR - A network for dynamic WEarable Applications with pRivacy constraints (MSCA-EJD)", funded under the EU Marie Curie International Training Networks (ITN) program, European Joint Doctorates (EJD). GEO-C aims to contribute methods and tools to realise smart and open cities, in which all groups of society can participate on all levels and benefit in many ways. Complementary strands of research in GEO-C (participation, data analysis & fusion, services) will lead to an improved understanding of how to build open cities and will produce a prototypical open city toolkit. With a budget of over 3,5 million EURO, Geo-C provides 15 Phd students (5 in Spain, 5 in Portugal, 5 in Germany) the opportunity to do research and advance the state of the art in smart and open cities. The duration of the project is January 1 2019 until December 31 2022. For more information, please visit the A-Wear dedicated website.

GEO-C - Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics: Enabling Open Cities

GEOTEC is one of three partners organising the Joint Doctorate "Geoinformatics: Enabling Open Cities (GEO-C)", funded under the EU Marie Curie International Training Networks (ITN) program, European Joint Doctorates (EJD). GEO-C aims to contribute methods and tools to realise smart and open cities, in which all groups of society can participate on all levels and benefit in many ways. Complementary strands of research in GEO-C (participation, data analysis & fusion, services) will lead to an improved understanding of how to build open cities and will produce a prototypical open city toolkit. With a budget of over 3,5 million EURO, Geo-C provides 15 Phd students (5 in Spain, 5 in Portugal, 5 in Germany) the opportunity to do research and advance the state of the art in smart and open cities. The duration of the project is January 1 2015 until December 31 2018. For more information, please visit the GEO-C dedicated website.

The goal of the topic "ESR10: Predictive analytics - human mobility patterns investigation from social networks" is to investigate the possible integration of different sources of data related with urban mobility allowing a better understanding on urban environment dynamics. From the use of predictive analytics analyses on these datasets it is possible to extract social and community intelligence and model urban environment allowing the improve of urban transportation planning. Geospatial data mining tools will be used to define spatial-temporal clusters of similar urban mobility, which will then allow the integration of information coming from different sources. This PhD research will investigate (1) how new data available in the cities can be exploited to understand mobility and location patterns in cities, (2) if different cities share similarities in terms of mobility and location patterns and (3) how to enhance urban transportation models, by integrating the social network data with other sources of information. This topic is supervised by Prof. Roberto Henriques. Joaquín Torres-Sospedra is the co-supervisor for the external semester that will take place in Spain.

IPIN Competition (formerly known as EvAAL Competition)

EvAAL aims at establishing benchmarks and evaluation metrics for comparing Ambient Assisted Living solutions. EvAAL stands for "evaluating AAL systems through competitive benchmarking". Since 2011 they have organised international competitions on indoor localization and indoor activity recognition. In 2016 and 2017 they lent their experience to the organization of IPIN Competition.

Our contribution to this competition is the organization of the third track "Smartphone-based (off-site)" where participants have to compete in the same environment using the same data provided as datatsets.

EvAAL Website

REPNIN: Spanish Network of Excelence in Indoor Positioning and Navigation.

The network REPNIN integrated the efforts in research and technological development related to Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) and Intelligent Environments (IE) carried out in Spain. The aim is to promote the collaboration among all the research team, boost international relations, and to fire the technolofical transfer to the industry. Challenges to address include, but are not limited to: the study of different technologies, development of fusion algoriths, development of perception strategies, support decision-make, task management, legal and ethical issues, among many other. This network has been recently extended forming the REPNIN+ netwotk.  


Advanced methodologies for the design, development, evaluation and integration of indoor location algorithms

Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness. One of its objectives is the developement of the IndoorLocPlatform, which is an open platform for the development, implementation, evaluation and comparison or different methods and strategies for indoor positioning and navigation.

Platform website

Past projects

ILDUM: Indoor Localization Demonstrator in a University caMpus.

ILDUM's main objective was a research/tranfer project to develop a mobile application that would drive the library users in the building and be an interface to the services provided, such as the book finder. Advanced indoor positioning techniques were developed to enhance our pedestrian navigation system. The application is to be released to the Android Play Store during Septembet 2018.

ENABLE: Educational Advancement of ICT-based spatial Literacy in Europe

ENAbLE was a 3 year EU Erasmus+ project, in which GEOTEC cooperates with the University of Munster (Germany) and the University of Aveiro (Portugal) to improve ICT and spatial literacy skills in secondary schools. GEOTEC was responsible for the development of a mobile game called NavApps, which was a geogame that aimed to improve spatial literacy of secondary school students through gamification and indoor positioning.

Monitorización en el hogar de pacientes con depresión mediante sistemas de localización en interiores no invasivos.

The main objective of this project was to improve the knowledge we have about behavioral factors which chronicle depression. Specifically, we focused on improving our knowledge about patient's activity and behavior that they have in their own homes. One of the pillars of this project was the development of an indoor geolocation device that captures the patient's behavior. This system was relied on a web management system, which allowed the professional to: 1) receive therapeutic alarms and 2) identify in real-time the behavioural patterns that chronicle the depression in each patient


Smart Ways was a 3-year (2014-2016) funded project by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Retos colaboración 2014), for developing an innovative platform aimed at promoting sustainable mobility, which will satisfy the deficiencies in the field of transport. The project will offer a parking and lighting management following the Internet of Thing paradigm. It is a pilot project in Castellon with parking and lighting sensors and apps development for guiding vehicles to find free parking spaces. It also foresees the management of the blue parking zone (paid parking), including the possibility of an option for online payment.

SmartCampus: SmartLibrary

Based on ESRI technologies, the Virtual Smart Campus UJI is a map-based view of interior and/or exterior assets on the university campus that enables employees, students and visitors to locate an area of interest and review information stored in the human resources and facilities management database. It also allows employees and visitors to deliver a web-based service request or booking spaces applications and integrate other existing services like the monitoring of energy consumptions or solid wastes management. Visit SmartUJI, click here.

Perception (Perception: Interacción Hombre-Máquina)

Development of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) systems which process the information surrounding individuals, analyze the data and return the suitable information to these individuals (Plan Avanza2 Ministerio de Industria). This project includes indoor positioning and navigation, augmented reality, QR codes, speech recognition among other state-of-the art topics in HCI.


Desarrollo de un prototipo para la interoperabilidad de guías médicas con sistemas de registro electrónico de pacientes

MANIFA: Mapeado autónomo y navegación distribuida para la realización de tareas de mantenimiento en fincas agricolas

Localización selectiva de malas hierbas para un desbroce ecológico

RETA: Sistema coordinador de robots empotrados en un ambiente inteligente para tareas de asistencia

Análisis y desarrollo de métodos de diseño de conjuntos de redes neuornales

MAPACI: Modelado y clasificación automática de patrones de voz patológica para su aplicación clínica sobre internet