Óscar Belmonte Fernández.
Languages and Systems Department. New Imaging Technologies Institute.
Office: TI-1202.
e-mail: oscar.belmonte@uji.es
Web page: www3.uji.es/~belfern
Office phone: 964 728 315.
Office hours:
You are going to know how to develop Rich Web Applications.
I shall present you a whole stack to develop Web Applications:
We are going to use the same programming language for both sides javascript.
Software Engineering.
Geographic Information Systems.
3 ECTS credits = 75 h. (30 class + 45 exercises, project, study).
Developing the client side:
I shall present you lots of code, and you will it try immediately.
<div class="starter-template">
<h1>This is my first web page</h1>
<p>Hello {{myController.you}}. Today is {{myController.date()}}</p>
<table class="table table-hover">
<tr ng-repeat="contact in myController.data">
Your are going to use lots of development tools...
Even more development tools...
Two assessment possibilities:
In any case, you are going to develop your project in two groups.
You will present your project in the last session.
The final mark will consist of three parts:
Part | Percentage |
My review of the code | 80% |
Presentation, my assessment | 10% |
Presentation, your classmates assessments | 10% |
The final mark will be the same for all members of the group.
Books for the basic bibliography:
Web sites:
You can find all examples of the codes at my github
Also, you can find the source code for my presentations here.
Fell free to clone both!!!