Óscar Belmonte Fernández


I am an Associate Professor at Computer Languages and Systems Department at Jaume I University in Castellón de la Plana. Spain.

I hold a PhD degree in Physics by the University of Valencia.


My current fields of interest include Machine Learning, Indoor Positioning and Navigation and Sensor Networks & the Internet of Things.

I am a co-head of the Rearch Group on Machine Learning for Smart Environments (GIANT).

I am a co-head of the Cuatroochenta chair of Artificial Intelligence, Health and Wellbeing.

I am a member of the Instite of New Imaging Technologies.

I am a senior research fellow at ValgrAI.

You can check my list of publications at Google Scholar.


I teach some courses in the Informatics Engineering Degree, and in the Masters' Degree on Geo-Spatial Technologies.

These are the degree courses I teach

This is the under-degree course I teach:

  • Metodología y Documentación Científica.

You can check my office hours at the web page of my department.

Here you can get my best dowloaded book about Java (spanish only) and the examples code.


I am a member of the Robotme which aims at disseminating programming and robotics for all interested people.

In collaboration with Juan José Girón we also maintain a blog about technology for kids Tallers de tecnología (valencian and spanish).

In case you were curious, this is my old web page (spanish only).


Office: TI1202. Computer Languages and Systems Department. Jaume I University. Castellón de la Plana. Castellón. Spain.

+34 964 728 315



