I hold a PhD degree in Physics by the University of Valencia.
I am a co-head of the Rearch Group on Machine Learning for Smart Environments (GIANT).
I am a co-head of the Cuatroochenta chair of Artificial Intelligence, Health and Wellbeing.
I am a member of the Instite of New Imaging Technologies.
I am a senior research fellow at ValgrAI.
You can check my list of publications at Google Scholar.
These are the degree courses I teach
This is the under-degree course I teach:
You can check my office hours at the web page of my department.
Here you can get my best dowloaded book about Java (spanish only) and the examples code.
I am a member of the Robotme which aims at disseminating programming and robotics for all interested people.
In collaboration with Juan José Girón we also maintain a blog about technology for kids Tallers de tecnología (valencian and spanish).
In case you were curious, this is my old web page (spanish only).
Office: TI1202. Computer Languages and Systems Department. Jaume I University. Castellón de la Plana. Castellón. Spain.
+34 964 728 315