ZModeler Basics


ZModeler has the screen divided into 4 parts. You can select within several views in each part: Front, Back, Right, Left, Top, Bottom, UVMapper, User View and 3D view.
To change the view, right click on the button on the top left in each view and select the desired view from the list.
You can change the size of the views moving the split bars. There is only 1 active view at time (blue border) and you can make it full screen by pressing “F” in your keyboard.

In ZModeler the meshes are made by faces. A face has 3 verts that are connected by an edge. Contiguous polygons (faces) can share vertices. Each vertex has a normal assigned to it (a normal is a green line and it defines how light is reflected).

You can make modifications in ZModeler in different levels: vertex, edges, faces and objects. To change between these levels you can click on the tool bar or press 1, 2, 3 or 4 respectively on your keyboard.

This button is to create and modify splines.

These buttons are to open a new blank document, to load an existent z3d file, to save the current file ant the last two to import and export a file.

To make modifications at vertex, edges or faces level you must get inside one object. To do this first switch to objects level and click on the desired object. Now switch to vertex, edges or faces level to make the modifications.
If you want to make modifications at vertex, edges or faces level in two or more objects, you have to select the objects on objects level, activate the SEL mode. After that, switch to the desired level (vertex, edges or faces) and click on the selection. Finally you can make the modifications in the selected objects (this is very useful to adjust the normals, map…)

An object, face, edge or vertex has 4 states in ZModeler:

Working with the views
You have 9 views in ZModeler and all of them are very useful. You can make modifications in one view at time (in the active view), but you can see the modifications in the other views at the same time. For example you can move a vertex in front view and see it in 3D view.

To change the view and set up the options of each view (for example enable or disable the wireframe, enable flat shading…) click on the small square on the top left in the desired view. These options are self-explanatory, so practice with them.

Lets see the most important about the views:

Moreover you can see the active view full screen by pressing “F” on your keyboard.

Objects Box

In this box are all the objects of your z3d file. To make some modifications to the properties of the objects just right click on the desired object an a menu will appear. The most important tools in this menu are: Order -> Move Up or Move Down, Create a Copy, Rename and Delete. (all of this actions are self-explanatory).
You can hide an object by click on it in the list and unhide by click on it in this list.
The 4 buttons of the bottom are very useful: hide all (hides all the objects), show all (shows all the objects), select all (selects all the objects), deselect (deselects all the objects).

Status Bar
In this bar is displayed some information about the selected tool. This information is very useful, so read it when you select a tool.

For example in the next image you can see the information displayed for the Scale tool:

The axis
The next picture represents the 3 axes in ZModeler. The origin of the axes is the grey X, this X is the center of the axis and can be places anywhere.

You can make modifications in two different ways: relative and absolute modification. You can change from relative to absolute and vice versa by pressing TAB on your keyboard or click on the tool bar.

The Material Editor

You can go to the material editor by clicking on the tool bar or you can press “e” in your keyboard. The next image is the material editor:

By default you have one material: . To add more materials copy the and rename it.

If you work with TGA files you should keep the alpha parameters unused to avoid problems.

Finally, you can load textures for your materials. To do this check the Primary Texture box and go to Load Map button. Then the image manager will appear, click on Add… button and search your image, after that click on OK button.
To add a texture for the Reflection Map do the same as Primary Texture but check the Reflection Map box.

Some tips about the material editor:


There are three different modes in ZModeler: EXT (extended), SEL (selected) and MUL (multy).

We will see an explanation about the modes:

Snapping Tools

Snapping is when you move something (an object, vertex, face…) with the mouse an then it is automatically magnetically attracted to a spline, vertex, edger or gird.

Let’s see all the options (you can select several options at time, for example vertex and grid line snapping tools.):

You can also use for example the vertex-snapping tool in the User View. In this view when you drag a vertex in vertex-snapping tool activated, the vertex that you are moving will snap with the other vertex in 3 dimensions. This is very useful to make a contour to two parallel flat surfaces with double vertex (see the mesh section: making the font wing).

Other important Tools

Numeric Bar #1

This numeric bar is a numerical input for several tools:


First of all you have to create an object because you can’t create a single face. Moreover, none of the create tools are axis dependant and all of them work with left click.
The most interesting are:

With these tools you can make a lot of modifications. All of them work with left click.

With these tools you can make map your car and modify the normals. All of them work with left click.

Remember that some tools like move, scale... work with selected elements and you have to switch on the SEL mode.
You can select objects, faces, edges and vertices. All the select tools work with right click.

NOTE: You can select right click tools (select tools) and left click tools at the same time.
For example you can select at the same time Select -> Single and Create -> Objects -> Unite Select. With right click you can select objects for example, and with left click you can unite the selection.

  • Display -> Reset Axis
    This tool places the axis center to the origin (0,0,0). Moreover this tool doesn’t deactivate any other left click or right click tools that you have activated before reset the axis.
  • Display -> Center Axis
    Centers local axis (X, Y, Z axis) of the object.
  • Display -> Local Axis

  • The grand prix 4 filter

    You can import gp4 files with this filter but if the gp4 file is locked open it with 3D editor or GP$ genius and save it. Now you can import it in ZModeler.
    Moreover you can export gp4 files and they are locked. If you want to export a gp4 file without locking, write the extension with uppercase letters in export dialog box. For example: car_minardi_car1_lod_0.GP4
    You can’t import locked files directly, so you have to save your work (model) in z3d files in order to open your model with ZModeler in a easy way.
    GP4 is very sensitive to objects name, the names of the objects are case sensitive and you must keep the names in order.
    GP4 filter doesn’t support untextured polygons, so you have to map all the faces and load all the textures before exporting.

    Some useful ZModeler hotkeys:

    ZModeler hotkeys are very useful to make faster the proces of modelling. To set up the hotketys read the explanation above the table and make sure that the ACTIVE button and Enabled is switched on.
    Moreover there is one important restriction on Hot Keys:
    Hotkey combination can only be accepted when NON-3D view is active and mouse cursor is inside the view.

    Files Accelerators

    Ctrl + N

    Clears the scene and creates a new one

    Ctrl + O

    Opens the scene and replaces current scene

    Ctrl + S

    Saves the scene

    Ctrl + I

    Imports 3D files and merges with current scene

    Ctrl + E

    Exports current scene

    Alt + X

    Quit the program

    Rendering options and view options


    Flat shading


    High chrome






    Wire frame

    Ctrl + T

    Use textures

    Ctrl + R

    Reload all textures


    Camera perspectived

    Alt + R

    Reset Camera settings

    Shift + R

    Reset Camera position


    Mini Gird

    Alt + G

    Normal Gird


    Load Background Image

    Alt + I

    Show background Image

    F6, Shift + F6

    Switches active view

    Arrow keys

    Scrolls the active view

    +, -

    Zoom in and out

    Ctrl + Shift

    Creates self-test object Z letter


    Shift + G

    Select quadr (selects tool only)

    Shift + A

    Select All (performs)

    Shift + I

    Select Invert (performs)

    Shift + S

    Select Single (selects tool only)

    Shift + D

    Select None (performs)



    Surface/Normals/Calculate (performs)

    Axis and modes

    TAB, Shift TAB

    Switches current edit axis (H, V, D or X, Y, Z)

    “ . ”

    Places axis center at the cursor


    Switches Selected mode on/off

    “, “

    Switches extended mode on/off

    “ / “

    Switches multy mode on/off


    Switches to Verices level


    Switches to Edges level


    Switches to Faces level


    Switches to Objects level

    “ ´ ”

    Switches Splines mode on/off

    CTRL + Arrow keys

    Jumps marking from vertex to vertex (or frum face to face)


    Temporary switches to objects level for selecting another object for modifications.


    Alternate to pressing the left mouse button

    Editing accelerators

    Supr (Del)

    Modify/Delete (performs)

    Insert (Inst)

    Modify/Break (performs)


    Modify/Reorient (performs)

    Alt + M

    Modify/Move (select tool only)


    Create/Objects/Unite Select (performs)

    Alt + S

    Create/Faces/Strip (selects tool only)

    Alt + F

    Create/Objects/Flat (selects tool only)


    Display/Hide (performs)

    Alt + A

    Display/Unhide (performs)

    Float Bars and dialog boxes

    Ctrl + 1

    Show/Hide objects float bar


    About ZModeler

    Ctrl + A

    Attributes box


    Material editor

    Moreover we can add some new hotkeys for all the tools of ZModeler. In order to do it, go to Plugins -> Hot Keys.

    Then a dialog box will appear:

    Finally select the desired tool and go to the Hot Key section (right bottom) and select Enabled, Then set up the hot key (Custom1 + Custom 2 + Key).

    For example I have set up for the tool Create -> Faces ->Single the hot key Alt + Z (note that by default this tool haven’t assigned any hotkey).