Creating the 3D mesh

First of all we have to import the gp4 car, to do this go to file -> import.
Import the lod_0 and save as car1.z3d.
Import the lod_4 and save as car_lod_4.z3d.
You can see the difference of detail (the number of poligons) in the following image:

Now, we have to set up ZModeler: switch of the normals automatic update and extended mode and select flat shading.


We only are going to create one part of the wing, for example the left.

First of all hide all the objects. Then we will create a flat surface on the top wiew. To do this choose Create -> Surface -> Flat. Right click and drag (make a rectangle over one of the the wings in the front wing). Then type 0 horizontal steps and 6 vertical steps and the name of the wing, for example wing1. You will see the flat surface over your photo.

Now switch to vertices level and adjust the flat surface to the photo (top view):

And with the gird snapper ,snapp the vertex near to the center to the gird,it makes that when you move something with the mouse it will snap to the nearest line gird. (This is to make that the other part of the wing fit perfectly when we make it by mirroring this part of the front wing)
Adjust the flat surface to the photo on the front view:

Copy the flat surface (wing1) and name it as wing2. Reorient this object in objects level and move it down in the front view in the vertical ,[V], direction (in this way we can only move up and down the wing2.

Select these two objects, wing1 and wing2 (in objects level) and go to Create -> Objects -> Unite Select, then click anywere and type the name of the new object in the box that will appear, for example wing, and the new object is made.

The next step is to make the contour of these surfaces. In order to do this switch to vertex level and go to Create -> Faces -> Strip. In the front view make a surface like in the photo (you must make the same number of steps to this surface, I mean the same number of vertex, in the image it's very clear). To stop, hold CTRL and click:

Select all the vertex of the surface created, press SEL mode, now move these vertex next to the front part of the wing in the top or left view (this is to make the proces of snapp the vertex easier).

Now press the vertex snapper button , (it makes that when you move something with the mouse it will snap to the nearest vertex).
Select Modify -> Move and move the vertex of the surface to the upper and down surfaces of the wing, in the User View, the vertex will snap automaticaly. Do the same for all the vertex of the surface:

Now we can calculate the normals. To do this, switch to objects level, and go to Surface -> Normals -> Calculate. To see the shading we have to switch off the flat shading. We can see in 3D view that the shading is correct.

Now we have to make the same for all the wing the result is:

And for the fin:

Finaly we have the left front wing but we need to cretate the right front wing. We will make a copy of the left wing and name as right wing. Now place the axis (X) to the center, in order to do this Display -> Reset Axis and the axis will be placed in the origin (X=0, Y=0, Z=0).
In the front view in Horizontal axis mode [H] and objects level,go to Modify -> Mirror and click on the left wing object. The next step is reorient this object: Modify -> Reorient and click on the object. Finally you have to flip the normals you can: