What whe need to make the car?

We need some photos of the car and an original GP4 car (the lod_0 and the lod_4).
There are some photos of the R23 (I'm going to explain how to made the front wing):

Top view

Right view

Front view

To modify the original gp4 car first you need to extract it from the cars.wad, to do this you can use gp4-master (you can dowload it in www.grandprixgames.org). or WadUpdater (you can dowload it in www.realgpx.com).
A wad file is something like a zip file, it's to say both are compressed files that contains a lot of small files. This allows to reduce the time to charge the game in the memory of the PC and the game is faster.

I will explain how to extract the car of cars.wad using WadUpdater:

Select your cars.wad in WadUpdater, then click on ExtractWad button. Type the name of the folder in wich the files of your cars.wad will be extracted (for example: cars) and click on OK.
All files of your cars.wad will be extracted in this folder.
Now you have to search the gp4 files that we need (car_myteam_car1_lod_0.gp4 and car_myteam_car1_lod_4.gp4 files)

Then, open ZModeler and import the gp4 file (the car_myteam_car1_lod_0.gp4 file) save it as car1.z3d (this is the file that we are going to modify.
Import the gp4 file (the car_myteam_car1_lod_4.gp4 file) save it as car_lod_4.z3d.

If the gp4 shape is locked you can't import it directly in ZModeler. In order to can import it in ZModeler, open the gp4 shape whit GP4 genius (you can dowload it in www.grandprixgames.org) or 3Deditor (you can dowload it in www.realgpx.com), then save it and the shape will be unlocked. Now you can import the gp4 shape in ZModeler.

We are going to modify some parts of the original gp4 car because is very difficult to make one from the scartch.