Dear Colleagues,
We are
organising the 2nd International Conference on Internet and
Language. This is intended as a forum of discussion for
linguists and researchers in areas such as Linguistics, Applied
Linguistics, Literary Studies or Translation, among other disciplines,
who are involved in the use or study of
Internet, either as a research or teaching resource or as a linguistic
phenomenon in itself. We have received papers in relation to the
panels listed below:
- Internet and Literary Studies
- Internet and Translation
- Internet and Language Use /
Linguistics and digital genres
- Internet and Languages for
Specific Purposes
- Internet and Foreign Language
Teaching / Second Language Acquisition
Spanish and Catalan are the official languages
of the conference. Papers in other languages may be considered
depending on their interest in relation to the topic of the conference.
Important dates
The Conference is to take place in October
27/28, 2005 .
Deadline for receipt of full papers is April
5, 2005 .
Payment of registration
fee (150 euros)
The Conferece
will be held at Universitat Jaume I in Castellón
Conference Dates
The Conference
is to take place on October 27/28/29, 2005.
Conference Proceedings are to be distributed among
We welcome original papers written in English, Spanish
and Catalan, which are the official languages of the conference,
although papers in other languages may be considered depending on their
in relation to the topic of the conference. Presentations will last 20
minutes with five minutes for discussion.
Our intention is to receive full papers by
September 2004 so as to be able to edit Conference Proceedings and then
distribute them during the conference in July 2005. Papers should not
exceed 3000
words with abstract and bibliography included. Guidelines for
can be found at
Those interested should send two printed copies
and one electronic copy (RTF format on a floppy disc) to:
1: Internet and Literary Studies
Elena Ortells Montó
Dept. de
Estudios Angleses
Universitat Jaume I
Castellón, 12071
Panel 2: Internet and Translation
Alicia Bolaños
Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Campus Humanidades
Nuevo Edificio Millares Carló, despacho 118
C/ Pérez del Toro 1
35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Panel 3: Internet and Language Use /
Linguistics and digital genres
Santiago Posteguillo Gómez
Dept. de
Estudios Angleses
Universitat Jaume I
Castellón, 12071
Panel 4: Internet and Languages for Specific
Maria Lluïsa Gea Valor
Dept. de
Estudios Angleses
Universitat Jaume I
Castellón, 12071
Panel 5: Internet and Foreign Language
Teaching / Second Language Acquisition
María Luisa Renau Renau
Dept. de
Estudios Angleses
Universitat Jaume I
Castellón, 12071
MIKE SCOTT (University of Liverpool)
SHORTIS (University of Bristol)
Participants in the conference presenting a paper are to
pay a fee of 150 euros.
After registration deadline, the fee is raised to
180 euros.
This fee includes registration and a copy of the
Conference Proceedings edited
in two CDs, which will be
distributed during the conference.
Other participants attending the conference are
to pay 80 euros.
is approximately 70 kms. from Valencia, 280 kms. from Barcelona and 410
kms. from Madrid.
- By road: it takes 45 minutes
through the motorway A7.
- By train: apart from
long-distance trains (Alaris/Euromed), a good suburban train service
links both cities in an hour time trip, with departures every 30
minutes all through the day.
- By road: through the A7
- By train: different trains
(Euromed, Arco, Mare Nostrum…) link daily Castellón and
Barcelona. In the case of the Euromed twice a day, with a trip duration
of two hours and fifteen minutes.
- By plane: to Manises airport,
in Valencia.
- By road: through NIII, road
that links in Valencia with the A7.
- By train: two daily services
of the Alaris train, with an estimated trip duration of four hours and
a half.
- By plane: to Manises airport,
in Valencia.
The hotels that
follow offer us the following prices per room and night (IVA not
· Hotel INTUR ****
· Hotel JAIME I ***
Double room of
individual use with buffet breakfast
Double room with
buffet breakfast
Double room of
individual use with buffet breakfast
Double room with
buffet breakfast
an alternative, there’s also the possibility to find accommodation in
the university residence, placed in the very same campus. It is a
university residence inaugurated in 2002 with individual rooms with
bathroom. The confirmation of vacancies will not
be possible until October. Telephone: (+ 34) 964 730830.
Participants in the Conference
presenting a paper are to pay a fee of 150 euros.
This fee includes registration and a copy of the
Conference Proceedings edited
in two volumes in CD format. The payment of the
registration fee will be done
through a bank transfer, no later then two weeks
after the notification of the
acceptance of the paper, to BANCAJA (in Catalan
account number:2077 0580
49 3106383350
swift code:
iban number: ES52
2077 0580 49 3106383350
In the transfer, the code and the line of the
Conference on Internet and
Language must be included:
- Code:
- Line:
(Please, include these data, otherwise you may
not be officially registered in
the Conference)
Once the transfer is done, a copy of it must be
sent by postal mail together with the enrolment
form (the date remains open for people who are attending the conference
without presenting a paper) to the
following address:
Mª José Esteve Ramos (
Dept. d´ Estudis Anglesos
Campus Riu Sec
Jaume I
Castellón, 12071
Thank you very
much for your collaboration
in this process.
* Title: Capital
letter, 14 cpi, Times New Roman, bold type, centered.
* Name of authors: small
capital, 12 cpi, bold type
* University, Research Centre: 12
cpi, italics, bold type.
* Abstract: the word
"Abstract" or "Resumen" in capital letters, bold type, 12 cpi, centered.
the Abstract should be included in a box with 15% shading.
*Title of the Sections: Capital
letter, bold type, 12 cpi. arabic numeration
No space between paragraphs. 0.5 cms. indentation.
* Title of Subsections: normal
lower case letter, bold type. 12 cpi.
Paper: Times New Roman,
12 cpi.
Capital letters should only be used in those cases
where it is strictly
Small capital letters are capital letters of the
size of lower case
letters. Surnames in the references section should be written in small
capitals except for the initial letter, which should be capital. If
this is
not possible, that is, your word processor does not admit it, you can
initial letter in capital and the rest in normal lower case letters.
Italics will only be used for foreign terms or in
order to highlight
some word. By the same token, italics will be used in the reference
for book titles.
The use of bold type is restricted to headlines or
titles. Hence, its
use in the main text of the paper should be avoided. The original text
should not include any type of underlining.
* Quotations
Text quotes should be placed in the body of the main
text between
angled commas (´ ª); or when it is suitable as follows:
´" ' ' "ª.
Long quotations (more than three lines) should be
indented in a new
paragraph and typed in a smaller text font type than that of the main
without inverted commas or Italics. They may also be clearly signalled
If part of a quoted text is omitted, this should be
signalled by using
square brackets: [....]
These should also be employed for comments or asides
on quotation.
Text quotations should be preceded by
bibliographical reference as in
(author, year: pages). This is aimed at diminishing the number of
* Hyphens
Hyphens should only be used for compound terms or to
indicate pages in
the references section. Dashes act as parenthesis. In this last case, a
full stop after the comment does not allow for using a second dash.
* Notes
Regarding notes from the original text, these should
be presented in an
independent document or at the end of the whole text conveniently
after punctuation marks. Footnotes should thus be reduced and also
presented in an independent document, since brief bibliographical
references are already included in the text.
* References in the text
Brief references should only indicate the authors' surname in lower
letter and the year of publication. If suitable it may also provide the
pages being referred, as complete data will be provided in the
[...] has stated (Bellés, 1999: 34-56)
If pages are continuos, you should write a hyphen between number pages,
otherwise pages should be separated by commas.
Bellés, 1999:34,67,109.
If the referred work contains more than a volume, the one indicated
be written down after semicolon in roman numbers:
Riquer-Valverde, 1984:II,193.
Hence, Latin abbreviations should be avoided: loc. cit., op. cit,
1.6. Reference section
References should appear at the end of the paper in alphabetical order
according to authors' surname and the following criteria:
JORDAN, R.R. (1997): English for Academic Purposes, Cambridge,
University Press
Articles in Journals:
NADIN, M. (1984): ´On the meaning of the visualª, Semiotica,
Chapters in a book by two or more authors:
NORD, CHRISTIANE (1994): ´Traduciendo funcionesª dins
HURTADO, A. (ed.)
(1994): Estudis sobre la traducció, Castelló de la Plana,
Publicacions de
la Universitat Jaume I.
When a book by more than two authors is also quoted in the references
section, only a brief reference will be made:
SCHEGLOFF, E. (1972): ´Sequencing in conversational
openingsª dins FISHMAN
(1972 b: 206-212).
Two authors:
CHILLON, L. A. i S. BERNAL (1985): Periodismo informativo de
Barcelona, Mitre.
More than two authors:
ESPINET, F. i altres (1989): Premsa, comunicació i cultura a
durant el primer terç del segle xx, Bellaterra, UAB.
It is also possible:
BOLZONI, L., R. MAZZOLINI, R. CORSDESCHI i altres (1991): El arte de la
memoria. El
descrubimiento del cerebro. Nacimiento y frontera de la neurociencia,
Madrid, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales.
Institution as author:
UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA (1993): Resúmenes de tesis
doctorales, 2 vol.,
València, Servei de Publicacions.
Year: If you include one author with two or more publications in the
year, these should be followed by letters.
CASASÚS, J. M. (1987 a): Lliçons de periodisme en Josep
Pla, Barcelona,
- (1987 b): El pensament periodístic a Catalunya, Barcelona,
Edition: The place of edition should be quoted in the language of the
Publisher: The term publisher or editorial cannot appear unless part of
company's name.
Edicions 62, but Taurus
1.7. Tables, images and figures
Any additional material should be presented asides and indicated in the
body of the text. In the case of figures and tables containing further
written indications, these should be presented independently.
Images incorporation:
* Dimensions of images should be the same they would
have when published.
* Scanner should contain at least 300 ppp
resolution. Scanned image
along with these dimensions should include 133 lpp.
* Images will be stored in TIFF format (unzipped) or
EPS. Also possible
to include JPEG images, PICT, BMP.
* GIF format is not valid.
Santiago Posteguillo
Gómez: Departamento
de Estudios Ingleses (Universitat Jaume I)
José Esteve: Departamento
de Estudios Ingleses (Universitat Jaume I)
Mª Lluisa Gea
Valor: Departamento
de Estudios Ingleses (Universitat Jaume I)
María Luisa
Departamento de Estudios Ingleses (Universitat Jaume I)
Insa: Departamento de
Estudios Ingleses (Universitat Jaume I)
Gustavo Casañ
Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
(Universitat Jaume I)