Manuel Botella Rodríguez
Laura Borràs Castanyer
María Evarista
García-Peña Flores
Laia Climent
María Goicoechea
Isabel Clara Moll Soldevila
Juan Ráez Padilla
Internet applied to the teaching of English Literature. Activity proposals for the study of a work by Tennessee Williams.Manuel Botella Rodríguez
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Cádiz (UCA) Abstract:
La asignatura troncal Lengua Inglesa y su Literatura II se imparte en el segundo año de la licenciatura en Humanidades (6 créditos). El objetivo es introducir al alumno en la literatura escrita en inglés y familiarizarlo con los tres géneros literarios más importantes (novela, teatro y poesía). Se recomienda una serie de lecturas obligatorias representativas de dichos géneros. En el caso del teatro, la lectura está representada por Un tranvía llamado deseo de Tennessee Williams. La finalidad de este trabajo es presentar una serie de propuestas prácticas para la utilización de los recursos que ofrece la web y consolidar los conocimientos mínimos sobre el autor, entorno, estilo y obra, aprovechando el atractivo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para motivar el autoaprendizaje por descubrimiento. Con estas actividades se pretende ofrecer una alternativa a la clase magistral, abundante en datos que no son codificados con la rapidez deseada, ya que el alumno tiene el riesgo de convertirse en receptor pasivo de los mismos. Nuestro trabajo consistirá en proponer una serie de actividades organizadas para que éste elabore una introducción al autor y su obra a partir de una serie de direcciones de fácil acceso, previamente estudiadas por el profesor. The core subject English Language and its Literature II (6 credits) is taught in the second year of the degree in Humanities. The aim is to introduce the student to English written literature and familiarize them with the three main literary genres (novel, theatre and poetry). A series of compulsory readings representing these genres are highly recommended. In theatre, the reading is represented by Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire. The purpose of this work is to present a number of practical proposals for the use of the resources offered by the web and to consolidate the minimum knowledge about the author, setting, style and work. We will take advantage of the appeal of information and communication technologies in order to enhance self-learning through disclosure. The aim of these activities is to offer an alternative to the traditional magisterial class, so profuse with regard to data which is not codified as quickly as desired because the student is in danger of becoming merely a passive receiver of such data. Our work will deal with suggesting students a series of organized activities so that they will prepare an introduction to the author and his or her work on the basis of a number of easily accessible addresses previously examined by the teacher. (Translated by the conference organization) “Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone”: una revolució copernicana en els Estudis literaris promoguda per Internet?Laura Borràs Castanyer
Paper delivered in: Catalan University / Research Institution: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) / HERMENEIA Abstract:
El vers de John Donne resulta del tot pertinent per l’anàlisi que li correspon de fer al teòric, al crític i al comparatista en aquest nou i desorientador entorn de la textualitat electrònica generada per Internet i que ens proposem d’abastar en aquesta proposta. En Donne el contingut del vers és una afirmació, una afirmació contundent. Des d’HERMENEIA, un grup d’investigació interuniversitari que té per objecte estudiar la interacció de la literatura amb la tecnologia, voldríem formular-lo amb interrogants perquè ens agradaria poder argumentar l’existència d’una “coherència del fragmentari” o, fins i tot, una “estètica de la fragmentarietat”. Potser és aquesta la millor promesa de futur pels estudis literaris, la investigació i l’ensenyament de la literatura en un futur que, en una universitat virtual com la UOC on s’ensenya teoria de la literatura i literatura comparada per Internet, ja és present. John Donne’s verse turns out to be absolutely appropriate for the analysis that the theorist, the critic and the comparatist must undertake in this new and disorienting environment of electronic textuality generated by Internet and with which we will deal in this proposal. In Donne’s example, the content of the verse is an affirmation, a convincing affirmation. From HERMENEIA, a interuniversitary research group whose aim is to study literature and technology interaction, we intend to question it because we would like to be able to argue the existence of a “coherence of the fragmentary” or even an “aesthetics of the fragmentary nature”. Maybe this is the best promise for the future of literary studies, the research and the teaching of literature in a future that, in a virtual university like the UOC - where literature theory and comparative literature are taught via Internet - is already a reality. (Translated by the conference organization) Del papel a la red. Procedimientos de reescritura en la era digital.María Evarista García-Peña Flores
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) / HERMENEIA Abstract:
A partir de la noción de reescritura (Lefevere, 1992), nuestra propuesta consiste en examinar las diversas formas de digitalización de literatura impresa —desde la reproducción de la página en pantalla en PDF, hasta el desarrollo de hipertextos multimedia—, para reflexionar en torno a las transformaciones que implica la traslación al soporte electrónico. Si convenimos con Genette (Seuils, 1987) en que la obra literaria no se presenta nunca como un “texto desnudo”, sino envuelta de un “paratexto” que la completa e impone una determinada interpretación al lector, es forzoso afirmar que la representación electrónica de los textos varía inevitablemente su condición. Las tecnologías digitales hacen posible la incorporación de “paratextos” multimedia, el acceso a las diferentes variantes de un mismo texto, el facsímil del manuscrito original, el aparato crítico, la voz del autor leyendo su propia obra, documentos iconográficos, biográficos, históricos, etc. Procedimientos más simples, como el vínculo electrónico o la fragmentación en unidades de diversa medida para su adaptación a la pantalla cambian necesariamente la experiencia del texto, modifican sus relaciones espaciales y temporales con otros textos (Landow, 1990), condicionan la percepción de las relaciones intertextuales y determinan, en suma, las formas de lectura y recepción. Starting from the concept of rewriting (Lefevere, 1992), our proposal deals with examining the various ways of digitalization of printed literature –from the reproduction of the page in the screen in PDF to the development of multimedia hypertexts- in order to reflect about the transformation implied by the shift to the electronic medium. If we agree with Genette’s (Seuils, 1987) view that literary work is never presented as a “bare text” but surrounded by a “paratext” that completes it and imposes a specific interpretation to the reader, it is compulsory to affirm that the electronic representation of texts unavoidably vary their condition. Digital technologies allow the inclusion of multimedia ‘paratexts’, the access to the different variants of the same text, the facsimile of the original manuscript, the critical apparatus, the author’s voice reading his or her own work, iconographic, biographical, historical documents etc. Easier procedures like the electronic link or the fragmentation into units of different measure for their adaptation to the screen necessarily change the experience of the text (Landow, 1990), condition the perception of intertextual relations and determine the ways of reading and reception. (Translated by the conference organization) Revistes literàries catalanes a la xarxa.Laia Climent
Paper delivered in: Catalan University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
La implantació progressiva d'Internet en l'entorn de la comunitat catalanoparlant ha tingut conseqüències rellevants, tant en aspectes sociolingüístics com en els de la transmissió dels coneixements i la reflexió sobre temes culturals i literaris. En l'àmbit de la cultura catalana hom és molt conscient que el nou mitjà té unes virtualitats simbòliques enormes de cara a la visualització del català com a llengua del futur. De fet, la implantació del català a Internet ha arribat a nivells més que acceptables del que seria esperable en el cas d'una llengua minoritzada.Aquesta comunicació se centrarà en la presentació i l'anàlisi d'algunes publicacions periòdiques de tipus electrònic que tenen com a objecte la literatura, bé en la dimensió creadora bé en la de crítica, informació i estudis. La comparació amb les revistes convencionals d'aquesta mateixa temàtica realitzades en suport paper ens mena a reflexionar sobre les peculiaritats imposades per l'adopció del nou mitjà comunicatiu, i molt especialment les particularitats en els mecanismes receptors, unes particularitats que, al seu torn, condicionen tant la percepció social del producte com els seus continguts, o si més no el punt de vista des del qual aquests són inserits en el flux de la comunicació multimediàtica, on el món de la literatura pugna per trobar el seu lloc. The continuous introduction of Internet in the setting of the Catalan-speaking community has had important consequences, both in the sociolinguistic aspect and in the transmission of knowledge and in the reflection about cultural and literary topics. In the Catalonian cultural environment everybody is aware of the huge symbolic potentialities of this new medium with a view to Catalan as a language for the future. In fact, the incorporation of Catalan to Internet has achieved better than the merely acceptable levels which would be expected from a minority language. This paper will be focused on the presentation and analysis of some periodic publications of an electronic nature which have literature, whether in its creative dimension or in the critical one, information and studies as object. The comparison with conventional magazines dealing with this same topic and made in electronic medium makes us reflect about the peculiarities imposed for the adoption of reception mechanisms. These particularities, in their environment, determine both the social perception of the product and its contents and even the point of view from which these are inserted in the flux of multimedia communication, where the literary world fights for finding its place. (Translated by the conference organization) Reading CiborgsMaría Goicoechea
University / Research Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Abstract:
This paper explores the reading cyborg we have inadvertently become. Through the analysis of both digital literature and print literature associated with cyberculture (Moulthrop’s Victory’s Garden, and Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow), this paper studies the emergence of a new reading community of literary cyborgs at the crossroads between digital and print media. These literary cyborgs, the ideal readers of the texts analyzed, help us circumscribe a community of readers whose localization has been rendered problematic by the new virtual space. From a reader-oriented perspective, we will expose the different ways in which Information Technology has contaminated the literary text as to require from the reader a new literary competence. This literary competence is characterized by the integrated use of old and new media, literature and technology, and has an important function in helping the reader overcome information overload. Cibermapa dels estudis literaris: una guia per al caos.Isabel Clara Moll Soldevila
Paper delivered in: Catalan University / Research Institution: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Abstract:
La introducció de la tecnologia en qualsevol de les esferes del coneixement ha produït dos efectes que, en certa manera, poden arribar a ser contradictoris. Per una banda, l’ésser humà disposa immediatament d’una quantitat d’informació i de coneixement impensable en el passat, però de l’altra també s’exposa al perill de la dispersió, la inexactitud o la desorientació davant d’aquesta informació, presentada moltes vegades de manera caòtica. Els estudis literaris i humanístics han estat permeables a la implantació i al creixent ús d’internet i, és per això que, actualment, a la xarxa, trobem una quantitat també molt considerable de material literari que interpreta i adapta les facilitats tecnològiques de maneres molt diferents. Davant d’aquesta varietat qualitativa o d’aquesta heterogeneïtat de continguts, ens trobem amb la necessitat de crear filtres o intermediaris capaços, d’una banda, de seleccionar i classificar allò que és rellevant en l’àmbit dels estudis literaris, però també de descriure models i possibilitats de presència a la xarxa. Des del grup d’investigació Hermeneia (UOC), la descripció dels diferents camins de relació entre internet i l’estudi de la literatura –i que nosaltres anomenem cibermapa– ens sembla una base indispensable per observar el canvi de paradigma al qual estem assistint, i el primer pas per arribar a un ús òptim de les possibilitats que ens posa a l’abast aquest mitjà. Technology introduction in any area of knowledge has resulted in two effects that, in a way, can become contradictory. On the one hand, human beings can rely immediately on an amount of information and knowledge which would have been unthinkable in the past. However, on the other hand, they run the risk of dispersion, inaccuracy or disorientation when dealing with this information which is presented, many times, in a chaotic way. Literary and humanistic studies have been permeable to the introduction and increasing use of Internet and, due to this fact, nowadays in the net we find an important amount of literary material that interprets and adapts technological facilities in very different ways. Taking into account this qualitative variety or this content heterogeneity, we face the need for creating filters or intermediaries able to, on the one hand, select and classify those relevant issues in the area of literary studies and, on the other hand, describe models and present possibilities in the net. For the Hermeneia research group (UOC Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), the description of the different ways of relation between Internet and literary study –what we call cybermap- is a fundamental basis for observing the change of paradigm we are witnessing and is the first step in order to achieve an optimum use of the possibilities this medium offers us. (Translated by the conference organization) Internet como recurso de investigación literaria: bibliografía electrónica sobre Seamus Heaney.Juan Ráez Padilla
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Jaén (UJA) Abstract:
El objetivo del presente artículo es ofrecer al lector un ejemplo práctico de la utilidad de Internet como recurso de investigación literaria. En este sentido, presentamos una selección bibliográfica de fuentes en formato electrónico que nos han resultado especialmente útiles en nuestra investigación sobre el poeta irlandés Seamus Heaney (bio-bibliografías, poemas, entrevistas, análisis crítico-interpretativo, páginas web multi-enlace y grabaciones audio / video). Esta selección intentará dar buena cuenta de la diversidad de fuentes disponibles en la Red, así como de su aplicabilidad al estudio literario. No obviaremos, sin embargo, las limitaciones de estas fuentes en una labor de investigación seria y concienzuda, por lo que finalmente haremos un pequeño balance sobre cuál es, a tenor de nuestra propia experiencia, la funcionalidad de este tipo de información electrónica en el ámbito de la crítica literaria. This paper endeavours to offer the reader a practical example about the usefulness of Internet as a resource for literary research. In this sense, we present a bibliographical selection of electronic material which has been particularly valuable in our research work about the Irish poet Seamus Heaney (bio-bibliographies, poems, interviews, critical-interpretative analysis, multi-link web pages and audio/video recordings). This selection will show the variety of on-line sources, as well as their applicability to literary studies. Nonetheless, we will also point out the limitations of this kind of electronic sources in thorough research work and will make a brief final summary about the functionality of Internet material in literary criticism, according to our own experience.
Susana Álvarez
and María del Rosario de Felipe Boto
Iria González
Liaño and Eugenia Orizales Lage
Pilar González
Rodríguez and Carmen Lario de Oñate
Raquel Vitoria López
Alicia Bolaños
Salvador Climent, Joaquim
Moré and Antoni Oliver
Joseba Abitua, Inés
Jacob, Josuka Díaz and Fernando Quintana
Vicent Montalt i Resurrecció
David Shea
Heather Fulford and Joaquín
Granell Zafra
Mª Cándida
Muñoz Medrano
Internet como principal herramienta de trabajo en la enseñanza de la traducción especializada.Susana Álvarez and María del Rosario de Felipe Boto
Paper delivered in: Spanish University/ Research Institution: Universidad de Valladolid (UVA) Abstract:
Todo lo que rodea al mundo de Internet despierta gran interés entre los estudiantes y los profesores en general. Como docentes, hemos encontrado en este medio un filón de oro no sólo para favorecer el aprendizaje de los alumnos, sino también para motivarles en su trabajo diario. Por lo tanto, Internet constituye, hoy por hoy, un recurso didáctico inagotable y lleno de posibilidades. Everything concerning Internet and its world generates a great interest among students and teachers in general. As teachers, we have found in this field a gold-mine, not just in order to enhance learners’ learning, but also in order to motivate them in their everyday work. Therefore, nowadays Internet can be said to be an endless didactic resource full of possibilities. Internet como herramienta de trabajo para el traductor.Iria González Liaño and Eugenia Orizales Lage
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidade de Vigo (UVIGO) Abstract:
Antes de la aparición de Internet, los profesionales de la traducción veían limitado su trabajo a una ardua labor de documentación, principalmente en soporte papel, que no siempre estaba a su alcance. Gracias al momento actual de auténtica revolución tecnológica de la información, el traductor se encuentra ante todo un abanico de posibilidades que le ofrece Internet, desde eficaces herramientas de traducción, que agilizan la tarea de documentación y reescritura, hasta la oportunidad de poder trabajar on-line o actualizar sus conocimientos gracias a la multitud de recursos y servicios que nos brinda la red de redes. Before Internet appeared, translation professionals had their work limited to a tough documentary work, mainly written, which was not always within their power.Thanks to the current moment of authentic technological revolution of the information, the translator encounters many possibilities offered by Internet, ranging from effective translation tools able to speed up documentation and rewriting tasks, to the opportunity of being able to work on-line or update their knowledge thanks to the great deal of resources and services offered by the network of networks. Anglicismos y diccionarios on line.Pilar González Rodríguez and Carmen Lario de Oñate
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Cádiz (UCA) Abstract:
El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar un estudio comparativo de la presencia de anglicismos de carácter específico en la prensa económica-empresarial española y francesa y su traducción con diccionarios on line. The aim of this paper is to present a comparative study of the presence of anglicisms in Spanish and French economic-business press and their translation through on line dictionaries. El vocabulario metafórico de Internet y su traducción al español.Raquel Vitoria López
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Alicante (UA) Absract:
Aunque contamos con algunos estudios dedicados al inglés técnico (Posteguillo y otros, 2001) y a la pragmática en Internet (Yus, 2001), existen pocas obras dedicadas a la traducción del vocabulario de Internet. Este léxico contiene un gran número de palabras tomadas de la lengua común que han adquirido nuevos significados en este nuevo ámbito a través de un proceso metafórico. Como señala Gutiérrez Rodilla (1998), este método de formación de palabras resulta muy útil para los anglohablantes, ya que las unidades léxicas que se especializan les suelen resultar más expresivas y fáciles de entender. Sin embargo, este tipo de vocabulario presenta algunos problemas cuando se traduce al español, debido principalmente a su carácter polisémico. Además, como reconoce Belda Medina (2000), existen casos en los que no es posible mantener la metáfora en las dos lenguas, mientras que en otros la palabra traducida se rechaza por razones semánticas, debiéndose recurrir al anglicismo. En esta comunicación pretendemos analizar aquellas palabras que, perteneciendo al léxico general, han adquirido un significado especializado en la terminología de Internet. También comentamos las dificultades que presenta la traducción al español de este vocabulario. Los ejemplos examinados están tomados de diccionarios y glosarios en formato impreso y electrónico, así como de revistas de informática en español. Although some research has been made concerning technical English (Posteguillo et al., 2001) and pragmatics on the Internet (Yus, 2001), there are few works related to the translation of Internet vocabulary. The terminology used on the Internet contains a great number of words taken from everyday life which have acquired new nuances of meaning in this new field through a process of metaphorization. As Gutiérrez Rodilla (1998) points out, this method of creating new vocabulary is very productive for English-speakers, since words taken from the general lexis that are specialized tend to be more expressive and easily assimilated. Nevertheless, this kind of vocabulary presents some problems when translated into Spanish, due mainly to its polisemic nature. Besides, as Belda Medina (2000) recognises, there are cases in which it is not possible to maintain the metaphor in both languages, while in others the word translated is rejected for semantic reasons, being it necessary to resort to anglicisms. In this paper we intend to analyse those words that, belonging to the general lexicon, have adopted a specialized meaning in the Internet terminology. We also comment on the difficulties that arise in the translation of this vocabulary into Spanish. The corpus examined is taken from printed and on-line glossaries and dictionaries, as well as computer magazines in Spanish. Dificultades y estrategias de la localización de sistios web comerciales del inglés al español.Alicia Bolaños Medina
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) Abstract:
La localización de sitios web comerciales constituye hoy en día una de las actividades de mayor demanda del sector profesional de la traducción. Tras realizar un análisis pretraductológico de los rasgos que cartacterizan este género textual (Shepherd y Watters, 1999; Schmid-Isler, 2000), identificaremos las principales dificultades que presenta a la hora de su traslación del inglés al español, a partir de un corpus de traducciones de sitios web comerciales de programas informáticos realizadas por los alumnos de último año de licenciatura en el marco de la asignatura Traducción Científica y Técnica de la FTI de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Por último, propondremos una serie de estrategias válidas para superar dichas dificultades. The localization of commercial web sites is nowadays one of the most demanded activities in the translation professional sector. After conducting a pretranslating analysis of the features that characterise this textual genre (Shepherd and Watters, 1999; Schmid-Isler, 2000), we will identify the main difficulties which arise in its translation from English to Spanish. With this aim, we will start from a corpus of translations in commercial web sites of computer programs made by the students of the last year of the degree within the subject Scientific and Technical Translation in the Translation School at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University. Finally, we will suggest a series of useful strategies in order to overcome these difficulties. (Translated by the conference organization) The INTERLINGUA project: the construction of an automatic setting for the translation of e-mails.Salvador Climent, Joaquim Moré and Antoni Oliver
University / Research Institution: Interdisciplinary Internet institute (IN3) /Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Abstract:
By this paper, we present the INTERLINGUA Project2: its design and current work. The goal of the project is achieving fully-automatic (no pre-edition, no post-edition) translation of emails in the virtual campus of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). The problem of unsupervised machine translation of emails is discussed. Then we describe the strategy designed to build the system, including a multiple-level evaluation process and the building of several automatic pre-edition, post-edition and unknown-word extraction modules. Last, the work carried on so far on building such decision-taking modules is presented. Categorización textual y flujo documental en la gestión de contenidos multilingües para entornos web.Joseba Abitua, Inés Jacob, Josuka Díaz and Fernando Quintana
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Deusto. Grupo DELi Abstract:
Uno de los principales problemas que afecta al mantenimiento de portales web multilingües de grandes instituciones y empresas es la gestión eficaz de los contenidos que se publican simultáneamente en más de un idioma. En la actualidad no existe una plataforma que permita el control global del flujo de versiones de los textos, que va desde el momento en que se redactan hasta el de su publicación, pasando por las fases de revisión, traducción, localización y validación. En esta comunicación presentaremos un modelo de categorización textual dentro de una cadena de control de flujo de información en un sistema de gestión de contenidos multilingües para entornos web, SareBi. One of the main problems affecting the updating of multilingual web portals of big institutions and enterprises is the effective management of the contents that are simultaneously published in more than one language. Nowadays, there is not a platform that allows global control of the flux of versions made of the texts from the moment they are written till they are published, including the stages of revision, translation, finding and validation. In this paper we present a model of textual categorization within a control chain of the flux of information in a management system of multilingual contents for web environments, SareBi. Internet en català com a eina de treball en la traducció científicotècnica.Vicent Montalt i Resurrecció
Paper delivered in: Catalan University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
La traducció de textos cientificotècnics requereix importants esforços de consulta a l'hora de resoldre entrebancs de tot tipus: cognitius, terminològics, fraseològics, estilístics, textuals, entre d'altres. Els recursos de consulta en la llengua meta són d'especial interés i utilitat en qualsevol procés de traducció. The translation of scientific-technical texts needs great consulting efforts for solving a number of different problems: cognitive, terminological, phraseological, stylistic and textual among others. The consulting resources in the target language have a special interest and utility in any translating process. The limits of the Medline database as a non-specialist translation tool.David Shea
University / Research Institution: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (LPGC) Abstract:
The Medline, or PubMed, data base of abstracts provides an invaluable research tool for translating medical documentation, particularly in the preparation of manuscripts for journal publication. However, for non-specialized medical translators, this data base may only limit our field of vision as to what is acceptable terminology. In complicated areas of surgical medicine such as interventionist radiology, the Medline collection, though formidable, can never tell us what is possible in a text but what has been published. This paper reflects on a decade of medical translation work for the local medical association (Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) and on the neighboring island of Tenerife. Medline has proven most helpful but, on a long-term basis, extensive coordination with medical specialists in the specific field being dealt with, is necessary. These specialists may or may not have any command of English, our target language. Internet skills and translation: training freelance translators to explore, exploit and evaluate the potential of web-based resources.Heather Fulford and Joaquín Granell Zafra
University / Research Institution: Loughborough University Abstract:
The Internet has, over the past decade, become an increasingly important tool in the freelance translator’s toolkit, with uses ranging from electronic mail for the transmission and receipt of source and target texts, through employing web search engines for identifying background documents or terminology, to running online machine translation systems to produce draft, or information-only, translations. Given this growing importance of the Internet in the contemporary translation environment, the acquisition of Internet skills inevitably now constitutes an important component of a translator’s training. In this paper, the Internet resources currently available for translators are briefly reviewed and categorised, and a framework is proposed for incorporating Internet-skill acquisition into the translation curriculum. Support for this framework is drawn from recent surveys of freelance translators to determine Internet usage, as well as from feedback gathered by the authors when co-ordinating Internet training seminars for UK-based professional freelances translators. The paper concludes by suggesting that the proposed framework for Internet-skills acquisition provides a broader opportunity for trainers to help novice translators explore, exploit and evaluate the range and potential of semi-automated and automated tools available for incorporation into the 21st century translation working environment. Internet aplicado a la enseñanza de la traducción del texto técnico-científico. Propuestas para el estudio de textos paralelos en español e italiano.Mª Cándida Muñoz Medrano.
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Università di Catania (UNICT) Abstract:
En nuestros días Internet se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental en el campo de la traducción que permite, incluso, trabajar on-line. Como docentes, consideramos que la Web es fuente inagotable de información que favorece la motivación y el aprendizaje de los discentes. In recent times Internet began a basic instrument in the translation field and it gives us the possibility to work on-line. In the quality of university teachers, we consider the Web an endless source of information that can improve the interest and the learning of the students.
Theodora Tseliga
Ricardo Benito Alcubierre
Teresa Alamán
E. Turney, Carmen Pérez,
Begoña Montero and Anna Montesinos
Anna I. Montesinos López
Isabel Roboredo Seara
I. Elorza and R.F. Bromber
Mari Carmen Campoy and
Marina López
Ania Saorín Iborra
and Miguel F. Ruiz Garrido
Cira Fernández
María Jesús
Rodríguez Medina
Annick Rivens Mompean
Marta Torres i Vilatarsana,
Salvador Climent, Miquel Strubell and Glyn Williams.
Galina Timofeeva
Clyde Ancarno.
Elena Carpi Jolanta Kowalska
A corpus-based study of discourse features in Roman-alphabet Greek (i.e."Greeklish") emailsTheodora Tseliga
University / Research Institution: University of Brighton Abstract:
Since the advent of modern Internet technologies which have enabled computer-mediated communication (CMC) in a multitude of languages, the emergence of novel linguistic phenomena has become so ubiquitous that Crystal (2001) refers to a new domain of ‘Internet linguistics’. Análisis pragmático del discurso e-mail para la delimitación del género.Ricardo Benito Alcubierre
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Barcelona Abstract:
Indudablemente, el correo electrónico se está convirtiendo en uno de los principales medios de comunicación escrita. Muchos profesores de E/LE así lo han percibido y lo han incorporado en sus aulas como recurso para generar actividades encaminadas a un uso auténtico de la lengua escrita. Analizar este discurso “electrónico”, escasamente estudiado en la actualidad, permitirá tratarlo con eficacia didáctica en las clases de español, y, seguramente, aproximarnos al futuro del español escrito. Undoubtedly, electronic mail is becoming one of the main means of written communication. Many E/LE (Spanish as a foreign language) teachers have noticed this and have included it in the classrooms as a resource in order to generate activities directed towards an authentic use of the written language. The analysis of this “electronic”discourse, scarcely studied nowadays, will allow it to be treated with pedagogic efficiency in the Spanish classes and, surely, to approach to the future of written Spanish. The banner ad as a netvertising subgenre: an analysis of form and contentTeresa Alamán
University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
This paper attempts to define the genre of banner ads through the analysis of both form and content. It has been paid attention to the level of recurrence of some visual and linguistic features in 300 banner ads analysed resulting from the search of a series of keywords in 5 different browsers. Results will allow to draw conclusions on what series of characteristics confine banner ads within the boundaries of a particular Internet sub-genre within netvertising. Digital Genres Across Cultures.E. Turney, Carmen Pérez, Begoña Montero and Anna Montesinos
University / Research Institution: Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Abstract:
The paper presents a cross-cultural analysis of the linguistic behaviour in electronic talkboards in Catalan, English and Spanish. The study is based on an analysis of three talkboards dealing with a topic of international politics, maintained by The Guardian, El Periódico and Vilaweb. L’ortografia fonètica en català dins del correu i del fòrum electrònics.Anna I. Montesinos López
Paper delivered in: Catalan University / Research Institution: Unversitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Abstract:
En aquest estudi s’analitzen els trets fonètics de l’escriptura electrònica en llengua catalana, dins del marc d’anàlisi de l’oralització del discurs escrit a Internet. Més concretament, i dins de les possibilitats d’interacció que ofereix Internet, s’estudien els trets esmentats anteriorment en el correu electrònic estricte i en les varietats derivades: els fòrums electrònics i els grups de notícies. L’adaptació del discurs, que realitzen els cibernautes, a l’escriptura dels missatges electrònics es fa palesa en determinats trets que, malgrat no ser nous majorment, reflecteixen la compensació de l’absència dels ciberparlants. En aquest sentit, l’espontaneïtat comunicativa, que permet el mitjà, genera la informalització del discurs i, alhora, aquesta última dóna lloc a una escriptura en què les grafies fonètiques són presents i ben valorades pels ciberparticipants, tot formant part dels jocs lingüístics propis d’Internet. Un fenomen així, fins fa poc valorat negativament en el discurs escrit, ha esdevingut una de les característiques comunicatives més importants dels textos elaborats en el correu electrònic i en els fòrums i grups de discussió. In this study, the phonetic traits of the electronic writing in Catalan within the frame of analysis concerning the oralization of the written discourse in Internet is analyzed. More specifically, and included within the possibilities of interaction offered by Internet, the aforementioned traits in the strict electronic mail and in the derived varieties are studied: the electronic forums and groups of news. The adaptation of the discourse used by the cybernauts when writing electronic messages becomes evident in certain traits that, in spite of not being new for the most part, reflect the compensation for the absence of the cyberspeaker. In this sense, the communicative spontaneity allowed by the medium, enhances the informality of the discourse and, at the same time, the latter gives rise to a kind of writing in which the phonetic graphs are present and well appraised on the part of the cyberparticipants, everything being a part of the linguistic puns that characterize Internet... Such phenomenon, to which written discourse has added little and negative value, has become one of the most important communicative features of the texts made up in the electronic mail and in the forums and discussion groups. (Translated by the conference organization) Oral features in an electronic epistolary corpusIsabel Roboredo Seara
University / Research Institution: Universidade Aberta Abstract:
Rapid development of computer-mediated communication has improved the interest and the research within this area in the last years.Computer networks are changing the way we think, we write, we interact.The ordinary use of electronic interactions produces daily a huge amount of written discourses that provide important data for the analysis of electronic epistolary interactions (Collot & Belmore 1993, Ziv et Herring 1996, Garton et Wellman 1995, B. R. Sims 1996, Murray 1996 and Naomi Baron 2001). Internet: cortar y pegar (¿plagiar?)I. Elorza and R.F. Bromber
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) / Universidad de Southern Colorado Abstract:
A la vista del aumento exponencial que está experimentando el uso de Internet como fuente de referencia, los autores abordan la cuestión de los plagios en los trabajos académicos elaborados por estudiantes universitarios. La facilidad que actualmente tenemos a nuestra disposición para acceder a numerosas y diversas fuentes de información, así como las eficaces herramientas para el tratamiento de la información digital, están transformando rápidamente el modo de realización y los resultados de los trabajos académicos que los estudiantes deben elaborar y mediante los cuales son evaluados. Si bien esto no supone el surgimiento de un nuevo género textual, se plantea la cuestión de que el modo característico de utilizar estas nuevas fuentes de información tiene una clara influencia sobre el resultado final, es decir, sobre los rasgos que podemos asociar con los trabajos académicos elaborados de este modo. En última instancia, este modo de producción de trabajos académicos supone una nueva vuelta de tuerca al concepto de intertextualidad (Kristeva, 1981). In the light of the exponential increase which the use of Internet is experimenting as a reference source, authors have to deal with the issue of plagiarism in the academic works made by university sudents. Both the straightforwardness we nowadays enjoy for having access to numerous and diverse information sources and the effective tools for the treatment of digital information are quickly transforming the way of elaboration and the results of the academic work students must undertake and through which they are assessed. Although this does not imply the appearance of a new textual genre, it can raise the issue that the specific way of using these information sources has a clear influence on the final result, that is to say, on the features that can be associated with the academic works made in this way. Finally, this way of production of academic works imply a new dimension in the concept of intertextuality. User Guides in Computer-Mediated Dictionaries.Mari Carmen Campoy and Marina López
University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
This article focuses on the design of user guides in computer-mediated dictionaries (electronic, CD, or Internet dictionaries). Traditional guides in paper dictionaries have been said to be ignored by most users, particularly by students using a dictionary. What most students expect to find out in these guides is a brief general comment introducing the book but providing no important, necessary or useful information. Since most dictionary users have used L1 dictionaries to find out about the meaning of words in their own language, and have needed no clarification on abreviations, grammar codes or any macro- and micro-structural issues which make dictionary look-ups easier, they assume they will not need such information for the L2 or L3 either.Computer-mediated dictionaries, however, may offer interactive user guides, and include a greater amount of information which for reasons of space traditional or paper dictionaries could not provide. We shall examine monolingual and bilingual French and English dictionaries to analyse in which ways are computer-mediated dictionaries better or worse than their paper counterparts. Some text features in business e-mail messages:a pilot study.Ania Saorín Iborra and Miguel F. Ruiz Garrido
University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
For the last years e-mail writing has been proved to be relevant within the business communication environment. As a relatively new written means of communication, little has been studied about its metadiscourse. Our aim in this paper is to check if the results found in previous studies on business e-mail messages and metadiscourse are found in real e-mail writing. We will also compare these data with the guidelines offered in different business communication textbooks. Our analysis of authentic electronic messages written by native and non-native speakers in English-speaking business contexts may help researchers and teachers observe the constant evolution of this recent way of corresponding. E-banks Web Sites: An evolving CybergenreCira Fernández Sánchez
University / Research Institution: Universidad de Extremadura (UNEX) Abstract:
El fragmentado sector alemán está siendo aunado: la sintaxis de las páginas web de empresas de telecomunicaciones.María Jesús Rodríguez Medina
Paper delivered in: Spanish University /Research Institution: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPG) Abstract:
Internet ha cambiado, de forma significativa, los hábitos sociolingüísticos de los hablantes, hecho que ha originado nuevas líneas de investigación, entre las que destacan la cibercultura y el ciberlenguaje. En lo que respecta al ciberlenguaje, hemos observado que apenas se ha analizado la sintaxis de la red, al menos en las publicaciones sobre las páginas web en español. Esto no es de extrañar si tenemos en cuenta que se trata de un plano que, en general, ha recibido menos atención que el léxico-semántico, que cuenta con mayor número de monografías, sobre todo en lo referente a las transferencias del inglés, quizá por la dificultad que entraña fijar el grado de penetración de una lengua en la sintaxis de otra (Lorenzo 1996). Internet has significantly changed the speakers’ sociolinguistic habits and this fact has originated new fields of research among which cyberculture and cyberlanguage deserve a special mention. Regarding cyberlanguage, we have observed that the syntax of the net has hardly been analysed, at least in the publications about web pages in Spanish. This is not surprising taking into account that it is an area that has received less attention than the lexical-semantic one, which can rely on a higher number of monographies, especially if referring to the transferences of the English language. Maybe it is due to the difficulty implicit in determining the degree of penetration of a language in the syntax of another language (Lorenzo 1996). Electronic English, oral or written English?Annick Rivens Mompean
University / Research Institution: Université Lille 3 Abstract:
In emails and chatroom messages sent on the Internet, a specific style of writing has developed, which significance and influence on the English language cannot be denied. Speed is required in computer mediated communication which needs to be “short, sharp and snappy” (Aitchison, 2001). As a consequence many abbreviations are used and acronyms are commonly created. In these messages, which seem to be half way between oral and written communication, written words are meant to be pronounced orally. For example, in CQ meaning “seek you”, it is the phonic characteristic of these letters which is meaningful. This kind of short-hand writing moves away form traditional acronyms which stand for the initials of the words they represent. A popular phonetic alphabet has been created, combining with emoticons which give indications on intonation, as if to compensate for the extreme simplicity of the syntax of these messages.The aim of this paper is to analyse this creative process and classify the phenomena that reveal the oral quality of this kind of written language. If one of the main characteristics of human language is creativity, it seems to be at its best in this popular appropriation of language in emails and chatroom messages. The Atlantis Observatory: Resources Available on the Internet to Serve Speakers and Learners of Minority Languages.Marta Torres i Vilatarsana, Salvador Climent, Miquel Strubell and Glyn Williams.
University / Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona (UB) Abstract:
The ATLANTIS Project (Academic Training, Languages and New Technologies in the Information Society) and its outcome, The Atlantis Observatory, are presented. The project’s website ( brings together totally updated information on digital tools and resources available for Lesser-Used Languages of the European Union in a searchable database. The structure and classification of the database is explained and some preliminary results are also offered. The Russian language on the Internet: lexical units in variants and alternativesGalina Timofeeva
University / Research Institution: Abstract:
In the Internet era, when all human life is reflected on the Web, the linguistic issue language in cyberspace is becoming particularly meaningful, distinctive and controversial for the Internet users and especially for those linguist-researchers who investigate the contemporary state of languages, in our case, Russian.Paper delivered in: English University/Research Institution: Abstract: Paper delivered in: Spanish. University / Research Institution: Università di Pisa. Abstract:
In the Internet milieu we can discriminate among various genres that may be associated mainly with two big systems, “public and private voices”, though it is possible to introduce other subsystems. The expressive resources of the web are different from the written-oral register. The web expresses itself through an “infolanguage” that passes to other linguistic milieus and changes the lexicon, the organisation of ideas and the speech acts. The graphic-phonic register of the public agency web sites and the newspaper sites belongs to the public voice. It exploits the idea of interactive but not simultaneous communication; hence it is not a written prototypical language. The e-mail, the forum and the chat, on the contrary, belong to the private voice, they mimic the spoken language. In this article I present the characteristics that modify the Spanish language when it is in contact with the web. The relationship between language and context in on-line advertisements: some cultural implications.Jolanta Kowalska
University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I. Abstract:
In recent years there has been a move from analysing texts for their underlying significance or structure, to analysing text because of their function. One of the discourse types, that can be clearly distinguished by its function is advertising, namely, it always persuades people to buy or do something, like for example to register for a course or give their support for some organisation. Nevertheless, advertisements represent a type of discourse that arises from new technologies and is responsible for new kind of relationships between producer and receiver of the text.
María José
Isabel Bovea
Martí Marco
Luis Guerra Salas and
Mª Elena Gómez Sánchez
Vicent Salvador and Cecili
Llum Bracho Lapiedra
Gemma Mas i Fossas
María Luisa Renau
Alejandro F. López
de Vergara Méndez and José A. Luis Estévez
Jesús García
José Díaz-Cuesta
Mercedes Fernández
Menéndez, Marta Pérez Toral, Santiago González, Esperanza
Granda and Francisco Lupiáñez.
Kris Buyse and Patricia
Muñoz Tavira
María Dueñas,
Pilar Aguado, Mª Lourdes Cerezo, Florentina Mena y Purificación
Alejandro Curado Fuentes
Elisabet Arnó
Macià, Carmen Rueda Ramos, Antonia Soler Cervera
Barbora Budíková and Alena Šteflová
Web-based research activities for ESP.María José Luzón
University / Research Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Abstract:
The Internet can become a highly useful tool for task-based approaches to ESP teaching and learning. Teachers can develop realistic learning frameworks that enable the students to use the target language to complete a meaningful task. The Internet provides invaluable resources for this type of activities: a great variety of authentic and up-to-date material, language learning aids, tools for real communication in the target language. However, there are still very few ESP teachers that have integrated Internet activities into their classrooms. In this paper I will examine the reasons for the use of the Internet in the ESP classroom and the constraints and problems faced by ESP teachers and students when using Internet tools and resources. I will then describe a type of Web-based research activity which can help students exploit the full potential of the Internet for ESP learning. The design of a topic corpus for the humanities.Isabel Bovea
University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
The aim of this paper is to design a corpus of the topics which generallyappear under the heading of Humanities in English using the world wide web in order to elaborate a specific syllabus for the subject 'English I' in the degree of Humanities at Universitat Jaume I.The search was done through the main browsers in the net: and,, and concept of 'Humanities' is undoubtedly very broad and in the first general search on 16th December 2002, we found that the web sites selected were 3,170,000 through the browser; approximately 3,130,000 through the browser; 4,657,579 through the browser; and 180 web sites and domains through the browser results, however, show that the topics which appear under the studied heading are generally related to three main areas: Art, the Arts and History. Ökosprache im Internet.María-Rosario Martí Marco
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Alicante (UA) Abstract:
Para el presente trabajo terminológico se han utilizado como corpus las iniciativas de turismo sostenible que presentan las mayores empresas turísticas alemanas: DeHoGa, Lufthansa, T.U.I., entre otras, en sus páginas de internet. El estudio lingüístico realizado durante seis meses en la Technische Universität Dresden, nos ha permitido caracterizar esta lengua de especialidad, en la que convergen la economía, la ecología, el lenguaje publicitario, y en la que se entremezclan textos muy informativos y a veces de gran densidad científica y técnica con juegos de palabras y figuras retóricas. Todo responde al dictado de un sector, el Turismo, en el que la confianza del cliente en la calidad y la cada vez mayor sensibilidad por el medioambiente, han empezado a multiplicar las iniciativas en este sector, creando una sugerente eco-lingüística, que utiliza el cauce de internet para su difusión. In this terminological work, the initiatives of sustainable tourism suggested by the major German touristic enterprises (DeHoGa, Lufthansa, T.U.I. among others) in their Internet pages, have been used as a corpus. The study undertaken for a period of six months in the Technische Universität Dresden, has allowed us to characterize this speciality language in which economy, ecology and advertising language converge and in which highly informative texts and sometimes of a great scientific and technical density are intermingled with word puns and rhetorical figures. Everything in this respect answers the needs of a sector, Tourism, in which the customer’s confidence in the quality and the increasing sensitivity regarding the environment, have contributed to multiply the initiatives in this sector, creating a thought-provoking eco-linguistic which uses the channel offered by Internet for its diffussion. (Translated by the conference organization) Aportes de Internet al estudio diacrónico de los lenguajes de especialidad.Luis Guerra Salas and Mª Elena Gómez Sánchez
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM) Abstract:
Los recursos disponibles en la red nos permiten hoy día hacer investigaciones rigurosas en el campo del lenguaje científico. Este trabajo pretende: (1) proponer unas pautas metodológicas para realizar estudios diacrónicos sobre lenguajes de especialidad basadas en el empleo de diferentes aplicaciones lexicográficas presentes en internet; y (2), desarrollar el método propuesto con dos ejemplos concretos: el léxico de la hidrología médica y el de la neurología. Nowadays, the resources available in the net allow us to undertake accurate research works in the field of scientific language. This work aims to: (1) establish a series of methodological guidelines in order to make diachronic studies about speciality languages based on the use of different lexicographical applications which can be found in Internet; and (2) develop the suggested method with two specific examples: the lexicon from medical hydrology and from neurology. El discurs de la podologia en Internet (Anàlisi de recursos de divulgació científica i de tecnologia de mercat a partir d’un corpus plurilingüe).Vicent Salvador and Cecili Macián
Paper delivered in: Catalan University/ Research Institution: Universtat Jaume I (UJI) and Escola Universitària de Ciències de la Salut, FUB, UAB. Abstract:
En l’ampli marc de les determinacions que la maquinària mediàtica d’ Internet imposa als diversos discursos d’especialitat, ens situem en el camp de les ciències de la salut, on l’efecte més visible de la mediació corresponent consisteix en la intensificació i l’acceleracio del circuit del consum, que s’imposa així a la relació humana entre el professional de la salut i el(s) seu(s) pacient(s) i la encabeix en l’esquema prioritari de la dinàmica productor-consumidor. Hem triat el cas del calcer ortopèdic i esportiu, com a exemple d’un producte comercial la venda del qual es vehicula per Internet amb una tendència clara a l’anul.lació -o si més no la minimització- del paper de l’especialista en podologia i de l’atenció personalitzada als pacients, cosa que comporta una tergiversació d’un model terapèutic clàssic d’eficàcia comprovada. Aquest canvi de model fomenta pràctiques tan discutibles com la de l’autodiagnosi i la compra directa d’un producte que afecta el correcte funcionament d’uns determinats òrgans corporals prescindint del consell i la inspecció immediata de l’especialista. La nostra comunicació aborda l’estudi d’aquestes pràctiques des de perspectives discursives. In the broad context imposed to the different speciality discourses by the media machinery of Internet, we place ourselves in the field of the health sciences where the most obvious effect of the corresponding mediation deals with the intensification and acceleration of the consumption circuit. In this way, it is imposed to the human relationship between health professionals and their patient(s) the prior scheme of the producer-consumer dynamics. We have chosen the case of orthopaedic and sports footwear as an example of a commercial product whose selling through Internet presents a clear tendency to suppress –or, at least, minimize- the role of the chiropody specialist and the personalised attention to patients. This fact implies the distortion of a classical therapeutic model whose efficacy has been already proved. This shift of model promotes arguable practices such as the self-diagnosis and the buying of products that affect the correct functioning of certain body organs disregarding the specialist’s advise and immediate attention. Our paper deals with the study of such practices from discursive perspectives. La traducció de revistes mediambientals en Internet.Llum Bracho Lapiedra
Paper delivered in: Catalan University / Research Institution: Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Abstract:
L’aparició d’Internet ha possibilitat que moltes publicacions que ja es feien en suport paper aprofitaren aquest gran canal de difusió per transmetre els seus continguts. Un dels avantatges que té aquesta nova forma de divulgació respecte de les versions impreses és que es pot publicar la informació en diverses llengües per tal d’arribar a un major nombre de persones. Així, en aquest treball es pretén realitzar una anàlisi comparativa de les traduccions de diverses revistes institucionals de to divulgatiu, publicades en Internet, i que tenen en comú el medi ambient com a tema central. The appearance of Internet has permitted that lots of written publications profitted from this great diffusion channel aiming to transmit their contents. One of the main advantages that this new way of spreading has with respect to other printed versions is that the information can be published in different languages with the purpose of reaching more people. Therefore, this work aims to undertake a comparative analysis of the translation of different institutional magazines of informative tone published in Internet which have in common the environment as a central topic. La llengua d’Internet. Nous reptes i tendències per a la neologia terminològica.Gemma Mas i Fossas
Paper delivered in: Catalan University / Research Institution: Centre de Terminologia TERMCAT Abstract:
El desenvolupament i la implantació d’Internet arreu del món ha transformat de formes diferents les diverses àrees d’activitat social i individual. En aquest context, la societat s’ha trobat amb el repte d’haver de designar tot un seguit de conceptes i objectes nous vinculats fonamentalment a les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació. The development and growth of Internet around the world has transformed in different ways the diverse areas of social and individual activity. In this context, society has met the challenge of having to appoint a series of new concepts and objects mainly linked to information and communication technologies. Páginas web en la industria cerámica: estudio descriptivo-comparativo.María Luisa Renau Renau
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
La evolución y transformación del concepto de género, sobre todo, por la aparición de las nuevas tecnologías nos conduce a ampliar nuestros estudios sobre ellos. Nuestro estudio se centra en el análisis de géneros digitales y en concreto de páginas web comerciales. Se estudia y compara un corpus de 40 páginas web de empresas que pertenecen a industria cerámica de dos países que pertenecen a culturas distintas y cuyo entorno socioeconómico y sociocultural es diferente: España y E.E.U.U. Las variables utilizadas para el estudio del corpus han sido las siguientes: diseño de la página principal de cada página web, rasgos lingüísticos (tiempos verbales, pronombres personales y posesivos, uso de adjetivos), enlaces internos textuales, enlaces internos como iconos y símbolos, enlaces externos, fotos, idiomas e imágenes en movimiento. The evolution and transformation of the concept of genre, especially due to the appearance of new technologies, make us broaden our studies about them. Our study is focused on the analysis of digital genres, especially commercial web pages. A corpus of 40 web pages of enterprises that belong to the ceramic industry of two countries with different cultures and whose socio-economic and socio-cultural setting is different, Spain and USA, is analysed and compared. The variables used for the study of the corpus are the following ones: design of the main page of each web page, linguistic traits (verbal tenses, personal and possessive pronouns, use of the adjectives), textual internal links, internal links such as icons and symbols, external links, photographs, languages and images in movement. Net Catching: creating ESPecial materialsAlejandro F. López de Vergara Méndez and José A. Luis Estévez
University / Research Institution: Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) Abstract:
In this paper a practical experience carried out during the past two years on three of the engineering degrees offered at La Laguna University will be presented. A Taxonomy of Free Online Resources on Internet for EFL for Tourism Studies.Jesús García Laborda
University / Research Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) Abstract:
This talk shows a taxonomy created at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Tourism College as an Internet guide for foreign language both for professors and students. It also describes the process that is currently being carried to provide students with access and adequate tools to improve the learning – teaching process. Besides, it provides tips on how to look for different sources of free available materials online. The first section describes the frame8work in which some students are working to develop their “Proyecto final de carrera” in Tourism EFL language resources. After, the second part, proposes a taxonomy of the different desirable items. Finally, the third section provides the attendees with some basic guidelines and addresses of online free resources that support the Tourism Diplomature curriculum and supplement university core educational materials. The additional bibliography in the paper is limited to free and frequently updated resources; over 60 new annotated addresses are enclosed to encompass electronic journals and newspapers, e-mail discussion groups, free-nets, and world wide web sites. These resources are grouped according to the suggested taxonomy, with sections on culture (big and small “c”) art, songs and newspapers, magazines and many more. This bibliography includes information of touristic webs and general Tourism resources. Technical English versus Technical English: before and after the introduction of WebCT.José Díaz-Cuesta
University / Research Institution: Universidad de La Rioja (UNIRIOJA) Abstract:
In spite of having been teaching "Inglés Técnico" (Technical English) in the last six years first at the University of Zaragoza and now at the University of La Rioja, and although I have been using different textbooks throughout these years, nothing has been as challenging and as thought-provoking as the introduction of the Internet for the learning and teaching of the fifty per cent of this subject. In this paper I showthe consequences of that innovation in the teaching-learning process.Firstly, I refer to what that adaptation has meant for the teacher, in terms of both the preparation of the teaching materials, and the pedagogical changes due to the new environment. Secondly, I comment on the results of an experiment carried out with two groups of students: one of them receiving the input of part of the materials of one unit via WebCT, and the other receiving the same information in a traditionalclassroom. As a conclusion, a list of advantages and disadvantages is given, together with the question of whether this subject would benefit from being taught only via WebCT on the Internet. Reescritura de trabajos científicos desde una interfaz informática.Mercedes Fernández Menéndez, Marta Pérez Toral, Santiago González, Esperanza Granda and Francisco Lupiáñez.
Paper delivered in: English University / Research Institution: Universidad de Oviedo (UNIOVI) Abstract:
En la redacción de un trabajo académico para su publicación, resulta imprescindible incluir un resumen (abstracta), que anuncie los resultados de manera sintética y eficaz. En consecuencia, estimamos de la mayor importancia desarrollar una metodología y unos materiales adecuados para la información-formación que interviene en todos los procesos de elaboración de trabajos científicos, desde la mera ficha bibliográfica, hasta una monografía extensa.Como ejemplo hemos elegido un texto argumentativo-tipo (Por qué los españoles no tienen hijos, de Margarita Rivière: El País, 24/10/2002) en el que vamos a trabajar los procesos de coherencia desde la metodología de la gramática textual. In the writing of an academic paper for publication it is unavoidable to prepare an abstract that announces the results of our work in a synthetic and efficient way. We consider that developing a methodology and a set of adequate materials for the formation-information that takes place in all processes leading to prepare all kinds of scientific papers (from a mere bibliographic card to an extensive monograph) to be absolutely necessary. We have chosen an argumentative-type text (Por qué los españoles no tienen hijos, by Margarita Rivière: El País, 24/10/2002) to illustrate the processes of cohesion using a text-grammar methodology. Plataforma electrónica del español económico dentro del proyecto ElektraVoc-II.Kris Buyse and Patricia Muñoz Tavira
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: K.U. Leuven and Lessius Hogeschool Abstract:
El proyecto “ElektraVoc-II: módulo económico” se inscribe en el marco de la elaboración continua y conjunta de herramientas electrónicas para el autoaprendizaje asistido del español por parte de la K.U.Leuven, la Lessius Hogeschool y la U.Gent. Dichos instrumentos se hacen indispensables en un curso integrado de español, una formación a distancia o un aprendizaje autónomo en la enseñanza superior flamenca, caracterizada cada vez más por un descenso gradual de las horas de contacto, el crecimiento de las posibilidades técnicas y el fomento consiguiente del autoaprendizaje asistido. El proyecto ElektraVoc, destinado a elaborar materiales de aprendizaje y referencia, tanto del español general como con fines específicos, fácilmente accesibles y actualizables, comprende varias fases. The project “ElektraVoc-II: economic module” is included within the frame of continuous and joint electronic tools for Spanish assisted self-learning by K.U. Leuven, Lessius Hogeschool and U. Gent. Such tools become essential in an integrated Spanish course, a training at a distance or a self-learning process in Flemish higher education, increasingly characterised by a gradual decrease of contact hours, by the growth of the technical possibilities and the resulting fostering of assisted self-learning. Internet y redacción académica en inglés: recopilación anotada de una selección de recursos sobre tipos y estructuras de trabajos.María Dueñas, Pilar Aguado, Mª Lourdes Cerezo, Florentina Mena y Purificación Sánchez
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universidad de Murcia (UM) Abstract:
La redacción de textos académicos en inglés es una tarea difícil que a menudo limita las aspiraciones de los hablantes no nativos en lo que respecta a la difusión internacional de su producción científica. Somos conscientes de las deficiencias de numerosos profesores, investigadores y estudiantes españoles dentro del ámbito de la humanidades y las ciencias sociales en sus habilidades de escritura académica. Por ello, hemos intentado diseñar una clasificación amplia y organizada de recursos de Internet sobre tipos y estructuras de trabajos académicos. Tales recursos están destinados a ayudar tanto a hablantes nativos como no nativos en la redacción y corrección de sus propios trabajos atendiendo a los formatos y convenciones más extendidos de escritura académica en inglés. La clasificación está dividida en diez categorías, cada una de las cuales cubre un dominio específico: essays, research papers, reviews, reports, summaries, abstracts, theses and dissertations, bibliographical compilations, CVs, y letters. No se han considerado cuestiones específicas de disciplinas concretas, puesto que nuestra intención ha sido recoger y comentar una serie de recursos seleccionados pero no restrictivos que contengan información práctica de aplicación multidisciplinar. Writing academic texts in English is an arduous task that often constrains the aspirations of non-native speakers to the international diffusion of their scholarly production. Conscious as we are of the deficiencies of academic writing skills that many Spanish lecturers, researchers and students in the humanities and social sciences have, we have attempted to design an organized, comprehensive classification of annotated internet resources on academic texts typology. These resources aim at assisting both native and non-native speakers in the writing and/or editing of their own pieces of scholarly work according to the most extended formats and conventions in academic English. The classification is divided into ten categories, each covering a specific domain: essays, research papers, reviews, reports, summaries, abstracts, theses and dissertations, bibliographical compilations, CVs, and letters. The specifics of particular disciplines have not been considered as our intention has been to collect and annotate a selected yet non-restrictive array of web sources containing practical information for cross-disciplinary application. Academic Language on the Web and Task Competencies in ESP.Alejandro Curado Fuentes
University / Research Institution: Universidad de extremadura (UNEX) Abstract:
Internet can provide ESP instructors with both a source and recipient of ESP material. In particular, it can be highly useful for task development since it can offer a real learning environment in terms of language and content. Some examples may include the broad range of digital genres and text types available to the academic community (research genres, electronic discussions, lectures, interviews, etc.). In this sense, the appropriate design and construction of ESP corpora can work as a fruitful assessment reference for task exploitation in the ESP setting. In contrast, there are still very few teachers profiting from internet-based corpus-driven information for ESP course design. This paper presents our particular situation where an academic corpus of electronic texts is integrated in first and second year Business and Computer English courses. We describe the selection criteria for the corpus design, particular activities developed by exploiting the corpus, and an example of electronic written task evaluation by assessing corpus-driven knowledge on the web. Paper delivered in: English. University / Research Institution: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Abstract:
This paper reports on a study which aims to find out whether and to what extent university students are able to develop learner autonomy through a virtual EAP course delivered through the Internet. The course, which makes special emphasis on the use of Internet resources for language learning, was designed specifically to foster learner autonomy. This research is based on a previous exploratory study (Arnó et al. 2003) which aimed at defining students’ profile as autonomous learners by identifying certain actions and views related to language and learning. Based on the categories developed in the preliminary study, this paper seeks to refine the profile of the autonomous learner initially developed and to discover which specific actions and attitudes related to learner autonomy are more commonly found among students’ behaviour. For this purpose, and combining qualitative and quantitative methods, we carried out an analysis of the autonomous behaviour displayed by a larger population of students—those who took part in the three editions of the course—when using a variety of Internet resources through activities designed to foster learner autonomy. The study reported on in this paper has allowed us to broaden the profile outlined in our previous research as well as to identify those specific actions and attitudes that students are more prone to develop as opposed to those that they rarely display. This paper emphasises the connection between making the most of the potential of the Internet and developing students’ autonomy. Our ultimate aim is to point to ways in which students may be encouraged to become more autonomous language learners and explore the role that the Internet may play in helping us attain this objective.Paper delivered in: English. University / Research Institution: Masaryk University Brno Abstract:
The aim of our presentation is to share our experience with preparing and developing materials for a CD ROM, intended to serve as a learning tool for university students of ESP. The CD ROM will contain practical exercises and a guide on language input and strategies, common errors and practical tips for a successful professional presentation. A separate part of the CD ROM will be devoted to sample materials of successful presentations given by the students themselves. This should serve as a motivation tool for the CD ROM users. The CD ROM is meant to be available to students of Masaryk University working in the Self-access Centre as a part of our tutoring programme.
Mohammad Al-Khawalda
Vicent Barberà
Salvador Insa
Eduardo de Gregorio Godeo
Fernando Rosell Aguilar
Kristi Jauregi, Dorien
Nieuwenhuijsen and Rick de Graaff
Lizzie Reilly
Inés Laborde Patrón
Antonio Sánchez
Sola and Cristina Escobar Urmeneta
María del Mar
Sánchez Ramos
José Antonio Mompeán
Rosaura Serra Escorihuela,
Irma Mulet Vilar, M. Josep Soldevila Blasco, Ana Pitarch Gil and Miquel
Àngel Castillo Muñoz.
Noelia Ruiz Madrid and
María Luisa Villanueva Alfonso
María Isabel Pérez
Caterina Calafat
Sima Sengupta
Pascual Pérez-Paredes
and Juan García Iborra
Ana Fernández-Pampillón
Cesteros, Covadonga López Alonso and Arlette Seré
Maria Pilar Safont Jordà
and Mari Carmen Campoy Cubillo.
Patricia Salazar Campillo
and Maria-José Esteve Ramos.
The influence of computers on teaching English as a Foreign Language.Mohammad Al-Khawalda
University / Research Institution: Mutah University Abstract:
The use of computers and related technology has been increased rapidly during the last few years. With the popularization of computers, the use of them in teaching has also been increased in an amazing way mainly for the non-native speakers of certain language. The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of the internet and computer in teaching English for non-native speakers. It compares between the use of computer to teach some basic skills in English language, such as reading, speaking, writing, in addition to some grammatical issues, such as: tenses, passive structure, conditional sentences, etc. and the use of the traditional way in which the teacher, the book and the students are involved. 40 subjects, non-native speakers of English, are involved in the study. They are divided into two groups (20 subjects per group). All of them are almost in the same level according to their results in a general test designed for this purpose. It turns out that the group which uses the computer and Internet shows a noticeable progress and a very good command of all the language skills in comparison with the other group. The difference is significant in certain skills such as listening and speaking. Una vieja herramienta en un medio nuevo: Glosarios en Internet.Vicent Barberà Manrique
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
Con la presencia en Internet de las sucursales de los negocios tradicionales, elestudio y la enseñanza de las lenguas para fines específicos ha visto aumentadade manera considerable el acceso a un gran número de documentos. Entre estos documentos encontramos los glosarios que se publican, entre otras razones, comouna manera de adelantarse a las necesidades informativas de los posibles clientes,supliendo así la falta de interactividad que supone visitar una página web encomparación con el diálogo frente a frente en un negocio convencional. En estetrabajo hacemos un análisis de los glosarios publicados en las cibersucursalesde varias instituciones bancarias de España y de Estados Unidos. Este análisispretende ser el primer paso que nos lleve a poder utilizar los glosarios y lossitios web que los contienen, en la enseñanza del inglés, el español y latraducción de ambas lenguas en el ámbito del lenguaje financiero. The mechanisms of lexical interference in Internet, Computing Science and other specific jargons.Salvador Insa
University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
Starting from several corpora, a new classification of false friends is attempted here, based on Cruse's concept of lexical unit: rather than words or lexemes, these units are the resulting union of a word form and one single meaning. Then, this new typology is revised at the light of some of the principles governing linguistic interference (such as Van Overbeke's assumption that the more similar the stimuli, the more lasting the interference). Finally, I have attempted to explain why some of the most common false friends seem to escape linguistic assumptions governing linguistic interference. Integrating Internet resources into English-as-a-foreign-language self-study processesEduardo de Gregorio Godeo
University / Research Institution: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) Abstract:
This paper will present the possibilities of online resources as a self-study tool for students of English as a foreign language (EFL). Following Gremmo and Riley (1995), Gremmo (1996) and Holec (1996)’s approach to self-study in the foreign language classroom, a model is presented involving the students’ negotiation of their own learning objectives and needs (language level; type of linguistic skills; field or speciality; register; language variety; etc) with a tutor/counsellor helping learners to define their learning process. The use of different internet resources (web pages and, particularly, chats, forums or e-mail) will be then discussed as a tool in the negotiation and implementation of this process. A number of online resources will be thus presented and organised according to level (lower, intermediate and advanced) and relevant domains in the learning-and-teaching process (language skills; grammar; vocabulary; pronunciation; etc.). The model will be finally discussed regarding its applicability in various educational contexts, especially at university. Electronic Literacy with and attitudes towards the Web as a resource for Foreign Language Learning.Fernando Rosell Aguilar
University / Research Institution: The Open University Abstract:
One of the most common uses of the World Wide Web for foreign language learning is as a resource for essay topics. When we as language tutors ask students to perform searches for information about a given issue we assume that students: know how to perform those searches like using the web pay attention to the language A virtual writing environment for peer feedback in Spanish as a second language.Kristi Jauregi, Dorien Nieuwenhuijsen and Rick de Graaff
University / Research Institution: Utretcht University Abstract:
According to constructivist approaches, collaborative tasks are considered an effective way of promoting learning while ICT plays a facilitating role. ICT is a necessary tool for promoting writing of academic texts in a foreign language where students have to collaborate with each other. The role of structured online support in the development of learner autonomy.Lizzie Reilly
University / Research Institution: Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Abstract:
University students in Hong Kong are increasingly facing a need to become skilled independent language learners. Factors such as rising unemployment and competition for jobs, together with a recent government policy to benchmark the English level of final-year undergraduates, contribute to the pressure on students to improve their English proficiency. Las prácticas de pronunciación vía Internet: el "Chamuyo".Inés Laborde Patrón
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Université Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille 3 Abstract:
The Internet classroom assistant in pre-service teacher training (or) Learning by doing.Antonio Sánchez Sola and Cristina Escobar Urmeneta
University / Research Institution: Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) Abstract:
The possibilities of Internet in the field of foreign language teaching and learning seem to be unlimited. Unfortunately, it is often the case that primary and secondary language teachers do not profit the enormous potential that web-based learning has, even if the necessary resources are available and the teachers have completed courses on the use of ICTs. This can be, to a large extent, attributed to the design of teacher training programmes which offer courses on language, methodology and computers as separate components. Online Corpora: are they new tools in ELT?María del Mar Sánchez Ramos
University / Research Institution: Universidad de Granada (UGR) Abstract:
The general aim of this presentation is to introduce the use of online corpora in ELT and describe their main features and ways of exploitation into de English classroom. The use of corpora in ELT is a recent phenomenon. It was in the 1980s when Tim Johns at the University of Birmingham coined the concept of data-driving learning (DDL) to describe those situations in which students can answer questions about language themselves by studying corpus data. Contrasting with rote learning, DDL “favour learning by discovery-the study of grammar, vocabulary, discourse or style” (Tribble, C & Jones, G: 1990:12). By using corpora, students are exposed to authentic language and are able to work it for themselves by searching for key words in context. A secondary purpose is to show some web-designed activities in order to integrate DDL techniques in everyday teaching practice. Teachers can use online corpora as source for their activities, that is, they can generate their own material based on examples drawn from a variety of corpora. English phonetics instruction and the course webpage.José Antonio Mompeán González
University / Research Institution: Universidad de Murcia (UM) Abstract:
Phonetics is a discipline which has benefited from technological developments since its inception and more intensely since the computer revolution. However, despite the now relatively long history of developments in phonetics through instrumental methods and tools which use computers, only recently has phonetics instruction started to benefit from the computer technology already used in phonetic research. As the Internet offers an unheard-of chance of integrating sound and image in a potentially useful pedagogical way, we believe that the chances it offers in the teaching of phonetics, a multimodal field by definition, should be better exploited. The creation of course-tailored webpages which exploit the numerous resources and links found nowadays in the Internet is Els materials online al centre d’autoaprenentatge: una nova eina cap a l’autoformació.Rosaura Serra Escorihuela, Irma Mulet Vilar, M. Josep Soldevila Blasco, Ana Pitarch Gil and Miquel Àngel Castillo Muñoz
Paper delivered in: Catalan University/ Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI). Centre d’autoaprenentatge de llengües (CAL) Abstract:
Websites for English Language Learning: A Critical Study from an Autonomous Language Learning Perspective.Noelia Ruiz Madrid and María Luisa Villanueva Alfonso
University / Research Institution: Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), where Internet plays a fundamental role in the communication process, is a further area of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) which has been considered as a potential tool to foster autonomy in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. On the one hand, a medium as versatile as Internet can provide such an ideal environment to enhance autonomous language learning. In this sense, many websites are devoted to language learning material, but on the other hand only a few constitute a real valuable source in terms of autonomous language learning. In fact, very often many of these websites presupposed an already autonomous learner-user. Yet, it is not so frequent to find websites offering explicit proposals and methodological aids in order to foster learning to learn strategies. Besides technical aspects become an important issue to take into account since some of these pages do not have a friendly-user design. The purpose of this paper therefore is to analyse some of these websites in terms of pedagogical and technical criteria. The analysis concentrates more particularly on those pedagogical criteria closely related to autonomous language learning on the one hand, and usability criteria on the other hand. By doing so we will be able to adopt a critical perspective towards language learning websites from an autonomous. Selecting online resources for a constructivist approach to ELT.María Isabel Pérez Torres
University / Research Institution: Universidad de Granada (UGR) Abstract:
The development of the Internet has encouraged research concerning how to use the Web resources in ELT. Besides, the intrinsic features of the Web allow the learning process to be more constructivist. Constructivism sees learning as a process where the individual constructs knowledge through interaction with the environment. Therefore, a constructivist approach to ELT implies designing learning strategies that enable students to learn a language by observing and analysing information, testing hypotheses, describing and explaining facts, etc. Most of those strategies are based on using Internet resources. Our objective in this presentation is to analyse the criteria for selecting the appropriate resources among the great variety available on the Internet. These criteria will promote an efficient search and use of the resources when designing and implementing constructivist learning activities in ELT. Des fleurs bleues au fabuleux destin d’Amelie PoulainCaterina Calafat
Paper delivered in: Spanish University / Research Institution: Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) Abstract:
En un intent de mostrar la gran utilitat dels recursos d’Internet en l’adquisició de la competència cultural (i no merament lingüística) per part de l’aprenent d’una segona llengua, presentaré una seqüència didàctica en què el recorregut pedagògic d’un text literari a una obra cinematogràfica compta amb l’ajut d’adreces existents a la xarxa. Tools for teaching English: The conceptual possibilities of the Internet.Sima Sengupta
University / Research Institution: Hong Kong Polytechnic University Abstract:
The electronic age is influencing the ways in which we talk about language teaching. No longer are teachers diligently cutting newspaper articles nor are they frantically checking out books in the library. The Internet now offers them every advantage they need - a huge arena with hundreds of possibilities - only for teachers to explore. Yet there is a problem. In order to become a critical consumer of the conceptual possibilities offered by the Internet, teachers need to be able to get a full picture and not be unable to see the wood because of the trees. Internet English: culture and teaching and teaching implications.Pascual Pérez-Paredes and Juan García Iborra
University / Research Institution: Universidad de Murcia (UM) Abstract:
Internet English, tal y como se perfila en este trabajo, podría convertirse en un nuevo paradigma dentro de la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa con fines comunicativos generales. Las razones que explican la aparición y la importancia de esta variedad son tanto de índole cultural como económica y, precisamente por la magnitud de las mismas, los profesionales de la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa deberían estudiar con detenimiento este fenómeno. La cuestión planteada en este trabajo es de que forma los aspectos culturales de Internet van a afectar a la lengua inglesa, y si es posible que en los próximos años podamos referirnos a una nueva variedad del inglés desarrollada en un entorno cultural globalizado como Internet, variedad que denominamos a partir de este momento Internet English El desarrollo de aplicaciones hipermedia para la didáctica: la enseñanza en Internet de segundas lenguas.Ana Fernández-Pampillón Cesteros, Covadonga López Alonso and Arlette Seré
University / Research Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Abstract:
En esta comunicación analizamos el proceso de desarrollo de sistemas hipermedia de enseñanza-aprendizaje desde un punto de vista técnico. El carácter didáctico de estas aplicaciones hace que las primeras fases de análisis de requisitos y diseño, sean especialmente críticas. Por ello, es necesario la utilización de metodologías que permitan sistematizar el proceso de diseño desde las primeras fases del desarrollo de estas aplicaciones. En este artículo se presenta una metodología basada en modelos docentes y modelos de hipermedia para definir (1) el esquema docente y (2) la estructura de datos y navegación de la aplicación hipermedia de forma abstracta e independiente de las posibles implementaciones particulares. Aplicamos esta metodología a la construcción de un prototipo, un módulo para la comprensión escrita de lenguas románicas. Este prototipo se integrará en una plataforma real de enseñanza de segundas lenguas en Internet: el proyecto GALANET . Online pragmatic input: a focus on request acts occurrence in NS and NNS oral Corpora .Maria Pilar Safont Jordà and Mari Carmen Campoy Cubillo.
University / Research Institution: (LAELA) Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
The present paper aims at analysing the use of request acts in a foreign language learning context and how corpora available through the Internet may improve the quality of language input. We have particularly examined the use of request head act realisation strategies and peripheral modification devices in the instructional and the natural context. In so doing, we have considered the need of resorting to native speakers' input in providing formal pragmatic instruction in the target language, as assumed by scholars like Kasper (1997) and Bardovi -Harlig (1999). Regarding our data collection, learners' production of request formulas has been elicited by means of an open role-play including various situations; while native speakers' data was obtained from the online MICASE corpus. Differences in terms of realisation strategies found in learners' output and in authentic data transcriptions has led us to suggest certain pedagogical implications for the use of online spoken corpora in order to foster foreign language learners' pragmatic development. The implementation of the basic support for cooperative work (BSCW) as a atool to provide collaboration and feedback opportunities.Patricia Salazar Campillo and Maria-José Esteve Ramos.
University / Research Institution: (LAELA) universitat Jaume I (UJI) Abstract:
Recent literature on second language acquisition (SLA) has pointed out the use of tasks which require learners to produce output (Swain, 1995). This author suggests that the requirement to produce output may cause the learners focus on their grammatical or lexical knowledge. To take the issue further, authors such as Kowal and Swain (1994) and Swain and Lapkin (1997) have proposed the implementation of tasks which make the learners produce output collaboratively . In their opinion, the positive effects of collaborative tasks is that the learners’ joint effort may make them aware of the mismatch between their interlanguage (IL) and the target language (TL). Moreover, collaborative tasks may promote feedback on the part of the peer(s), being feedback one of the three theoretical conditions for SLA, along with input and output. |