Universitat Jaume I

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Prof. Dr. Jorge Mateu

Catedrático de Universidad / Full Professor of Statistics
Departamento de Matemáticas / Department of Mathematics
Universitat Jaume I
E-12071 Castellón, Spain
eMail: mateu@uji.es
Web site: http://www3.uji.es/~mateu
+34.964.728391 (Phone), +34.964.728429 (Fax)

Last updated: December 20, 2024



"To err is human, to forgive divine - but to include errors in your design is statistical" - Leslie Kish

"Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises" - Samuel Butler

"The roots of statistical science are in data" - Annonymous

"Statistics, the science of uncertainty, attempts to model order in disorder" - Noel Cressie

"We are drowning in information and starving for knowledge" - Rutherford D. Roger

"There is no true interpretation of anything; interpretation is a vehicle in the service of human comprehension. The value of interpretation is in enabling others to fruitfully think about an idea" - Andreas Buja

"The quiet statisticians have changed our world; not by discovering new facts or technical developments, but by changing the ways that we reason, experiment and form our opinions" - Ian Hacking

"Our world, our life, our destiny, are dominated by Uncertainty; this is perhaps the only statement we may assert without uncertainty" - de Finetti

"Knowledge itself is power" - Francis Bacon

"The knowledge is knowledge, and vice versa" - Tee shirt

"An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less" - Nicholas Murray Butler

"Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Only the knowledge that makes us better is useful" - Sócrates

"What does it matter to know what is right when one doesn't know what righteousness is?" - Séneca

"The idea that cannot be converted into words is a bad idea, and the word that cannot be converted into action is a bad word" - Chesterton

"At least once in a lifetime it is convenient to put everything to discussion" - Descartes

"The numbers, with their simplicity, dazzle even the most well informed. The proportions that to use look perfect are sometimes distorted by an error. From the uncertainty of the calculations results the undisputable prestige of Mathematics" - Malba Tahan

"Modern statistics might well be defined as the application of computers and mathematics to data analysis" - G.S. Watson

"All models are wrong. We make tentative assumptions about the real world which we know are false but which we believe may be useful" - George Box

"Don't tell me right you want to be, tell me how wrong you can be" - Ian Lerche

"It is remarkable that a science which began with the consideration of games of chance should have become the most important object of human knowledge" - Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace, Théorie Analytique des Probabilités

"Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler" - Attributed to Einstein

"In God we trust, all else must bring data" - Art Dempster

"All models are fiction, but some stories are better than others" - Richard Berk

"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" - Albert Einstein

"My work always tried to unite the truth with the beautiful, but when I had to choose one or the other, I usually chose the beautiful" - Hermann Weyl

"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty" - Bertrand Russell

"The aesthetic goals and the utilitarian goals for mathematics turn out, in the end, to be quite close. Our aesthetic instincts draw us to mathematics of a certain depth and connectivity. The very depth and beauty of the patterns makes them likely to be manifested, in unexpected ways, in other parts of mathematics, science, and the world" - William Thurston

Jorge Jorge


  • COVID-19

  • Investigación/Research
      ID, H-Index, Citations, CV
      Catedra Eurocop/Eurocop Unit for Crime Prediction
      Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics: Enabling Open Cities
      Editor Asociado/Associate Editor
      Visitantes/Short-term Visitors
      Proyectos de Investigación/Research grants
      Tesinas y Trabajos de Investigación dirigidos/Supervisor of research works and Master Thesis
      Tesis Doctorales dirigidas/Supervisor of PhD Thesis
      Publicaciones/Scientific publications
  • Seminarios, Jornadas y Congresos/Workshops & Conferences

  • COVID-19

    S3H-COVID19: Spatial, Spread, and Stochastic modelling for health decision-making

    1. COVID-19 Pandemic: Tracking the Outbreak in Spain: Jorge Mateu (Universitat Jaume I, Spain), Somnath Chaudhuri (Universitat Jaume I, Spain and Maldives National University, Maldives) and Poshan Niraula (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)

      See Shiny applications at Tracking the outbreak in Spain and Covid in Castilla-Leon (Spain)

    2. Working group: Jorge Mateu (Universitat Jaume I, Spain), Konstantin Krivoruchko (Redlands, US), Somnath Chaudhuri (Maldives National University, Maldives)

      See short pdf with the statistical model used at Space-time Innovation Diffusion Kriging (ST-IDK model)

      Prediction of infected and death cases at Spanish Provinces. See point-wise predictions at ST-IDK point-wise predictions

      Prediction of rates of infected cases at Spanish Provinces. See animated coloured maps at ST-IDK infected predictions from 21/March to 29/April

      Prediction of rates of death cases at Spanish Provinces. See animated coloured maps at ST-IDK death predictions from 21/March to 29/April

      We also have our SEIR epidemiological model. See short description at SEIR epi model

      With corresponding predicted curves for Spain Epi curves for Spain and for Valencia city Epi curves for Valencia

      Finally, a movie with the spread of cases within Spain following our SEIR model Movie of cases spread for Spain

      Prediction of infected cases (in log-scale) at Municipalities of Madrid. See animated coloured maps at ST-IDK infected predictions at Municipalities of Madrid

      True infected cases in 700 counties of 8 US States. See animated coloured maps for 16 consecutive days at True infected cases in US

      Prediction of infected cases in 700 counties of 8 US States. See animated coloured maps for 16 consecutive days at Predicted infected cases in US

      Point-wise predictions of infected cases in 700 counties of 8 US States. See some selected cases at Point-wise predictions of infected cases in US

    3. Working group: Jorge Mateu (Universitat Jaume I, Spain), Anton Antonov (Accendo Data LLC, Windermere, US)

      This is a computational, epidemilogical, and economical project developed in Mathematica and R. This project is named Large Scale Geo-spatial-temporal Economic Model for Pandemic Propagation and Management.

      The challenges brought forward by COVID-19 showed that it is very difficult to make a decision about what are the optimal policies for managing epidemics and pandemics effects. The evolving of epidemics and pandemics evolving at exponential rates require the ability to make quick, reliable decisions. Days can make all the difference. The health system is unprepared and will be overwhelmed. In order to develop such a system we need a simulation tool to estimate the spread of the coronavirus in a given country or continent.

      See Shiny application of the epidemiological model (SEI2HR) at: SEI2HR epidemiological model

      This epi model is based on solving these equations Diff equations for the Epi model

      See description of our model (version 0.3) for Spain at Large Scale Geo-spatial-temporal Economic Model

    4. Working group: Jorge Mateu (Universitat Jaume I, Spain), Oscar Melo (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Wilmer Pineda (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

      See Shiny application at: Space-time prediction of cases and deaths for Spain

      See short pdf with the statistical model used at space-time model

    5. Working group: Jorge Mateu (Universitat Jaume I, Spain), Abdollah Jalilian (Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran)

      See Shiny application at: Space-time prediction of cases and deaths for Spain, Italy and Germany

      See short pdf with the statistical model used at space-time model


    ID, H-Index, Citations, CV

    1. WoS Researcher ID: F-8266-2016

    2. SCOPUS Author ID: 7004431932

    3. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2868-7604

    4. h index amongst Spanish Statistics & Probability researchers: h index ranking (Statistics). Top 7 amongst the Spanish researchers in Statistics and Probability (h-index: 28).

    5. ScholarGPS recognizes Top Scholars for their outstanding performance in various Fields, Disciplines, and Specialties. Your strong publication record, the impact of your work, and the notable quality of your scholarly contributions have placed you in the top 0.5% of all scholars worldwide: View your scholar profile and rankings. Top Scholar - Prior 5 Years: ranked 11 in Spatial Analysis: Ranked 11 in Spatial Analysis

    6. Scopus, Google Scholar and ResearchGate Citations: Scopus citations, Google Scholar citations ResearchGate citations
      1. Scopus (December 20, 2024): total cites: 4201; h-index: 31; Number of coauthors: 306
      2. Google Scholar (December 20, 2024): total cites: 7637; h-index: 44; i10-index: 155
      3. ResearchGate (December 20, 2024): total cites: 6216; h-index: 42; Interest score: 3227

    7. 5 Sexenios: 4 Sexenios de investigación, 1 Sexenio de transferencia

    8. You can find a reduced version of my CV at cv-reduced.pdf (updated in December 2024).

    9. Honours: Recognition of World Class Professor 2022, Indonesia.
    10. Honours: Premio Consejo Social UJI 2022 en Investigación Básica, Castellón, Spain.

    11. Wikipedia: Wikipedia-Jorge Mateu.

    Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge

    Catedra Eurocop/Eurocop Unit for Crime Prediction

    Director of the Research Unit Eurocop: Statistical Modelling of Crime Data, based at the Department of Mathematics, University Jaume I of Castellon. This Unit currently collaborates and gets funding support from (a) the Local Police and the Town Hall of Castellon, and (b) Valencian Community through its 112-emergency phone.

    Jorge Jorge Jorge

    Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics: Enabling Open Cities

    GEO-C is funded by the European Commission within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, International Training Networks (ITN), European Joint Doctorates (EJD). The funding period is January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2018, Grant Agreement number 642332 — GEO-C — H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014. Please, visit the web page Joint doctorate web site.

    Editor Asociado y otros Cargos/Associate Editor and Memberships

    1. Elected member of The International Statistical Institute (ISI). January 2004.
    2. Fellow of Wessex Institute of Technololy in Great Britain. July 2004.
    3. Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS). June 2016.
    4. Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (JABES) (January 2022 - December 2024). Journal web site.
    5. Associate Editor of The Journal of Environmental Statistics (September 2008 - ). Journal web site.
    6. Associate Editor of Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences (AISS) (September 2008 - ). Journal web site.
    7. Associate Editor of Environmetrics (January 2009 - ). Journal web site.
    8. Associate Editor of Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA) (January 2009 - ). Journal web site.
    9. Associate Editor of Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (JABES) (January 2011 - December 2021). Journal web site.
    10. Associate Editor of Journal of Spatial Statistics (October 2011 - ). Journal web site.
    11. Associate Editor of Colombian Journal of Statistics (June 2015 - ). Journal web site.
    12. Associate Editor of International Statistical Review (ISR) (April 2016 - ). Journal web site.
    13. Associate Editor of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C (JRSSC) (January 2017 - December 2020). Journal web site.
    14. Associate Editor of Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society (JIRSC) (January 2017 - ). Journal web site.
    15. Associate Editor of Test (January 2021 - ). Journal web site.
    16. Section Editor of Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Second Edition. Wiley.
    17. President of Board of Editors of METMA Workshops.
    18. Member of the Executive Committee of SEIO (Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research). February 2009-April 2012. SEIO web site.
    19. 2011 Election of Board of Directors of the International Environmetrics Society (TIES) in the position of Secretary, 2011-2014.
    20. Co-director of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies. Funded by European Commission. Consortium formed by Spain, Portugal and Germany. Master web site.
    21. Award 2013: Best Associate Editor of JABES.
    22. Member of the Panel of Reviewers 2000-2019: ANEP, Spanish National Agency for the Evaluation of Research Projects.
    23. Member of the Panel of Reviewers 2011-2018: PCCA call from The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding. Ministry of National Education, Romania. http://www.uefiscdi.gov.ro.
    24. Member of the Panel of Reviewers 2012-2018: PRIN call from MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research of Italy. https://referee.cineca.it.
    25. Member of the Panel of Reviewers 2015-2018: FONDECYT call from CONICYT, Chilean National Science and Technology Commission. https://evalfondecyt.conicyt.cl.
    26. Member of the Panel of Reviewers 2018: HFRI, 1st call for HFRI Research projects (Ref. No 500/15.12.2017), Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation . https://apps.gov.gr/minedu/elidek-dep/evaluation/.
    27. Member of the Panel of Reviewers 2019-2021: DEVA-AAC, Evaluación y Acreditación de la Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento.
    28. Director of the Unit Eurocop: Statistical Modelling of Crime Data, based in the Department of Mathematics, University Jaume I of Castellon. Starting date: June 2014. Catedra Eurocop web site.
    29. Chair of the Committee of The Abdel El-Shaarawi Early Investigator (AEEI) Award from TIES. 2018, 2019. TIES-AEEI web site.
    30. Member of the Scientific Committee of Carto-Spatial analytics for the modern data stack. Starting date: October 2023. CARTO web site, CARTO team.

    Visitantes/Short-term Visitors

      Before 2005

    1. PETER DIGGLE. Department of Medicine, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
    2. JESPER MOLLER. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
    3. ADRIAN BADDELEY. University of Western Australia, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Perth, Australia.

    4. 2006

    5. ALESSANDRO FASSO. Department of Information Technology and Mathematical Methods, University of Bergamo, Bergamo. Italy.
    6. ORIETTA NICOLIS. Department of Information Technology and Mathematical Methods, University of Bergamo, Bergamo. Italy.
    7. ALESSANDRO ZINI. Department of Quantitative Methods for Business and Economic Sciences, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.
    8. RITA PINI. Dipartimento di Metodi Quantitativi per l?Economia, Universita degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.
    9. HSIN-CHENG HUANG. Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
    10. KONSTANTIN KRIVORUCHKO. Software Development Lead, Geostatistics Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Redlands, USA.
    11. CHRISTIAN GENEST. Département de Mathématiques et de Statistique, Faculté des Sciences et de Génie (FSG), Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

    12. 2007

    13. RADU STOICA. Universite Lille 1, Laboratoire Paul Painleve, Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France.
    14. CARLO GAETAN. Dipartimento di Statistica, Universita Ca Foscari-Venezia, Venezia, Italy.
    15. GEORGE CHRISTAKOS. Department of Geography, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA.
    16. CHRISTIAN BERG. Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    17. ZOLTAN SASVARI. TU Dresden, Fachrichtung Mathematik, Institut fur Mathematische Stochastik, Dresden, Germany.
    18. ERIC RENSHAW. Department of Statistics and Modelling Science University of Strathclyde, GLASGOW, Scotland, UK.
    19. JANUSZ MATKOWSKI. Institute of Mathematics, Silesian University, Katowice, Poland.
    20. VAJA TARIELADZE. Muskhel, Inst. Comput. Math., Tbilisi, Georgia.

    21. 2008

    22. MORENO BEVILACQUA. Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Universita di Padova, Italy.
    23. SIMONE PADOAN. EPFL, EFLUM Laboratory of Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology, Lausanne University, Switzerland.
    24. CARLO GAETAN. Dipartimento di Statistica, Universita Ca Foscari-Venezia, Venezia, Italy.
    25. DARYL DALEY. Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
    26. NICOLA LOPERFIDO. Faculty of Economy, Universita degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo", Urbino, Italy.

    27. 2009

    28. ORIETTA NICOLIS. Department of Information Technology and Mathematical Methods, University of Bergamo, Bergamo. Italy.
    29. MARTIN BUHMANN. Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen, Arbeitsgruppe Numerische Mathematik, Mathematisches Institut, Giessen, Germany.
    30. DARYL DALEY. Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
    31. ADITYA KUMAR MISHRA. Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India.
    32. GEMA FERNANDEZ-AVILES. Departamento de Economía Política y Hacienda Pública, Estadística Económica y Empresarial y Política Económica, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain.
    33. JOSE MARIA MONTERO. Departamento de Economía Política y Hacienda Pública, Estadística Económica y Empresarial y Política Económica, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain.
    34. ROBERTO D'ERCOLE. Department of Quantitative Methods for Business and Economic Sciences, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy.
    35. JANINE ILLIAN. CREEM, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK.
    36. CARLES CUADRAS. Departamento de Estadística, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
    37. ANTONIO PAEZ. Centre for Spatial Analysis, School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Canada.
    38. ANA ESTHER MADRID. Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, Universidad de Granada, Spain.
    39. ISABEL FUENTES. Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de la Coruña, Spain.
    40. CARLOS DIAZ. Departamento de Probabilidad y Estadística, IIMAS, UNAM, México, D.F., Mexico.

    41. 2010

    42. MARTHA BOHORQUEZ. Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia.
    43. MARC SAEZ. Grup de Recerca en Estadística, Economia Aplicada i Salut (GRECS), Universitat de Girona, Spain.
    44. ELVIRA ROMANO. Dipartimento di Studi Europei e Mediterranei, Seconda Universita degli Studi di Napoli, Italy.
    45. RENATO ASSUNCAO. Department of Statistics, Universidade Federal de Minas Geais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
    46. ORIETTA NICOLIS. Department of Information Technology and Mathematical Methods, University of Bergamo, Bergamo. Italy.
    47. PRABHAT KUMAR. Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India.
    48. DARYL DALEY. Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
    49. ABDEL EL-SHAARAWI. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
    50. CARLOS DIAZ. Departamento de Probabilidad y Estadística, IIMAS, UNAM, México, D.F., Mexico.
    51. RAMON GIRALDO. Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.

    52. 2011

    53. MARC SAEZ. Grup de Recerca en Estadística, Economia Aplicada i Salut (GRECS), Universitat de Girona, Spain.
    54. ELVIRA ROMANO. Dipartimento di Studi Europei e Mediterranei, Seconda Universita degli Studi di Napoli, Italy.
    55. DARYL DALEY. Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
    56. HAVARD RUE. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
    57. EDZER PEBESMA. Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI), University of Munster, Germany.
    58. CARLOS DIAZ. Departamento de Probabilidad y Estadística, IIMAS, UNAM, México, D.F., Mexico.

    59. 2012

    60. CARLOS DIAZ. Departamento de Probabilidad y Estadística, IIMAS, UNAM, México, D.F., Mexico.
    61. ROSALBA IGNACCOLO. Dipartimento di Statistica e Matematica Applicata, Universita di Torino, Torino, Italy.
    62. NANCY MEJIA. Departamento de Probabilidad y Estadística, IIMAS, UNAM, México, D.F., Mexico.
    63. SAMUEL D. OMAN. Department of Statistics. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
    64. RAMON GIRALDO. Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
    65. MARTHA BOHORQUEZ. Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia.

    66. 2013

    67. CARLOS DIAZ. Departamento de Probabilidad y Estadística, IIMAS, UNAM, México, D.F., Mexico.
    68. ROSALBA IGNACCOLO. Dipartimento di Statistica e Matematica Applicata, Universita di Torino, Torino, Italy.
    69. SAMUEL D. OMAN. Department of Statistics. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
    70. MOHAMMAD GHORBANI. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
    71. RAMON GIRALDO. Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
    72. MARTHA BOHORQUEZ. Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia.
    73. OTTMAR CRONIE. CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    74. MEHDI OMIDI. Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

    75. 2014

    76. MEHDI OMIDI. Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
    77. MOHAMMAD GHORBANI. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
    78. RADU STOICA. Universite Lille 1, Laboratoire Paul Painleve, Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France.
    79. OTTMAR CRONIE. CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    80. CARLOS DIAZ. Departamento de Probabilidad y Estadística, IIMAS, UNAM, México, D.F., Mexico.
    81. MARC SAEZ. Grup de Recerca en Estadística, Economia Aplicada i Salut (GRECS), Universitat de Girona, Spain.
    82. ELVIRA ROMANO. Dipartimento di Studi Europei e Mediterranei, Seconda Universita degli Studi di Napoli, Italy.
    83. ORIETTA NICOLIS. Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile.
    84. MARIA MAHFOUD. CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    85. 2015

    86. BENEDIKT GRALER. IFGI, Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany.
    87. LIDA KALHORINADRABADI. Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
    88. MEHDI OMIDI. Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
    89. RAMIN KHAVARZADE. Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
    90. GUILLERMO FERREIRA. Department of Statistics, University of Concepcion, Chile.
    91. EMILIO PORCU. Department of Mathematics, University Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile.
    92. BERNARDO LAGOS. Department of Statistics, University of Concepcion, Chile.
    93. ALEX RODRIGO. Department of Statistics, University of Concepcion, Chile.
    94. OTTMAR CRONIE. Umea University, Sweden.
    95. JORGE CLARKE. Department of Mathematics, University Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile.
    96. MARIANNA SIINO. Department of Statistics, Universita degli studi di Palermo, Italy.

    97. 2016

    98. GUILLERMO FERREIRA. Department of Statistics, University of Concepcion, Chile.
    99. EMILIO PORCU. Department of Mathematics, University Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile.
    100. MARIANNA SIINO. Department of Statistics, Universita degli studi di Palermo, Italy.
    101. ALFREDO ALEGRIA. Department of Mathematics, University Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile.
    102. MATTHIAS ECKARDT. Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany.
    103. ALAN GELFAND. Department of Statistical Science, Duke University. USA.
    104. EDITH GABRIEL. Laboratory of Mathematics, Avignon University, France.
    105. ADRIAN BADDELEY. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
    106. MARIA MAHFOUD. CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    107. ROB VAN DER MEI. CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    108. HEBERT MONTEGRANARIO. University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.
    109. MAURICIO LONDOÑO. University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.
    110. MAX SCHNEIDER. Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany.

    111. 2017

    112. EMILIO PORCU. Department of Mathematics, University Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile.
    113. FARZANEH SAFAVIMANESH. Department of Statistics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
    114. ROSALBA IGNACCOLO. Dipartimento di Statistica e Matematica Applicata, Universita di Torino, Torino, Italy.
    115. MARIA FRANCO-VILLORIA. Dipartimento di Statistica e Matematica Applicata, Universita di Torino, Torino, Italy.
    116. ACHMAD CHOIRUDDIN. Department of Probability and Statistics, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France.
    117. EJAZ AHMED. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Brock University, Toronto, Canada.
    118. YEISON RAMIREZ. Department of Mathematics, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.
    119. LINA A. BUITRAGO. Department of Statistics, National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
    120. MARTHA BOHORQUEZ. Department of Statistics, National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.

    121. 2018

    122. GUILLERMO FERREIRA. Department of Statistics, University of Concepcion, Chile.
    123. EMILIO PORCU. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Newcastle, UK.
    124. BERNARDO LAGOS. Department of Statistics, University of Concepcion, Chile.
    125. LEONARDO PADILLA. Department of Statistics, University of Concepcion, Chile.
    126. ALFREDO ALEGRIA. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Newcastle, UK.
    127. YEISON RAMIREZ. Department of Mathematics, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.
    128. MARIANNA SIINO. Department of Statistics, Universita degli studi di Palermo, Italy.
    129. JIRI DVORAK. Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
    130. TOMAS MRKVICKA. Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic.
    131. EDZER PEBESMA. Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI), University of Munster, Germany.
    132. RASMUS WAAGEPETERSEN. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Denmark.
    133. ACHMAD CHOIRUDDIN. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Denmark.
    134. JANINE ILLIAN. Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK.

    135. 2019

    136. NICOLAS DANTE. Department of Mathematics, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France.
    137. ALEXANDRE RODRIGUES. Department of Statistics, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brasil.
    138. OSCAR MELO. Department of Statistics, National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
    139. VICTOR DE OLIVEIRA. Department of Management Science and Statistics, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA.
    140. ADRIAN BADDELEY. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
    141. PATRICK BROWN. Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada.
    142. MATTHIAS ECKARDT. School of Business and Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
    143. JIANCANG ZHUANG. Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan.
    144. ABDOLLAH JALILIAN. Department of Statistics, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
    145. JIRI DVORAK. Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
    146. TOMAS MRKVICKA. Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic.
    147. ANDREA GILARDI. Dipartimento Di Statistica E Metodi Quantitativi, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy.

    148. 2020-2021-2022

    149. ANDREA GILARDI. Dipartimento Di Statistica E Metodi Quantitativi, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy.
    150. ESMAIL YARALI. Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematical Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran.
    151. ISABEL ESCUDERO. Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador.
    152. NICOLETTA D'ANGELO. Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche, University of Palermo, Italy.
    153. EISA NAZAR. Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Health, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
    154. ADRIANA MEDIALDEA. Department of Statistics and OR, University of Granada, Spain.
    155. MEHDI MORADI. Department of Statistics, Informatics and Mathematics, Public University of Navarra, Spain.
    156. ADRIAN BADDELEY. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
    157. MIGUEL FLORES. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    158. YANDIRA CUVERO. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    159. JORGE SOSA. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    160. ACHMAD CHOIRUDDIN. Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia.

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    162. MIGUEL FLORES. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    163. MEHDI MORADI. Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umea University, Sweden.
    164. ROWAN CHERODIAN. School of Economics, University of Kent, UK.
    165. YANDIRA CUVERO. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    166. JOHANNA CANTUNA. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    167. LUIS SOTOMAYOR. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    168. JOHANNA VINUEZA. School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Yachay Tech University, Ecuador.

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    170. YANDIRA CUVERO. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    171. DAVID PAYARES. ITC Faculty Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
    172. FERNANDO RODRIGUEZ-AVELLANEDA. GeoHealth, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia.
    173. TAYNA RUIZ. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    174. ISRAEL PACHACAMA. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    175. JORGE ZUNIGA. Department of Mathematics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador.
    176. DANNA L. CRUZ-REYES. EMSC, GI, Public Health, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia.
    177. AMANDA LENZI. School of Mathematics, University of Edimburgh, UK.

    Proyectos de Investigación/Research Grants

    1. Estadística aplicada a distribuciones espaciales y análisis de imágenes/Statistics for spatial distributions and image analysis. Francisco Montes (Director). Fundación Bancaja, 1993-1994. Dotación/Quantity: 10645 EUROS.
    2. Análisis de secuencias de imágenes digitales: Aplicación al diagnóstico de enfermedades oculares mediante angiografía/ Analysis of sequences of digital images: application to eye disease diagnosis. Guillermo Ayala & Francisco Montes (Dirs.). Generalitat Valenciana, 1995-1996. Dotación/Quantity: 41470 EUROS.
    3. Estadística para datos espacio-temporales. Aplicaciones a la Economía, a la Medicina y a la Biología/ Statistics for spatio-temporal data. Applications to Economy, Medicine and Biology. Francisco Montes (Director). Fundación Bancaja, 1995-1997. Dotación/Quantity: 24522 EUROS.
    4. Estudio de parámetros meteorológicos, medioambientales y físico-químicos y de su contribución a la dinámica de alteración de la roca constituyente de abrigos rupestres de la Comunidad Valenciana/Study of meteorological, environmental and physical-chemical parameters and their contribution to the dynamic alteration of rocs in Valencian Community. Ana Boix (Directora). Generalitat Valenciana, 1996-1997. Dotación/Quantity: 12000 EUROS.
    5. Modelo de gestión de Ecosistemas Mediterraneos forestales en etapa post-incendio: Efectos erosivos de la extracción de troncos quemados/ Statistical modelling of Mediterranean ecosystems after forest fires. Carmen Antolín (Directora). Generalitat Valenciana, 1998-2000. Dotación/Quantity: 15025 EUROS.
    6. Generación de lenguajes de computación para la modelización de sistemas complejos: ecológicos y socio-económicos/ Generation of computational languages for complex system modelling. Yolanda Villacampa (Directora). Generalitat Valenciana, 1999-2000. Dotación/Quantity: 4808 EUROS.
    7. Investigación de la dimensión espacial de estructuras económicas/ Investigation of spatial dimension in economical structures. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana, 2000. Dotación/Quantity: 7243 EUROS.
    8. Aplicación de los modelos de la Geometría Estocástica al diseño cerámico/Application of Stochastic Geometry models to ceramic design. Amelia Simó (Directora). Generalitat Valenciana, 2000-2001. Dotación/Quantity: 6912 EUROS.
    9. Detección de rasgos en imágenes difusas mediante procesos puntuales espaciales/ Detection of features in noisy images by means of spatial point processes. Jorge Mateu (Director). Fundación Bancaja (P11B2000-10), 2001-2003. Dotación/Quantity: 13449 EUROS.
    10. MIDAS: Análisis de medidas en Microondas para el Desarrollo de Algoritmos en la misión SMOS. Jordi Font Ferre (Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona), Ernesto Lopez Baeza (Universitat de Valencia) (Directores). Agencia Espacial Europea, 2001-2003.
    11. Desarrollo de modelos estadísticos espacio-temporales aplicados a problemas medioambientales/Modelling spatio-temporal environmental processes . Jorge Mateu (Director). Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (BFM2001-3286), 2002-2004. Dotación/Quantity: 18420 EUROS.
    12. Red temática INBIOMED: Plataforma de almacenamiento, integración y análisis de datos clínicos, genéticos, epidemiológicos e imágenes orientadas a la investigación sobre patologías (IRIS) (Comité: Análisis de Datos Estructurados)/ INBIOMED research network: Structural data analysis. Victor Maojo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) (Director). Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (MSC), 2003-2006. Dotación/Quantity: 42282.74 EUROS (2003), 45138.80 EUROS (2004), 51288.10 EUROS (2005-06).
    13. Modelo matemático de flujo del acuífero de la Plana de Castellón/Mathematical and statistical modelling of the aquifer of the Castellon Plain (Spain) . Jorge Mateu (Director). Diputación de Castellón, 2003-2004. Dotación/Quantity: 12000 EUROS.
    14. Análisis estadístico de los niveles piezométricos del Acuífero de la Plana de Castellón/Statistical analysis of piezometric levels of the aquifer of the Castellon Plain (Spain) . Ignacio Morell (Director). Diputación de Castellón, 2003-2004. Dotación/Quantity: 12000 EUROS.
    15. Variabilidad intra-pixel en la VALENCIA ANCHOR STATION y su influencia en la obtención de la humedad del suelo a partir de la temperatura de brillo a la escala de SMOS/Intra-pixel variability at the VALENCIA ANCHOR STATION and its influence on soil humidity records through the brightness temperature from the SMOS scale. Jordi Font Ferre (Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona), Ernesto Lopez Baeza (Universitat de Valencia) (Directores). Agencia Espacial Europea, 2003-2004.
    16. Modelos espacio-temporales para la evaluación y caracterización de índices de riesgo de incendios forestales en la provincia de Castellón/Spatio-temporal statistical models for the evaluation and characterization of forest fires indexes in the province of Castellon (Spain). Jorge Mateu (Director). Fundación Davalos-Fletcher de Castellón, 2003-2004. Dotación/Quantity: 8000 EUROS.
    17. Equipos de infraestructura para análisis espacial y de imágenes/Infrastructure for Spatial analysis and images. Departamento de Matemáticas, UJI. Generalitat Valenciana-Fondos Feder (INFRA03/086), 2003-2004. Dotación/Quantity: 90000 EUROS.
    18. The development of statistical data analysis of marked point patterns . Jorge Mateu & Konstantin Krivoruchko (Directors). ESRI (Contract No. 2003C1389), 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373-8100, USA, 2003-2004. Dotación/Quantity: 24000 EUROS.
    19. Xarxa de Recerca en Geografia Economica/Research network in economical geographics. Elisenda Paluzie Hernandez (Universitat de Barcelona) y Vicente Orts (Universitat Jaume I) (Directores). Agencia de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca-Generalitat de Catalunya, 2003-2005. Dotación/Quantity: 6200 EUROS (para el 2003).
    20. Legislación y Modelización matemática para la logística, tratamiento y extracción de lodos y otros residuos/Law determination and mathematical modelling for the extraction, logistics and treatment of certain types of residuals. Jorge Mateu (Director). I+D+I Generalitat Valenciana, 2003-2005. Dotación/Quantity: 19500 EUROS (para el 2003), 12932.46 EUROS (para el 2004), 18300 EUROS (para el 2005).
    21. Distribución espacial de la actividad económica en la UE (1980-2000)/Spatial distribution of economical activity in the European Union (1980-2000). Vicente Orts (Director). Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), 2004. Dotación/Quantity: 4500 EUROS.
    22. Formulación teórica y análisis práctico de estructuras espaciales en tres dimensiones mediante procesos estocásticos puntuales/Theoretical formulation and practical analysis of three-dimensional spatial structures through stochastic point processes. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana (GV04A/724), 2004-2005. Dotación/Quantity: 13400 EUROS (para el 2004), 3000 EUROS (para el 2005).
    23. Modelización Estadística para Datos con Implantación Espacial y Evolución Temporal. Aplicaciones en Tablas Dinámicas de Mortalidad y Potenciales Evocados en Psicología y Neurofisiología/ Statistical modelling for spatio-temporal data. Applications to mortality dynamic tables and evoked potentials in Psychology and Neurophysiology. Jorge Mateu (Director). Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MTM2004-06231), 2005-2007. Dotación/Quantity: 50000 EUROS.
    24. Procesos puntuales marcados tres-dimensionales para el análisis estadístico de patrones espaciales. Aplicaciones en problemas de astronomía y geología/ Three-dimensional marked point processes for the statistical analysis of spatial patterns. Applications to problems in astronomy and geology. Jorge Mateu (Director). Fundación Bancaja (P11B2004-17), 2005-2007. Dotación/Quantity: 22050 EUROS.
    25. Comercio, Inversión Extranjera y la Localización Espacial de la Actividad Económica en España/ Commerce, Foreign Investment and the Spatial Location of the Economic Activity in Spain. María Teresa Alguacil (Director). Generalitat Valenciana (GV06/319), 2006-2007. Dotación/Quantity: 7120 EUROS (para el 2006), 12000 EUROS (para el 2007).
    26. Categorías abstractas en redes de regulación genómica/ Abstract categories in genomic regulation networks. Oscar Coltell Simon (Director). Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Programa EXPLORA 2006), GEN2006-26420-E, 2006-2007. Dotación/Quantity: 13150 EUROS.
    27. Acción Complementaria para proyectos I+D+I/Complement to the I+D+I project. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana, 2007. Dotación/Quantity: 7200 EUROS.
    28. Red temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomedicina Computacional (CONBIOMED). Oscar Coltell (Universitat Jaume I de Castellon) (Director). Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (MSC), 2008. Dotación/Quantity: 30616 EUROS.
    29. Nuevos desarrollos en la teoría de covarianzas espacio-temporales y sus aplicaciones/New methodological developments for space-time covariances and their applications. Jorge Mateu (Director). Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MTM2007-62923), 2008-2010. Dotación/Quantity: 82885 EUROS.
    30. Convenio entre UJI-Fundación Instituto Euromediterráneo del Agua: Optimización del riego y modelización del transporte y procesos de transferencia de plaguicidas y fertilizantes. Aplicación a campos de golf/Research collaboration between UJI and Euromediterranean Institute of Water: Optimization and modelling of transport of plaguicides and fertilizers. Ignacio Morell (Director), 2009. Dotación/Quantity: 16390 EUROS.
    31. Nuevas familias de covarianzas espacio-temporales no separables, no estacionarias y anisotrópicas: Marco teórico y aplicaciones/New families of space-time non-separable, non-stationary and anisotropic covariance functions: theory and applications. Jorge Mateu (Director). Fundación Bancaja (P11B2008-27), 2009-2011. Dotación/Quantity: 27000 EUROS.
    32. NUTRIFIS: Diseno, desarrollo y evaluación de una herramienta informática biomédica para la integración de la medida de la ingesta de alimentos y de la actividad física en atencion primaria. Oscar Coltell (Universitat Jaume I de Castellon) (Director). Instituto de Salud Carlos III - Fondo de investigaciones Sanitarias (ISCIII-FIS), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), 2009-2010. Dotación/Quantity: 40172 EUROS.
    33. Acción Complementaria para proyectos I+D+I: Nuevos desarrollos en la teoría de covarianzas espacio-temporales y sus aplicaciones/Complement to the I+D+I project: New methodological developments for space-time covariances and their applications. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana, 09I167.01/1, 2009. Dotación/Quantity: 3000 EUROS.
    34. OBENOMICS: plataforma Web para la gestión e integración del conocimiento en Epidemiología Genómica de la Obesidad. Oscar Coltell (Director). Conselleria de Sanidad, Generalitat Valenciana, AP-050/09, 2009. Dotación/Quantity: 6000 EUROS.
    35. Problemas notables en procesos estocásticos espacio-temporales/Selected main problems in stochastic space-time processes. Jorge Mateu (Director). Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MTM2010-14961), 2011-2013. Dotación/Quantity: 79500 EUROS.
    36. Metodi di integrazione delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili e monitoraggio satellitare dell'impatto ambientale/Integration methods for greenhouse energy sources and monitoring of the environmental impact.Alessandro Fassó (Director). Ente Gestore di Regione Lombardia (RL2009), 2011-2012.
    37. Características locales de segundo orden en procesos estocásticos espacio-temporales. Aplicaciones en Epidemiología y Medio Ambiente/Local second-order characteristics for space-time stochastic processes. Applications in Epidemiology and Environment. Jorge Mateu (Director). Fundación Bancaja (P1-1B2012-52), 2013-2015. Dotación/Quantity: 23576 EUROS.
    38. Nuevas familias de procesos puntuales espacio-temporales con intensidades procedentes de campos aleatorios/New families of spatio-temporal point processes with intensities driven by random fields. Jorge Mateu (Director). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MTM2013-43917-P), 2014-2016. Dotación/Quantity: 42874 EUROS.
    39. Visualización interactiva 3D: modelos geométricos, gráficos, aprendizaje y generación de contenido./Interactive visualiation 3D: geometric models, graphics, learning and content generation. Filiberto Pla (Director). Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/062), 2014-2015. Dotación/Quantity: 39000 EUROS.
    40. SEnviro: Sense our ENVIROnment. Jorge Mateu (Director). INIT, UJI, 2014. Dotación/Quantity: 3500 EUROS.
    41. GEO-C: Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics - Enabling Open Cities. Joaquin Huerta (Director). CEE Horizon 2020 MSCA-ITN-2014, Marie Curie (642332-GEO-C), 2015-2018. Dotación/Quantity: 3600000 EUROS (Consortium), 1239365 EUROS (UJI).
    42. Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies. Jorge Mateu, Joaquin Huerta (Director). CEE, EACEA Erasmus Mundus, 2007-2018. Dotación/Quantity: 4500000 EUROS (Consortium), 1300000 EUROS (UJI).
    43. Mejora de la convivencia ciudadana. Predicción de la dinámica del movimiento espacio-temporal y uso del espacio público en la ciudad de Castellón/Dynamic prediction of the spatio-temporal movement in public spaces. Application to the city of Castellon (Spain). Jorge Mateu (Director). Fundación Davalos-Fletcher de Castellón, 2015-2016. Dotación/Quantity: 8000 EUROS.
    44. Programa Grupos Alto Rendimiento Académico. Jorge Mateu (Director). UJI (16I056.01/1), 2016. Dotación/Quantity: 6469 EUROS.
    45. Procesos puntuales espaciales y espacio-temporales sobre nuevos soportes. Características de segundo orden sobre networks/Spatio-temporal point processes over new supports. Second-order characteristics over networks. Jorge Mateu (Director). Fundación Bancaja (P1-1B2015-40), 2016-2018. Dotación/Quantity: 20320 EUROS.
    46. Programa Grupos Alto Rendimiento Académico. Jorge Mateu (Director). UJI (17I101.01/1), 2017. Dotación/Quantity: 3202 EUROS.
    47. Nuevas familias de procesos estocásticos espacio-temporales que unifican geoestadística y patrones puntuales. Modelización, estimación y predicción sobre networks y trayectorias/New families of spatio-temporal stochastic processes linking geostatistics and point patterns. Modelling, estimation and prediction over networks and trajectories. Jorge Mateu (Director). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MTM2016-78917-R), 2017-2019. Dotación/Quantity: 42700 EUROS.
    48. Complex space-time modeling and functional analysis for probabilistic forecast of seismic events. Giada Adelfio (Director). Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR-PRIN 2015), 2017-2019. Dotación/Quantity: 200000 EUROS.
    49. Programa Grupos Alto Rendimiento Académico. Jorge Mateu (Director). UJI (18I083.01/1), 2018. Dotación/Quantity: 3215 EUROS.
    50. Modelación, estimación y predicción de delitos en la localidad de Kennedy, Bogota/Modelling, estimation and prediction of crime data in Kennedy, Bogota. Jorge Mateu (Director). D.C.ECSAN de la Escuela de Cadetes de Policía (2IC-FR-0002), 2018. Dotación/Quantity: 161640000 Pesos Colombianos.
    51. Convenio Colaboración Agencia Valenciana Seguridad y Respuesta a Emergencias (112): Análisis y Predicciones. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana, 2018. Dotación/Quantity: 17410 EUROS.
    52. Convenio Colaboración Ayuntamiento de Castellon y Policia Local. Jorge Mateu (Director). Castellon, 2018. Dotación/Quantity: 17000 EUROS.
    53. Procesos puntuales espaciales y espacio-temporales sobre redes. Características de segundo orden y modelos/ Spatial and spatio-temporal point processes on networks. Second-order characteristics and models. Jorge Mateu (Director). UJI (UJI-B2018-04), 2019-2021. Dotación/Quantity: 13600 EUROS.
    54. Convenio Colaboración Agencia Valenciana Seguridad y Respuesta a Emergencias (112): Análisis y Predicciones. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana, 2019. Dotación/Quantity: 17410 EUROS.
    55. Convenio Colaboración Ayuntamiento de Castellon y Policia Local. Jorge Mateu (Director). Castellon, 2019. Dotación/Quantity: 17000 EUROS.
    56. Nuevas familias de procesos estocásticos espacio-temporales sobre redes/New families of spatio-temporal stochastic processes over networks. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana, Grupos de Investigación Consolidados (AICO/2019/198), 2019-2020. Dotación/Quantity: 40000 EUROS.
    57. Convenio Colaboración Agencia Valenciana Seguridad y Respuesta a Emergencias (112): Análisis y Predicciones. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana, 2020. Dotación/Quantity: 17410 EUROS.
    58. Convenio Colaboración Ayuntamiento de Castellon y Policia Local. Jorge Mateu (Director). Castellon, 2020. Dotación/Quantity: 17000 EUROS.
    59. Programa Grupos de Investigación Activos en Capacitación Plan Estatal I+D+I. Jorge Mateu (Director). UJI (GACUJI/2020/08), 2020. Dotación/Quantity: 10786 EUROS.
    60. Análisis estadístico de eventos en espacio-tiempo sobre redes y trayectorias. Características de segundo orden, modelos paramétricos, inferencia y análisis de marcas funcionales (SpTNet)/Statistical analysis of events in space-time on networks and trajectories. Second-order characteristics, parametric models, inference and functional marks (SpTNet). Jorge Mateu (Director). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-107392RB-I00), 2020-2023. Dotación/Quantity: 55660 EUROS.
    61. Modelos estocásticos e inferencia para procesos marcados espacio-temporales sobre redes/ Stochastic models and inference for marked spatio-temporal point processes on networks.. Jorge Mateu (Director). UJI (UJI-B2021-37), 2022-2024. Dotación/Quantity: 11324 EUROS.
    62. Análisis estadístico de dependencias complejas en procesos estocásticos espacio-temporales. Redes, marcas funcionales e intensidades basadas en SPDE/Statistical analysis of complex dependencies in space-time stochastic processes. Networks, functional marks and SPDE-based inetnsities. Jorge Mateu (Director). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2022-141555OB-I00), 2023-2026. Dotación/Quantity: 83250 EUROS.
    63. Procesos estocásticos espacio temporales sobre redes y trayectorias. Modelos paramétricos y marcas funcionales /Spatio-temporal stochastic processes over networks and trajectories. Parametric models and functional marks. Jorge Mateu (Director). Generalitat Valenciana - Grupos Consolidados (CIAICO/2022/191), 2023-2025. Dotación/Quantity: 75000 EUROS.
    64. Ayudas refuerzo de proyectos de generación del conocimiento del plan estatal de investigación científica. Jorge Mateu (Director). Universitat Jaume I (GACUJIMB/2023/06), 2024. Dotación/Quantity: 7120 EUROS.
    65. Digital Twins (NextCity). Joaquin Huerta (Director). HORIZON-CSA, WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02, 2024-2026. Dotación/Quantity: 303475 EUROS (UJI), 1293544 EUROS (Total).
    66. Mejora de la eficiencia en la gestión de la lista de espera quirúrgica en el Hospital General Universitario de Castellón/Improving efficiency in the management of the surgical waiting list in Castellon's Public Hospital. Jorge Mateu (Director). Fundación Davalos-Fletcher de Castellón, 2024-2025. Dotación/Quantity: 8000 EUROS.
    67. Ayudas refuerzo de proyectos de generación del conocimiento del plan estatal de investigación científica. Jorge Mateu (Director). Universitat Jaume I (GACUJIMA/2024/06), 2025. Dotación/Quantity: 8374 EUROS.

    Tesinas y Trabajos de Investigación dirigidos/Supervisor of research works and Master Thesis

    1. Modelización espacial de la relación del arbusto mediterraneo (Ulex parviflorus pourr.) con las propiedades del suelo/ Spatial modelling of the mediterranean shrub (Ulex parviflorus pourr.) in connection to soil properties . January 2000. Author: Luis Roca Pérez (Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain).
    2. Estimación empírica de la distribución poblacional de palabras en textos de lenguajes naturales/ Empirical estimation of the theoretical distribution of words in natural language texts . July 2000. Author: Patricia Sastre Vazquez (Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Azul, Argentina).
    3. Técnicas estadísticas de ajuste y suavizamiento/ Statistical tools for fitting and smoothing . July 2000. Author: Miguel Montenegro Concha (Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile, Chile).
    4. Detección de rasgos en procesos puntuales/ Features detection in point processes . July 2000. Author: Gil Lorenzo Valentín (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    5. Inhomogeneidad en procesos puntuales espaciales/ Inhomogeneity in spatial point processes . July 2000. Author: Angeles Calduch Losa (Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain).
    6. Análisis geoestadístico de la erosividad de la lluvia en la Provincia de Castellón/ Geostatistical analysis of rainfall erosivity in Castellon Province . July 2001. Author: Pablo Juan Verdoy (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    7. Análisis estadístico de series temporales con aplicaciones medioambientales/ Statistical time series analysis for environmental problems . April 2003. Author: Patricia Salvador Selma (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    8. Procesos puntuales y métodos espectrales/ Point processes and spectral methods . September 2004. Author: Fuensanta Saura (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    9. Simulación exacta en procesos puntuales espaciales: método CFTP/Exact simulation for spatial point processes: CFTP method . October 2004. Author: Jordi Artés (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    10. Inferencia y modelización mediante copulas/Statistical modeling through copulas. July 2008. Author: Carlos Ayyad (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    11. Inconsistent estimation for space and space-time random fields. September 2008. Author: Alberto Córdoba (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    12. Métodos comparativos de estimación de algunas características de segundo orden en procesos puntuales/Comparative second order characteristic estimation techniques. September 2008. Author: Modesto Beltrán (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    13. Doubly stochastic point processes: Theory and applications. May 2009. Author: Iulian Vlad (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    14. Human and climatic change impact modelling on the habitat suitability for the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti). Case study: the proposed Mount Cameroon National Park. March 2010. Author: Francis Mwambo (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    15. Hydrologic modelling and uncertainty analysis of an ungauged watershed using MapWindow-SWAT. March 2010. Author: Boluwade Alaba (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    16. Spatial distribution of Malaria Indicator in Tanzania. March 2010. Author: Benedict Mugambi (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    17. Quantification of urban land use intensity. A case of Dhaka City of Bangladesh. February 2011. Author: Dipak Chandra Saha (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    18. Stratigraphic interpretation of well-log data of the Athabasca oil sands of Alberta Canada through pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. February 2011. Author: Onyedika Igbokwe (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    19. Landslide susceptibility assessment in Karanganyar regency, Indonesia. Comparison of knowledge-based and data-driven models. February 2011. Author: Faus Tinus Handi Feryandi (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    20. Spatial point pattern analysis of Gorilla nest sites in the Kagwene Sanctuary, Cameroon: towards understanding the nesting behaviour of a critically endangered subspecies. March 2011. Author: Funwi Gabga Neba (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    21. Spatial analysis and investigation of fire events occurrences in the Valencian Community, Spain. March 2011. Author: Adriana Tanfara (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    22. Mapping the quality of life experience in Alfama. A case study in Lisbon, Portugal. March 2011. Author: Pearl May de la Cruz (University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    23. Metodología Estadística para el análisis de datos funcionales cerebrales: Una aproximación con potenciales evocados. . June 2011. Author: Jeimy Paola Aristizabal Rodríguez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá).
    24. Investigating the use of dasymetric techniques for assessing employment containment in Melbourne, Australia. February 2012. Author: Christabel McCarthy (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    25. Spatial and temporal analysis of recent drought years using Vegetation temperature condition Index. Case of Somali Regional State, Ethiopia. February 2012. Author: Elias Fekade Mekuria (University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    26. Spatial-temporal analysis of climate elements, Vegetation characteristics and sea surface anomalies: case study in Gojam, Ethiopia. February 2012. Author: Yitea Seneshaw Getahun (University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    27. Evaluation of a volunteered geographical information trust measure in the case of Open Street Map. February 2012. Author: Rene Theodore Anton de Groot (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    28. Analysing and visualising areal crime data. A case study of residential burglary in San Francisco, USA. March 2012. Author: Susan Bumpus (University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    29. Evaluation of spatial interpolation techinques for mapping climate variables with low sample density. A case study using a new gridded dataset of Bangladesh. March 2012. Author: Avit Kumar Bhowmik (University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    30. MANOVA con matrices de covarianza estructuradas: contrastes y puntos porcentuales. April 2012. Author: Francisco Rodríguez Cortés (University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    31. Jump-marked point processes in Lie groups and manifolds. December 2012. Author: Ahmed Arafat Hassan (University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    32. Spatio-temporal analysis of the relationship between Armed Conflict and Climate Change in Eastern Africa. February 2013. Author: Riazuddin Kawsar (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    33. Urban LULC change detection and modeling case study: MALATYA (TURKEY). February 2013. Author: Gulendam Baysal (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    34. Assessing the impacts of land use and land cover change on hydrology of watershed. A case study on Gilgel– Abbay Watershed, Lake Tana basin (Ethiopia). February 2013. Author: Asmamaw Adamu Geremew (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    35. Web-application for gathering, analyzing, and processing health information about allergy data. March 2013. Author: Agasha Ochneva (University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    36. Analysis of variance for replicated spatio-temporal point patterns. April 2013. Author: Jonatan González Monsalve (University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    37. Spatial patterns and irregularities of the electoral data: general elections in Canada. March 2014. Author: Alex Eskov (University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    38. The edges of areal units. A case study in the heterogeneous effects of assessment district edges. March 2014. Author: Thomas D. Buckley (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    39. Analysis of urban land use and land cover changes: a case study in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. March 2014. Author: Atalel Getu (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    40. Using GIS to map the spatial and temporal occurrence of cholera epidemic in Cameroon. March 2014. Author: Ayuk Sally Agbor (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    41. Watershed-scale runoff routing and solute transport in a spatially aggregated hydrological framework. March 2014. Author: Jairo A. Torres (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    42. Coastal vulnerability assessment model using InVEST tool due to potential sea level rise. March 2014. Author: Arfanara Najnin (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    43. SDAR: A package for plotting and analyzing stratigraphy data in R. February 2015. Author: John Ortiz (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    44. Spatial analysis of crime evolution in Portugal between 1995 and 2013. February 2015. Author: Stjepan Rajcic (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    45. Groundwater quality, vulnerability and potential assessment of Kobo Valley development project, Ethiopia. February 2015. Author: Fesseha Fentahun (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    46. Parking reservation simulation using changing GIS data. The case for UJI campus. February 2015. Author: German Mendoza (UJI, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain).
    47. Investigating crime patterns in Egypt using crowdsourced data between 2011-2013. February 2016. Author: Abbas Adel Ibrahim (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    48. Location analysis of city sections socio-demographic segmentation and restaurant potentiality estimation. Case study City of Lisbon. February 2016. Author: Dejan Popovic (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    49. Environmental quality of life index incorporating MCA & GIS. Case study: Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal. February 2016. Author: David Thor Gudmundsson (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    50. Rebalancing citi bike: bicycle redistribution in New York City. February 2016. Author: Alexander Tedeschi (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    51. Spatio-temporal modelling of Tornados with R-INLA, at the county-level in Texas and Ocklahoma. February 2017. Author: Angela Afonso Rodrigues (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    52. Evaluation of a homogeneization method based on geostatistical simulation using a benchmark temperature data set. February 2017. Author: Julia Velastegui Caceres (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    53. Geospatial analysis of extreme weather events in Nigeria (1985 -2015) using self organizing maps. February 2017. Author: Adeoluwa Stephen Akande (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    54. Spatio-temporal analysis of sex-based crimes in Chicago . February 2018. Author: Raquel Martin (UJI, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain).
    55. Spatio-temporal forecasts for bike availability in dockless bike sharing systems . February 2019. Author: Lucas van der Meer (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    56. Predicting soccer outcome with machine learning based on weather condition . February 2019. Author: Denny Asarias Palinggi (UJI, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain).
    57. Automatic training sample extraction from old maps for intra-annual land cover mapping at central Portugal . February 2019. Author: William A. Martínez-Blanco (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    58. Impat of land cover changes on carbon stock trends in Kenya using free open data. February 2019. Author: Nicodemus Ontweka Nyamari (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    59. Modeling malaria incidence associated with environmental risk factors in Ethiopia using the semi-parametric geographically weighted regression model. February 2020. Author: Berhanu Berga Dadi (UJI, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain).
    60. Spatio-temporal modeling of traffic risk mapping on urban road networks. February 2020. Author: Somnath Chaudhuri (UJI, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain).
    61. Modelling the outbreak and spread of infectious diseases using a machine learning approach. February 2021. Author: Poshan Niraula (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    62. The spatial prediction sandbox investigating the use of spatially-explicit modelling and cross-validation strategies in spatial interpolation machine learning problems. February 2021. Author: Carles Mila (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    63. Detection and classification of neurodegenerative diseases: A Bayesian deep learning approach. February 2021. Author: David Payares-García (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    64. Urban traffic flow prediction. A spatial-temporal approach. February 2021. Author: Edwige Mukundane (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    65. Contextual contact tracing based spatio enhanced SIR modelling & spatial risk assessment. February 2021. Author: Muhammad Mateen Mahmood (UJI, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain).
    66. Machine learning for the automated classification of biotope types in remote sensing images. February 2022. Author: Mohamed Atef Ahmed Ibrahim Elmokadem (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    67. Spatial analysis of rats and cockroaches in Madrid using point processes. June 2023. Author: Carlos Alba (UJI, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain).
    68. Spatial point processes: from the mathematical basis to its applications. June 2023. Author: Arnau Garcia (UB, University of Barcelona, Spain).
    69. Machine learning applications for electoral predictions: the Turkish case. February 2024. Author: Firat Gundem (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    70. Analyzing brain signals using functional geostatistics. February 2024. Author: Bibiana Quintero Alonso (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    71. Spatio-temporal analysis of PM10 and PM2.5 with EBK3D and space-time cube in the city of Lisbon. Portugal. February 2024. Author: Joao Maria Telo Abreu Jardine Neto (ISEGI, University of Lisbon, Portugal).
    72. A Yolo-NAS-based approach for door and handle detection and integration of a Euclidean geometric model for grip point localization: an application in robot navigation. February 2024. Author: Laura Milena Munoz Amaya (UJI, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain).

    Tesis Doctorales dirigidas/Supervisor of PhD Thesis

    1. Caracterización y modelización estadística de contaminantes atmosféricos en un área industrial/ Characterization and statistical modelling of atmospheric pollutants in an industrial area . May 2001, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Carlos Alvarez Mota (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    2. Kernel smoothing: teoría y aplicaciones/ Kernel smoothing: theory and applications . October 2001, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Miguel Montenegro Concha (Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile, Chile).
    3. Estadística linguística. Modelos para el análisis de textos en lenguajes de escolares videntes y no videntes/Statistical tools for the analysis of liguistic texts . June 2002, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Patricia Sastre (Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Azul, Argentina).
    4. Pseudoverosimilitud e inhomogeneidad en procesos puntuales espaciales/ Pseudolikelihood and inhomogeneity in spatial point processes . June 2004, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: María de los ángeles Calduch Losa (Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain).
    5. Análisis estadístico de datos espaciales: la operatividad computacional del método de Besag y su aplicación a la economía/ Statistical analysis of spatial data: Computational analysis of Besag's methodology and its applications to economy . June 2004, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Miguel Albert (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    6. Geostatistica spazio-temporale: nuove classi di covarianza, variogramma e densita spettrali/Spatio-temporal geostatistics: new classes of covariance, variogram and spectral densities . September 2004, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Emilio Porcu (Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy).
    7. Técnicas geoestadísticas espectrales. Análisis de la estacionariedad e independencia/ Spectral analysis for geostatistics. Testing spatial independence and stationarity . June 2005, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Pablo Juan (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    8. Detección de rasgos en imágenes con ruido. Una aproximación con funciones LISA en procesos puntuales espaciales/Features detection in noisy images. An aproximation by LISA functions in spatial point processes . June 2005, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Gil Lorenzo (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    9. Modelización de la función de covarianza en procesos espacio-temporales: análisis y aplicaciones/Modeling the space-time covariance function. Analysis and applications . February 2008, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Francisco Martínez (Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain).
    10. Geostatistical analysis of functional data. July 2009, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Ramón Giraldo (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain).
    11. Spatio-temporal modeling of environmental processes derived from the economic activity. May 2010, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Gema Fernández-Avilés (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Toledo, Spain).
    12. Analisis geoestadístico espacio-tiempo basado en distancias y splines con aplicaciones. September 2012, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Carlos Melo (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain).
    13. Nueva herramienta para la gestión de las aguas subterráneas en acuíferos costeros. Volumen ecológico de remediación. January 2013. Autor: Arianna Renau (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    14. Modelos lineales generalizados geoestadísticos basados en distancias. July 2013, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Oscar Melo (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain).
    15. Mixed models and point processes. November 2013, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Laura Serra (Universitat de Girona, Spain).
    16. Análisis espacio-temporal de plagas urbanas. December 2013, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Ibon Tamayo (Universidad de Alcala de Henares, Spain).
    17. Modelling, estimation and applications of second-order spatio-temporal characteristics of point processes. March 2014, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Francisco J. Rodriguez Cortés (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    18. Mathematical methods to predict the dynamic shape evolution of cancer growth based on spatio-temporal Bayesian and geometrical models. January 2016, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Iulian Vlad (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    19. Spatial statistical modelling of rat sightings. January 2016, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Carlos Ayyad (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    20. Nonparametric inference for first-order characteristics of spatial and spatio-temporal point processes. February 2016, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Isabel Fuentes (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
    21. Spatio-temporal sampling design for functional geostatistics. May 2016, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Martha Bohorquez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia).
    22. Mathematical developments on isotropic positive definite functions on spheres. May 2017, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Ahmed Arafat (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    23. Statistical tests for comparisons of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. February 2018, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Jonatan Gonzalez (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    24. Spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns on linear networks. November 2018, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Mehdi Moradi (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    25. Spatial modelling of air pollution for open smart cities. November 2018, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Shivam Gupta (IFGI, University of Muenster, Germany).
    26. Analysing conditional independence in multivariate spatial data and extensions to space-time: A unifying graphical model approach based on partial marked point process characteristics. September 2019, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Matthias Eckardt (Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany).
    27. New anisotropic families of log-Gaussian Cox processes. October 2020, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Fariba Nasirzadeh (Shiraz University, Iran).
    28. Statistical models and data structures for spatial data on road networks. April 2021, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Andrea Gilardi (University of Milano-Biccocca, Italy).
    29. Estructuras estocásticas en procesos puntuales espacio-temporales y medidas de riego bivariantes. January 2023, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Isabel Escudero (Universidad de Granada, Spain).
    30. Dimensión espacial del perfilado geográfico: debilidades y oportunidades. July 2024, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Autor: Daniel Salafranca (Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Elche, Spain).

    31. In progress during 2025-2026:

    32. Further insights in self-exciting spatio-temporal point process models. Expected June 2025. Autor: Alba Bernabeu (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    33. Spatial growth models and velocities for space-time data. Expected June 2026. Autor: Javier Platero (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).
    34. Multi-type Gaussian processes for space-time data. Expected December 2026. Autor: Yandira Cuvero (EPN, Ecuador and UJI, Castellón, Spain).
    35. Stochastic artificial intelligence for space-time data. Expected December 2026. Autor: Juanjo Picazo (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain).

    Publicaciones/Scientific publications


    1. Problemas de Probabilidad y Estadística (1997, 2002). F. GRACIA, J. MATEU y P. VINDEL. Ediciones Tilde, ISBN: 84-922009-5-2 (Primera Edición), 84-95314-25-8 (Segunda Edición), D. LEGAL: V-4304-1997 (Primera Edición), V-3392-2002 (Segunda Edición).
    2. Spatial Gibbs Point Processes: Simulation and Estimation (1998). J. MATEU. Tesis Doctoral. Universitat de Valencia, E.T.D., S.A., Micropublicaciones. ISBN: 84-370-3618-6, D. LEGAL: B-12003-1998.
    3. Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. Proceedings of the I Spanish Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes (2001). J. MATEU y F. MONTES (Eds.) Colección Trabajos de Informática y Tecnología, Num 10. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. ISBN: 84-8021-368-X. Depósito Legal: SE-2801-2001.
    4. Spatial Statistics Through Applications (2002). J. MATEU y F. MONTES (Eds.) Editorial WITPress, Southampton, UK. ISBN: 1-85312-649-7.
    5. Geoestadística y Modelos Matemáticos en Hidrogeología (2003). J. MATEU y I. MORELL (Eds.) Colección Medio Ambiente, Num 1. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. ISBN: 84-8021-417-1. Depósito Legal: CS-326-2003.
    6. Proceedings of ISI International Conference on Environmental Statistics and Health (2003). J. MATEU, D. HOLLAND y W. GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA (Eds.) Editorial Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Num 141, Spain. ISBN: 84-9750-154-3. Depósito Legal: C-1425-2003.
    7. Caracterización de la Agresividad de la Lluvia en la Provincia de Castellón (2003). P. JUAN, J. MATEU y C. AñO. Colección e-Medio Ambiente, Num 1. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. ISBN: 84-8021-431-7. Depósito Legal: CS-327-2003.
    8. Manual de Informática Médica (2003). M. BELMONTE, O. COLTELL, V. MAOJO, J. MATEU y F. SANZ (Eds.). Editorial MRA Ediciones, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 84-933481-0-4. Depósito Legal: B-40.737-2003.
    9. Métodos Estadísticos para el Análisis de Datos (2003). P. GREGORI y J. MATEU. Material Docente, Num 173. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. Depósito Legal: CS-305-2003.
    10. Control estadístico de calidad: aplicaciones en Ingeniería Técnica Mecánica e Industria Cerámica (2003). P. JUAN, J. MATEU, S. SAGASTA y R. SIRVENT. Material Docente, Num 174. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. Depósito Legal: CS-306-2003.
    11. Contaminación Atmosférica. Modelización estadística y caracterización mineralógica en el área industrial de Castellón (2004). C. ALVAREZ, M.M. JORDAN, J. MATEU y T. SANFELIU. Colección Universitaria, Num. 8, Diputación de Castellón. ISBN: 84-89944-71-7. Depósito Legal: CS-11-2004.
    12. Spatial Point Process Modelling and its Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spatial Point Process Modelling and its Applications (2004). A. BADDELEY, P. GREGORI, J. MATEU, R. STOICA y D. STOYAN (Eds). Colección Trabajos de Informática y Tecnología, Num 20. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. ISBN: 84-8021-475-9. Depósito Legal: CS-113-2004.
    13. Prácticas de Control de Calidad Estadístico con Statgraphics (2004). P. JUAN y J. MATEU. Material Docente, Num 209. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. Depósito Legal: CS-120-2004.
    14. Teoría del Medio Ambiente: Modelización (2004). J.L. USO y J. MATEU. Colección Medio Ambiente, Num 3. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. ISBN: 84-8021-471-6. Depósito Legal: CS-392-2004.
    15. Case Studies in Spatial Point Process Modeling (2005). A. BADDELEY, P. GREGORI, J. MATEU, R. STOICA & D. STOYAN (Eds). Lecture Notes in Statistics, 185, Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 0-387-28311-0.
    16. Modelos espacio-temporales para la evaluación y caracterización de índices de riesgo de incendios forestales en la Comunidad Valenciana (2006). P. GREGORI, P. JUAN, J. MATEU, F. SAURA & A. CALLE. Davalos-Fletcher. ISBN: 84-689-7396-3. Depósito Legal: CS-85-2006.
    17. Manual de Control Estadístico de Calidad: Teoría y Aplicaciones (2006). P. JUAN, J. MATEU, R. SIRVENT & S. SAGASTA. Colección Trabajos de Informática y Tecnología, Num 21. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. ISBN: 84-8021-503-8. Depósito Legal: B-26150-2006.
    18. Curso Práctico de Estadística. Más de 300 Ejercicios Resueltos (2008). P. JUAN, J. MATEU & E. PORCU. Material Docente, Num 314. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. Depósito Legal: CS-011-2008.
    19. New Advances in Space-Time Random Field Modelling (2008). E. PORCU & J. MATEU. Colección Trabajos de Informática y Tecnología, Num 28. Editorial Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-8021-650-0. Depósito Legal: B-9.947-2008.
    20. Introducción a la Estadística y Probabilidad (2008). P. JUAN, J. MATEU & E. PORCU. Editorial Diálogo-Ediciones Tilde. ISBN: 978-84-95314-69-7. Depósito Legal: V-2239-2008.
    21. Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Modelling (2008). D. COCCHI, J. MATEU, F. MONTES, E. OTRANTO, E. PORCU & A. USAI (Eds). Editorial Democratica Sarda, Italy, ISBN: 88-6025-098-6.
    22. Positive Definite Functions: from Schoenberg to Space-Time Challenges (2008). J. MATEU & E. PORCU (Eds). Editorial Universitat Jaume I. Department of Mathematics. ISBN: 978-84-612-8282-1. Depósito Legal: CS-420-2008.
    23. Geoestadística Espacial. Técnicas Espectrales con Aplicaciones (2009). P.JUAN & J. MATEU. Editorial VDM-Verlag, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-21398-0.
    24. Rasgos en Procesos Puntuales Espaciales. Técnicas de Detección (2009). G. LORENZO & J. MATEU. Editorial VDM-Verlag, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-15936-3.
    25. Stochastic Processes for Spatial Econometrics (2009). J. MATEU, M. ALBERT, C. COMAS, V. ORTS, J.C. PERNIAS & E. PORCU. Editorial Netbiblo, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-974-5412-4.
    26. Spatio-temporal Design. Advances in Efficient Data Acquisition (2012). J. MATEU & W. MUELLER (Eds). John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-0-470-97429-2.
    27. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics (2012). 2nd Edition. A.H. El-Shaarawi & W.W. Piegorsch (Editors-in-Chief). J. Mateu Editor of Section on Extremes and Environmental Risk. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-0-470-97388-2.
    28. Abstract Book of the XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y de las VIII Jornadas de Estadística Pública (SEIO2013) (2013). J. MATEU et al. (Eds). e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16, Universitat Jaume I, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    29. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Geostatistical Modeling and Kriging (2015). G. FERNANDEZ-AVILES, J.M. MONTERO & J. MATEU. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-1-1184-1318-0.
    30. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (2016). A. IFTIMI, J. MATEU & F. MONTES (Eds). Universitat de Valencia, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    31. Dinámica espacio-temporal del ciudadano en la ciudad de Castellón (2019). J. MATEU, P. JUAN, P. ARAGO, M. BELTRAN, R. MARTIN-POZUELO, C. AYYAD, M. NUNEZ-REDO. Davalos-Fletcher. ISBN: 978-84-09-11712-3. D.L.: CS-508-2019.
    32. Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis (2021). J. MATEU & R. GIRALDO (Eds). John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-38784-8.
    33. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (2022). C. COMAS & J. MATEU (Eds). Universitat de Lleida, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-9144-364-3. DOI 10.21001/METMA X.

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    Capítulos de Libro/Book chapters

    1. MATEU, J. (1996). Modelización de ecosistemas. Estadística espacial y modelo matemático de un ecosistema en etapa post-incendio. Ciencia y Tecnología de recursos naturales y medio ambiente, 331-352. T. Sanfeliu, A. Boix & M.M. Jordán (Eds.). ISBN: 84 88664 39 7.
    2. MATEU, J., BOIX, A., JORDAN, M.M. & SANFELIU, T. (1996). Métodos estadísticos en Ciencias Medioambientales. Ciencia y Tecnología de recursos naturales y medio ambiente, 291-330. T. Sanfeliu, A. Boix & M.M. Jordán (Eds.). ISBN: 84 88664 39 7.
    3. ALBERT, J.M., MATEU, J. & ORTS, V. (2000). Statistical techniques for the analysis of economic externalities. Spatial Economics and Ecosystems: The interaction between the Economic and the Natural Environment, 177-205. N. Georgantzis & I. Tarrazona (Eds.). WITPress, Southampton, UK. ISBN: 1-85312-563-6.
    4. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2002). Introduction to spatial statistics and its applications. Spatial Statistics Through Applications. J. Mateu & F. Montes (Eds.). WITPress, Southampton, UK. ISBN: 1-85312-649-7.
    5. GREGORI, P. & MATEU, J. (2002). Spatial point processes: an overview. Spatial Statistics Through Applications, 41-65. J. Mateu & F. Montes (Eds.). WITPress, Southampton, UK. ISBN: 1-85312-649-7.
    6. YU, K. & MATEU, J. (2002). Nonparametric nearest-neighbour variogram estimation. Spatial Statistics Through Applications, 103-125. J. Mateu & F. Montes (Eds.). WITPress, Southampton, UK. ISBN: 1-85312-649-7.
    7. ALBERT, M., MATEU, J. & ORTS, V. (2002). Statistical tools for spatial economics. Spatial Statistics Through Applications, 313-345. J. Mateu & F. Montes (Eds.). WITPress, Southampton, UK. ISBN: 1-85312-649-7.
    8. CORELLA, D. & MATEU, J. (2003). Bioestadística I. Generalidades y paquetes estadísticos. Manual Informática Médica. M. Belmonte, O. Coltell, V. Maojo, J. Mateu & F. Sanz (Eds.). MRA Ediciones, Barcelona. ISBN: 84-933481-0-4. Depósito Legal: B-40.737-2003.
    9. MATEU, J. & CORELLA, D. (2003). Bioestadística II. Técnicas estadísticas y sus aplicaciones. Manual Informática Médica. M. Belmonte, O. Coltell, V. Maojo, J. Mateu & F. Sanz (Eds.). MRA Ediciones, Barcelona. ISBN: 84-933481-0-4. Depósito Legal: B-40.737-2003.
    10. MATEU, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2004). Modelling spatial clustering through point processes: a computational point of view. Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences. T. Simos & G. Maroulis (Eds.). VSP, Boston. ISBN: 90-6764-418-8. ISSN: 1573-41963.
    11. PORCU, E., MATKOWSKI, J. & MATEU, J. (2008). Quasi arithmetic covariance functions and their possible reducibility through functional equations. Positive Definite Functions: from Schoenberg to Space-Time Challenges. J. Mateu & E. Porcu (Eds.). Publicaciones de la Universitat Jaume I. ISBN: 978-84-612-8282-1. Depósito Legal: CS-420-2008.
    12. MONTERO, J.M., FERNANDEZ-AVILES, G., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2009). The use of environmental quality indexes for the estimation of housing prices. Impacto Ambiental de las Actividades Económicas, 93-110. G. Ferrari, J.M. Montero, J. Mondejar & M. Vargas (Eds.). Septem Ediciones, S.L., Oviedo, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-92536-16-0.
    13. MATEU, J., PORCU, E., MONTERO, J.M. & FERNANDEZ-AVILES, G. (2009). Environmental problems: modelling space-time data. Impacto Ambiental de las Actividades Económicas, 167-186. G. Ferrari, J.M. Montero, J. Mondejar & M. Vargas (Eds.). Septem Ediciones, S.L., Oviedo, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-92536-16-0.
    14. MONTERO, J.M., PORCU, E., MATEU, J. & FERNANDEZ-AVILES, G. (2009). Energía eólica y geoestadística. Superando la isotropía y la estacionariedad, incrementando la rentabilidad. Revista CLM Economia, 15, 211-243, Castilla La Mancha, Spain. ISSN: 1695-9310.
    15. MATEU, J. & COMAS, C. (2010). Autoría de las voces: Empírico, Estadística no Paramétrica, Entropia, Simulación, Estadística Espacial. Enciclopedia de Economía, Finanzas y Negocios, Editorial CISS (Grupo Wolters Kluwer). Coordinador General R.J. Palomo-Zurdo. ISBN: 978-84-9954-062-7. D.L.: M-6250-2010, 12.000 páginas (20 tomos).
    16. MAY DE LA CRUZ, P., CABRAL, P. & MATEU, J. (2011). Mapping the quality of life experience in Alfama: a case study in Lisbon, Portugal. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer.
    17. ROMANO, E., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2011). Clustering spatially correlated functional data. Recent Advances in Functional Data Analysis and Related Topics, 277-282, Frédéric Ferraty (ed.), Springer. ISBN: 978-3-7908-2735-4.
    18. MATEU, J. & GIRALDO, R. (2021). Introduction to geostatistical functional data analysis. Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis. Mateu, J. & Giraldo, R. (eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-38784-8.
    19. ROMANO, E., IRPINO, A. & MATEU, J. (2021). Spatial functional data analysis for probability density functions: compositional functional data vs. distributional data approach. Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis. Mateu, J. & Giraldo, R. (eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-38784-8.
    20. BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2021). Spatial prediction and optimal sampling for multivariate functional random fields. Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis. Mateu, J. & Giraldo, R. (eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-38784-8.
    21. STRANDBERG, J., SJOSTEDT DE LUNA, S. & MATEU, J. (2021). A comparison of spatiotemporal and functional kriging approaches. Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis. Mateu, J. & Giraldo, R. (eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-38784-8.
    22. MATEU, J. & MORADI, M. (2023). Procesos de puntos. Ciencia de datos con R. Fernandez-Aviles, G., Montero-Lorenzo, J.M. (eds.), McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-84-486-3628-9. Depósito Legal: M-34906-2023.
    23. MATEU, J. & MORADI, M. (2024). Non-parametric intensity estimation for spatial point patterns with R. Flexible Nonparametric Curve Estimation. Doosti, H. (ed.), Springer, pp. 113-152. ISBN: 978-3-031-66500-4 (print), ISBN: 978-3-031-66501-1 (eBook).
    24. BURZACCHI, A., D'ANGELO, N., PAYARES, D. & MATEU, J. (2024). A point process approach for the classification of noisy calcium imaging data. Canale, A. (ed.), Springer. ISBN:

    Artículos/Peer reviewed papers

    1. MONTES, F. & MATEU, J. (1996). On the MLE for a spatial point pattern. Advances in Applied Probability (SGSA) , 28, 339.
    2. BOIX, A., MATEU, J., JORDAN, M.M. & SANFELIU, T. (1996). A Statistical model based on multiple regression applied to the prediction of air particle concentrations in the atmosphere. Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 100, 303-327.
    3. PEREZ, C., ANTOLIN, C., USO, J.L. & MATEU, J. (1996). Relación entre varios factores edáficos y especies de Oligoquetos terrícolas de la Comunidad Valenciana. Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural (RSEHN), 125.
    4. MATEU, J. (1997). Methods of assessing and achieving normality applied to Environmental data. Environmental Management, 21, 767-777.
    5. USO, J.L., MATEU, J., KARJALAINEN, T. & SALVADOR, P. (1997). Allometric regression equations to determine aerial biomasses of mediterranean shrubs. Plant Ecology, 132, 59-69.
    6. USO, J.L., MATEU, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (1997). Mathematical and Statistical formulation of an ecological model with applications. Ecological Modelling, 101, 27-40.
    7. JORDAN, M.M., MATEU, J. & BOIX, A. (1998). A classification of sediment types based on statistical multivariate techniques Journal of Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 107, 91-104.
    8. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (1998). Modelización de la distribución espacial de quistes en el estómago de la marsopa mediante un proceso de Gibbs. Questiio, 22, 175-194.
    9. MATEU, J., USO, J.L. & MONTES, F. (1998). The Spatial Pattern of a Forest Ecosystem. Ecological Modelling, 108, 163-174.
    10. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (1998). A comparative study of simulation methods for marked Gibbs processes. Advances in Applied Probability (SGSA), 30, 271-294.
    11. POLO, E., REYES, E., MATEU, J. & CASANOVA, C. (1998). Análisis de la relación entre morbilidad y nivel de demanda en atención primaria pediátrica: Un estudio sobre 1359 niños. Anales Españoles de Pediatría, 49, 273-279.
    12. POLO, E., REYES, E., SERRANO, C., MATEU, J. & CASANOVA, C. (1998). Factores familiares y nivel de demanda en atención primaria pediátrica. Revista Española de Pediatría, 54, 497-505.
    13. VILLACAMPA, Y., USO, J.L., MATEU, J., VIVES, F. & SASTRE, P. (1999). Generative and recognoscitive grammars of ecological models. Ecological Modelling, 117, 315-332.
    14. MATEU, J. & RIBEIRO, P.J. (1999). Geostatistical data versus point process data: analysis of second-order characteristics. Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, 10, 213-224.
    15. JORDAN, M.M., BOIX, A., MATEU, J. & SANFELIU, T. (1999). Estudio de los niveles de partículas y dióxido de azufre en un área industrial cerámica. Técnica Cerámica, 268, 1003-1007.
    16. SASTRE, P., USO, J.L., VILLACAMPA, Y., MATEU, J. & SALVADOR, P. (1999). Statistical linguistic laws in ecological models. Cybernetic Systems: An International Journal, 30, 697-724.
    17. CORTES, M., VILLACAMPA, Y., MATEU, J. & USO, J.L. (2000). A new methodology for modelling highly structured systems. Environmental Modelling & Software, 15, 461-470.
    18. USO, J.L., MATEU, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2000). Medea: Software development for prediction of mediterranean forest degraded areas. Advances in Engineering Software, 31, 185-196.
    19. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2000). Approximate maximum likelihood estimation for a spatial point pattern. Questiio, 24, 3-25.
    20. ALBERT, J.M., MATEU, J. & PERNIAS, J.C. (2000). Spatial structure analysis using planar indices. Questiio, 24, 27-51.
    21. DIGGLE, P.J., MATEU, J. & CLOUGH, H. (2000). A comparison between parametric and non-parametric approaches to the analysis of replicated spatial point patterns. Advances in Applied Probability (SGSA), 32, 331-343.
    22. CIFRE, E., MATEU, J. & SALANOVA, M. (2000). Validación del modelo vitamínico de Warr mediante regresión no paramétrica localmente ponderada. Psicothema, 12, 135-139.
    23. USO, J.L., VILLACAMPA, Y., MATEU, J. & SASTRE, P. (2000). Uncertainty and complementarity principles in ecological models. Cybernetics & Systems, 31, 137-159.
    24. MATEU, J. (2000). Second-order characteristics of spatial marked processes with applications. Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, 1, 145-162.
    25. SASTRE, P., USO, J.L. & MATEU, J. (2000). Adaptation of linguistic laws to ecological models. Kybernetes, 29, 1306-1323.
    26. MONTES, F. & MATEU, J. (2000). Punts al pla: ordre o atzar? Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Matematiques, 15, 51-69.
    27. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2001). Likelihood inference for Gibbs processes in the analysis of spatial point patterns. International Statistical Review, 69, 81-104.
    28. MATEU, J. (2001). Parametric procedures in the analysis of replicated spatial point patterns. Biometrical Journal, 43, 375-394.
    29. USO, J.L., SASTRE, P. & MATEU, J. (2001). Syntax and first entropic approximation of L(Mt): A Language for ecological modelling. Kybernetes, 30 (9-10), 1304-1318.
    30. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2001). Pseudo-likelihood inference for Gibbs processes with exponential families through generalized linear models. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 4, 125-154.
    31. CALDUCH, M.A. & MATEU, J. (2001). Homogeneity versus inhomogeneity in spatial point processes: misfitting issues. Portuguese Statistical Review, 2, 81-82.
    32. ALBERT, J.M., MATEU, J. & PERNIAS, J.C. (2002). Modelling of spatial point processes derived from a sequence of auto-Poisson lattice schemes. Environmental Modelling & Software, 17(2), 105-123.
    33. MATEU, J. (2002). Statistical procedures for spatial point pattern recognition. Questiio, 26, 29-59.
    34. MATEU, J. & LORENZO, G. (2002). Detección de rasgos en imágenes binarias mediante procesos puntuales espaciales marcados. Questiio, 26, 61-85.
    35. USO, J.L., MATEU, J. & PATTEN, B.C. (2002). Mathematical approach to the concept of Environment: Open Systems and Processes. International Journal of General Systems, 31, 213-223.
    36. MATEU, J. (2002). Recent Developments in Spatial Analysis and its Relationship to Behavioural Modelling: an Overview. Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento, 4(2), 339-377.
    37. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2002). Discussion to the paper "Spatial-Temporal Nonlinear Filtering Based on Hierarchical Statistical Models" by Irwin, Cressie & Johannesson. Test, 11, 249-302.
    38. MARTINEZ, F., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2003). Análisis espacio-temporal el acuífero el cuaternario de Jávea. Boletín Geológico y Minero de España, 114 (3), 323-332.
    39. MATEU, J., MONTES, F. & FUENTES, M. (2003). Recent advances in space-time statistics with applications to atmospheric data: An overview. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D24).
    40. BODAS-SALCEDO, A., LOPEZ-BAEZA, E., MARTINEZ, F., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2003). Spatio-temporal modeling and prediction of solar radiation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D24).
    41. MATEU, J. & JUAN, P. (2004). A spectral test of nonstationarity for spatial processes. Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, 13, 213-224.
    42. MATEU, J., ARTES, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2004). Computational issues for perfect simulation in spatial point patterns. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 9, 229-240.
    43. JORDAN, M.M., NAVARRO, J., GARCIA, E., MATEU, J. & JUAN, P. (2004). Spatial dynamics of soil salinity under arid and semiarid conditions: Geological and environmental implications. Environmental Geology, 45, 448-456.
    44. MATEU, J., MONTES, F. & PLAZA, M. (2004). The 1970 US draft lottery revisited: a spatial analysis. Journal of The Royal Statistical Society-Series C. Applied Statistics, 53, 219-229.
    45. GREGORI, P., van LIESHOUT, M.N.M. & MATEU, J. (2004). Mixture formulae for shot noise weighted point processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, 67 (4), 311-320.
    46. AXIS, J. & MATEU, J. (2004). Spatio-temporal modelling of benthic biological species. Journal of Environmental Management, 71 (1), 67-77.
    47. STOICA, R.S., MARTINEZ, V.J., MATEU, J. & SAAR, E. (2005). Detection of cosmic filaments. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 434, 423-432.
    48. STOICA, R.S., GREGORI, P. & MATEU, J. (2005). Simulated annealing and object point processes: tools for analysis of spatial patterns. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 115, 1860-1882.
    49. MATEU, J. & SAURA, F. (2005). Discussion to the paper "Residual analysis for spatial point processes" by Baddeley, Turner, Moller & Hazelton. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 617-666.
    50. MATEU, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2005). Cluster spatial point process models for cosmological applications. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 5 (2), 115-139.
    51. USO, J.L.,VIVES-MACIA, F. & MATEU, J. (2006). Regular grammars of L(Mt): A Language for ecological systems modelling (I). Kybernetes, 35 (6), 837-850.
    52. USO, J.L.,VIVES-MACIA, F. & MATEU, J. (2006). Regular grammars of L(Mt): A Language for ecological systems modelling (II). Kybernetes, 35 (10), 1636-1645.
    53. SAURA, F. & MATEU, J. (2006). Estimating mark functions through spectral analysis for marked point patterns. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 35 (5), 861-886.
    54. PORCU, E., GREGORI, P. & MATEU, J. (2006). Nonseparable stationary anisotropic space-time covariance functions. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 21, 113-122.
    55. PORCU, E., MATEU, J., ZINI, A. & PINI, R. (2006). The Dagum family for spatio-temporal modelling. Advances in Applied Probability, 37, 1-17.
    56. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2007). Modelling forest dynamics: a perspective from point process methods. Biometrical Journal, 49 (2), 176-196.
    57. NAVARRO, J., JORDAN, M.M., MELENDEZ, I., GOMEZ, I., JUAN, P. & MATEU, J. (2007). Estimation of soil salinity in semi-arid land using a geostatistical model. Land Degradation & Development, 18, 339-353.
    58. YU, K., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2007). A kernel-based method for nonparametric estimation of variograms. Statistica Neerlandica, 61 (2), 173-197.
    59. HUANG, H.C., MARTINEZ, F., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2007). Model comparison and selection for stationary space-time models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 4577-4596.
    60. PORCU, E., MATEU, J., ZINI, A. & PINI, R. (2007). Modelling spatio-temporal data: a new variogram and covariance structure proposal. Statistics and Probability Letters, 77, 83-89.
    61. RENSHAW, E., MATEU, J. & SAURA, F. (2007). Disentangling mark/point interaction in marked point processes. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 3123-3144.
    62. PORCU, E., MATEU, J. & BEVILACQUA, M. (2007). Covariance functions which are stationary or nonstationary in space and stationary in time. Statistica Neerlandica, 61 (3), 358-382.
    63. PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2007). Mixture-based modeling for space-time data. Environmetrics, 18, 285-302.
    64. ALBERT, J.M., MATEU, J. & ORTS, V. (2007). Distribución espacial de la actividad económica en la Unión Europea. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, Working Paper, Serie EC, WP-EC 2007-02.
    65. MATEU, J., JUAN, P. & PORCU, E. (2007). Geostatistical analysis through spectral techniques: some words of caution. Communications in Statistics: Computation and Simulation, 36 (5), 1035-1051.
    66. MATEU, J. (2007). Discussion to the paper "Modern statistics for spatial point processes" by Moller & Waagepetersen. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34 (4), 643-684.
    67. PORCU, E., NICOLIS, O. & MATEU, J. (2007). A note on decoupling of local and global behaviour for the Dagum random field. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 22(4), 320-329.
    68. PORCU, E., GREGORI, P. & MATEU, J. (2007). La descente et la montée étendues: the spatially d-anisotropic and the spatiotemporal case. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 21 (6), 683-693.
    69. MATEU, J. (2007). Computing limiting stochastic processes for spatial structure detection. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2 (1-2), 79-102.
    70. COMAS, C., MATEU, J., PALAHI, M. & PUKKALA, T. (2007). Modelización forestal a través del desarrollo de procesos puntuales. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencia Forestal, 23, 61-66.
    71. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2007). On soft- and hard-particle motions for stochastic marked point processes. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 77 (12), 1091-1121.
    72. MATEU, J., PORCU, E., CHRISTAKOS, G. & BEVILACQUA, M. (2007). Fitting negative spatial covariances to geothermal field temperatures in Nea Kessani (Greece). Environmetrics, 18, 759-773.
    73. MATEU, J., LORENZO, G. & PORCU, E. (2007). Detecting features in spatial point processes with clutter via local indicators of spatial association. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16 (4), 968-990.
    74. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2008). Growing and reproducing particles evolving through space and time. Metrika, 67 (2), 145-169.
    75. GREGORI, P., PORCU, E., MATEU, J. & SASVARI, Z. (2008). On potentially negative space time covariances obtained as sum of products of marginal ones. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60, 865-882.
    76. MARTINEZ, F., MATEU, J., MONTES, F., BODAS-SALCEDO, A. & LOPEZ-BAEZA, E. (2008). A comparative analysis of different spatial sampling schemes: modelling of SSRB data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29 (6), 1635-1647.
    77. MATEU, J., PORCU, E. & GREGORI, P. (2008). Recent advances to model anisotropic space-time data. Statistical Methods & Applications, 17, 209-223.
    78. PORCU, E., MATEU, J. & SAURA, F. (2008). New classes of covariance and spectral density functions for spatio-temporal modelling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 22 (1), 65-79.
    79. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2008). On random and Gibbsian particle motions for point processes evolving in space and time. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 37 (2), 380-395.
    80. DEBON, A., MONTES, F., MATEU, J., PORCU, E. & BEVILACQUA, M. (2008). Modelling residuals dependence in dynamic life tables: a geostatistical approach. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52, 3128-3147.
    81. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2008). Space-time dependence dynamics for birth-death point processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, 78 (16), 2715-2719.
    82. BERG, C., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2008). The Dagum family of isotropic correlation functions. Bernoulli, 14 (4), 1134-1149.
    83. RENSHAW, E., COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2009). Analysis of forest thinning strategies through the development of space-time growth-interaction simulation models. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23 (3), 275-288.
    84. COMAS, C., PALAHI, M., PUKKALA, T. & MATEU, J. (2009). Characterising forest spatial structure through inhomogeneous second order characteristics. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23 (3), 387-397.
    85. PORCU, E., GREGORI, P. & MATEU, J. (2009). Archimedean spectral densities for nonstationary space-time Geostatistics. Statistica Sinica, 19 (1), 273-286.
    86. PORCU, E., CRUJEIRAS, R., MATEU, J. & GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. (2009). On the second order properties of the multidimensional periodogram for regularly spaced data. Theory of Probability and its Applications, 53 (2), 349-356.
    87. PORCU, E., MATEU, J. & CHRISTAKOS, G. (2009). Quasi-arithmetic means of covariance functions with potential applications to space-time data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100 (8), 1830-1844.
    88. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2010). Continuous time-varying kriging for spatial prediction of functional data: An environmental application. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (JABES), 15 (1), 66-82.
    89. MATEU, J. (2010). Spatiotemporal dynamics of natural phenomena. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24, 483-485.
    90. MARTINEZ-RUIZ, F., MATEU, J., MONTES, F. & PORCU, E. (2010). Mortality risk assessment through stationary space-time covariance functions. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24, 519-526.
    91. PORCU, E., MATKOWSKI, J. & MATEU, J. (2010). On the non-reducibility of non-stationary correlation functions to stationary ones under a class of mean-operator transformations. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24 (5), 599-610.
    92. MATEU, J., MONTES, F. & PORCU, E. (2010). Spatio-temporal stochastic modelling: environmental and health processes. Environmetrics, 21, 221-223.
    93. DELICADO, P., GIRALDO, R., COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2010). Statistics for spatial functional data: some recent contributions. Environmetrics, 21, 224-239.
    94. MATEU, J., LORENZO, G. & PORCU, E. (2010). Features detection in spatial point processes via multivariate techniques. Environmetrics, 21, 400-414.
    95. BEVILACQUA, M., MATEU, J., PORCU, E., ZHANG, H. & ZINI, A. (2010). Weighted composite likelihood-based tests for space-time separability of covariance functions. Statistics and Computing, 20 (3), 283-293.
    96. MATEU, J. (2010). Discussion to the paper: A general science-based framework for dynamical spatio-temporal models, by C.K. Wikle & M.B. Hooten. Test, 19, 452-455.
    97. COMAS, C., MATEU, J. & SARKKA, A. (2010). A third order point process characteristic for multi-type point processes. Statistica Neerlandica, 64, 19-44.
    98. PORCU, E., MATEU, J. & COMAS, C. (2010). A note on continuous spatial-temporal dynamics of stochastic processes. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 39, 3472-3484.
    99. JUAN, P., MATEU, J., JORDAN, M.M., MELENDEZ-PASTOR, I., NAVARRO-PEDRENO, J. & MATAIX-SOLERA, J. (2011). Geostatistical methods to identify and map spatial variations of soil salinity. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 108, 62-72.
    100. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2011). Statistical inference for Gibbs point processes based on field observations. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25 (2), 287-300.
    101. FERNANDEZ-AVILES, G., MONTERO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2011). Mathematical genesis of the spatio-temporal covariance functions. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 7 (1), 37-44.
    102. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2011). Ordinary kriging for function-valued spatial data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 18 (3), 411-426.
    103. MATEU, J. (2011). Discussion to the paper: An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: the stochastic partial differential equation approach, by Lindgren, F., Rue, H. & Lindstrom, J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 73(4), 423-498.
    104. SAEZ, M. & MATEU, J. (2011). Discussion to the paper: An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: the stochastic partial differential equation approach, by Lindgren, F., Rue, H. & Lindstrom, J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 73(4), 423-498.
    105. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2011). Geostatistics with infinite dimensional data: a generalization of cokriging and multivariable spatial prediction. Matemática: ICM-ESPOL, 9, 16-21.
    106. COMAS, C., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2011). A second order approach to analyse spatial point patterns with functional marks. Test, 20, 503-523.
    107. COMAS, C., MATEU, J. & DELICADO, P. (2011). On tree intensity estimation for forest inventories: some statistical issues. Biometrical Journal, 53(6), 994-1010.
    108. FUNWI-GABGA, N. & MATEU, J. (2012). Understanding the nesting spatial behaviour of gorillas in the Kagwene Sanctuary, Cameroon. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26, 793-811.
    109. MATEU, J. (2012). Discussion to the paper: Statistical methods for healthcare regulation: rating, screening and surveillance, by Spiegelhalter, D., Sherlaw-Johnson, C., Bardsley, M., Blunt, I., Wood, C. & Grigg, O. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 175, 1-47.
    110. BEVILACQUA, M., GAETAN, C., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2012). Estimating space and space-time covariance functions for large data sets: a weighted composite likelihood approach. Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA), 107, 268-280.
    111. MATEU, J. (2012). Discussion to the paper: Vignettes and health systems responsiveness in cross-country comparative analysis, by Rice, N., Robone, S. & Smith, P.C. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 175, 337-369.
    112. MATEU, J. & ARAFAT, A. (2012). Discussion to the paper: Catching up faster by switching sooner: a predictive approach to adaptive estimation with an application to the Akaike information criterion-Bayesian information criterion dilemma, by van Erven, T., Grunwald, P. & de Rooij, S. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 74, 361-417.
    113. MATEU, J., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. & GONZALEZ, J.A. (2012). Discussion to the paper: Optimum design of experiments for statistical inference, by Gilmour, S.G. & Trinca, L.A. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, C, 61, 345-401.
    114. MATEU, J. & ARAFAT, A. (2012). Discussion to the paper: Constructing summary statistics for approximate Bayesian computation: semi-automatic approximate Bayesian computation, by Fearnhead, P. & Prangle, D. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 74, 419-474.
    115. MATEU, J. (2012). Discussion to the paper: Quantifying the weight of evidence from a forensic fingerprint comparison: a new paradigm, by Neumann, C., Evett, I.W. & and Skerrett, J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 175, 371-415.
    116. JUAN, P., MATEU, J. & SAEZ, M. (2012). Pinpointing spatio-temporal interactions in wildfire patterns. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26, 1131-1150.
    117. PORCU, E., MATEU, J., GREGORI, P. & OSTOJA-STARZEWSKI, M. (2012). New classes of spectral densities for lattice processes and random fields built from simple univariate marginals. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26 (4), 479-490.
    118. GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2012). Kriging for functional data. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Second Edition.. El-Shaarawi, A.H. and Piegorsch, W.W. (Eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-0-470-97388-2.
    119. MATEU, J. (2012). Weibull distribution. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Second Edition.. El-Shaarawi, A.H. and Piegorsch, W.W. (eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-0-470-97388-2.
    120. MADRID, A.E., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2012). Spatial threshold exceedance analysis through marked point processes. Environmetrics, 23(1), 108-118.
    121. SAEZ, M.,BARCELO, M.A., TOBIAS, A., VARGA, D., OCAñA-RIOLA, R., JUAN, P. & MATEU, J. (2012). Space-time interpolation of daily air temperatures. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 3(5).
    122. MATEU, J., MELO, O.O. & MELO, C.E. (2012). Discussion to the paper: Log-optimal economic evaluation of probability forecasts, by Johnstone, D.J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 175(3), 661-689.
    123. DIAZ-AVALOS, C. & MATEU, J. (2012). Discussion to the paper: Probabilistic index models, by Thas, O., De Neve, J., Clement, L. & and Ottoy, J-P. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 74(4), 623-671.
    124. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2012). Hierarchical clustering of spatially correlated functional data. Statistica Neerlandica, 66, 403-421.
    125. MATEU, J. & MUELLER, W. (2012). Collecting spatio-temporal data. Spatio-temporal Design. Advances in Efficient Data Acquisition. Mateu, J. & Mueller, W. (eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK.
    126. MATEU, J. (2012). Spatio-temporal evolution modeling of environmental and natural phenomena. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 3(5).
    127. GIRALDO, R., MATEU, J. & DELICADO, P. (2012). geofd: An R package for function-valued geostatistical prediction. Revista Colombiana de Estadística, 35 (3), 383-405.
    128. URIA, J., IBANEZ, R. & MATEU, J. (2013). Importance of habitat heterogeneity and biotic processes in the spatial distribution of a riparian herb (Carex remota L.): a point process approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27(1), 59-76.
    129. MATEU, J., MELO, O.O. & MELO, C.E. (2013). Discussion to the paper: Experimental designs for identifying causal mechanisms, by Imai, K., Tingley, D. & Yamamoto, T. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 176(1), 5–51.
    130. MATEU, J., FERNANDEZ-AVILES, G. & MONTERO, J.M. (2013). On a class of non-stationary, compactly supported spatial covariance functions. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27 (2), 297-309.
    131. SERRA, L., JUAN, P., VARGA, D., MATEU, J. & SAEZ, M. (2013). Spatial pattern modelling of wildfires in Catalonia, Spain 2004-2008. Environmental Modelling and Software, 40, 235-244.
    132. DIAZ-AVALOS, C., JUAN, P. & MATEU, J. (2013). Similarity measures of conditional intensity functions to test separability in multidimensional point processes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27(5), 1193-1205.
    133. DERCOLE, R. & MATEU, J. (2013). On wavelet-based energy densities for spatial point processes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27(6), 1507-1523.
    134. CABALLERO, W., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2013). A universal kriging approach for spatial functional data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27(7), 1553-1563.
    135. MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. (2013). Discussion to the paper: Group sequential tests for delayed responses, by Hampson, L.V. & Jennison, C. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 75 (1), 3-54.
    136. DIAZ-AVALOS, C. & MATEU, J. (2013). Discussion to the paper: Bayesian approach to complex clinical diagnoses: a case-study in child abuse, by Best, N., Ashby, D., Dunstan, F., Foreman, D. & Mcintosh, N. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 176(1), 53-96.
    137. SAEZ, M. & MATEU, J. (2013). Discussion to the paper: Bayesian approach to complex clinical diagnoses: a case-study in child abuse, by Best, N., Ashby, D., Dunstan, F., Foreman, D. & Mcintosh, N. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 176(1), 53-96.
    138. DERCOLE, R. & MATEU, J. (2013). A continuous wavelet-based approach to detect anisotropic properties in spatial point processes. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 11(1), 1350017-1350046.
    139. MATEU, J., MELO, O.O. & MELO, C.E. (2013). Discussion to the paper: How to find an appropriate clustering for mixed type variables with application to socio-economic stratification, by Christian Hennig & Tim F. Liao. Applied Statistics, 62(3), 309–369.
    140. GUPTA, A.K., NAGAR, D.K., MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J. (2013). Percentage points of a test statistic useful in manova with structured covariance matrices. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 20.
    141. TAMAYO, I., MATEU, J. & MUGHINI, L. (2013). Temporal distribution and weather correlates of Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) infestations in the city of Madrid, Spain. EcoHealth, 10(2), 137-144.
    142. BADDELEY, A., TURNER, R., MATEU, J. & BEVAN, A. (2013). Hybrids of Gibbs point process models and their implementation. Journal of Statistical Software, 55 (11), 1-43.
    143. MATEU, J. (2013). Discussion to the paper: Large covariance estimation by thresholding principal orthogonal, by Jianqing Fan, Yuan Liao & Martina Mincheva. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 75 (4), 603-680.
    144. DIAZ-AVALOS, C., JUAN, P. & MATEU, J. (2014). Significance tests for covariate-dependent trends in inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point processes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28 (3), 593-609.
    145. BOHORQUEZ, M., MATEU, J. & DIAZ, L. (2014). A note on smoothness measures for space time surfaces. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28 (4), 1011-1022.
    146. TAMAYO, I., MATEU, J., ESCOBAR, F. & MUGHINI-GRAS, L. (2014). Risk factors and spatial distribution of urban rat infestations. Journal of Pest Science, 87 (1), 107-115.
    147. IGNACCOLO, R., MATEU, J. & GIRALDO, R. (2014). Kriging with external drift for functional data for air quality monitoring. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28 (5), 1171-1186.
    148. MATEU, J. (2014). Discussion to the paper: An Overview of Object Oriented Data Analysis, by Marron, J.S. & Alonso, A.M. Biometrical Journal, 56 (5), 766–767.
    149. SERRA, L., SAEZ, M., MATEU, J., VARGA, D., JUAN, P., DIAZ-AVALOS, C. & RUE, H. (2014). Spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes for modelling wildfire occurence: the case of Catalonia, 1994-2008. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 21 (3), 531-563.
    150. SERRA, L., SAEZ, M., JUAN, P., VARGA, D. & MATEU, J. (2014). A spatio-temporal Poisson Hurdle point process to model wildfires. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28 (5), 1671–1684.
    151. TAMAYO, I., MATEU, J. & DIGGLE, P. (2014). Modelling of the spatio-temporal distribution of rat sightings in an urban environment. Spatial Statistics, 9, 192-206.
    152. DERCOLE, R. & MATEU, J. (2014). A wavelet-based approach to quantify the anisotropy degree of spatial random point configurations. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 12(5), 1450037-1450059.
    153. GREGORI, P., PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2014). Models of covariance functions of Gaussian random fields escaping from isotropy, stationarity and non negativity. Image Analysis and Stereology, 33 (1), 75-81.
    154. MATEU, J. (2014). Discussion to the paper: Multiscale change point inference, by Frick, K., Munk, A. & Sieling, H. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 76 (3), 495-580.
    155. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. & MATEU, J. (2015). Second-order smoothing of spatial point patterns with small sample sizes: A family of kernels. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29, 295-308.
    156. COMAS, C., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. & MATEU, J. (2015). Second-order analysis of anisotropic spatio-temporal point process data. Statistica Neerlandica, 69 (1), 49-66.
    157. MATEU, J. & NICOLIS, O. (2015). Multiresolution analysis of linearly-oriented spatial point patterns. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85 (3), 621-637.
    158. REYES, A., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2015). Residual kriging for functional spatial prediction of salinity curves. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 44 (4), 798-809.
    159. MELO, O.O., MATEU, J. & MELO, C.E. (2015). Distance-based beta regression for prediction of mutual funds. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 99 (1), 83-106.
    160. VLAD, I.T. & MATEU, J. (2015). A geometric approach to cancer growth prediction based on Cox processes. Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications, 13 (1), 1-32.
    161. BADRELDIN, N., URIA-DIEZ, MATEU, J., YOUSSEF, A., STAL, C., EL-BANA, M., MAGDY, A. & GOOSSENS, R. (2015). A spatial pattern analysis of the halophytic species distribution in an arid coastal environment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187 (5), 1-15.
    162. MATEU, J., SCHOENBERG, F.P., DIEZ, D.M., GONZALEZ, J.A. & LU, W. (2015). On measures of dissimilarity between point patterns: classification based on prototypes and multidimensional scaling. Biometrical Journal, 57 (2), 340-358.
    163. VLAD, I.T., GUAL, J. & MATEU, J. (2015). Two handy geometric prediction methods of cancer growth. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 11 (4), 254-261.
    164. NICOLIS, O. & MATEU, J. (2015). 2D anisotropic wavelet entropy with an application to earthquakes in Chile. Entropy, 17, 4155-4172.
    165. VLAD, I.T., JUAN, P. & MATEU, J. (2015). Bayesian spatio-temporal prediction of cancer dynamics. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 70, 857-868.
    166. NICOLIS, O. & MATEU, J. (2015). Discussion to the paper: Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Mobile Phone Data: a Case Study in the Metropolitan Area of Milan. Statistical Methods and Applications, 24 (2), 315-319.
    167. MATEU, J. (2015). Discussion to the paper: Analysis of forensic DNA mixtures with artefacts, by Cowell, R.G., Graversen, T., Lauritzen, S.L. & Mortera, J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 64 (1), 1-48.
    168. ROMANO, E., MATEU, J. & GIRALDO, R. (2015). On the performance of two clustering methods for spatial functional data. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 99 (4), 467-492.
    169. MATEU, J. & IGNACCOLO, R. (2015). Spatio-temporal stochastic modelling of environmental hazards. Spatial Statistics, 14, 115-118.
    170. JALILIAN, A., GUAN, Y., MATEU, J. & WAAGEPETERSEN, R. (2015). Multivariate product-shot-noise Cox point process models. Biometrics, 71 (4), 1022-1033.
    171. MATEU, J. (2015). Discussion to the paper: Sequential Quasi-Monte-Carlo Sampling, by Gerber, M. & Chopin, N. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 77 (3), 509-579.
    172. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2015). Spatial Prediction for Function Value Data - geofd. Version 1.0 R, Repository CRAN. License GPL-2.
    173. VLAD, I.T., MATEU, J. & ROMANO, E. (2015). On some descriptive and predictive methods for the dynamics of cancer growth. Statistica, 75 (3), 247-263.
    174. MELO, O.O., MELO, C.E. & MATEU, J. (2016). Beta spatial linear mixed model with variable dispersion using Monte Carlo maximum likelihood. Statistica Neerlandica, 70 (1), 47-76.
    175. WAAGEPETERSEN, R., GUAN, Y., JALILIAN, A. & MATEU, J. (2016). Analysis of multi-species point patterns using multivariate log Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 65 (1), 77-96.
    176. MATEU, J. (2016). Discussion to the paper: Statistical modelling of citation exchange between statistics journals, by Varin, C., Cattelan, M. & Firth, D. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 179 (1), 1-63.
    177. BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2016). Optimal sampling for spatial prediction of functional data. Statistical Methods and Applications, 25 (1), 39-54.
    178. MELO, O.O. MATEU, J. & MELO, C.E. (2016). A generalised linear space-time autoregressive model with space-time autoregressive disturbances. Journal of Applied Statistics, 43 (7), 1198-1225.
    179. FUENTES, I., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2016). Consistent smooth bootstrap kernel intensity estimation for inhomogeneous spatial point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43 (2), 416–435.
    180. MATEU, J. (2016). Discussion to the paper: Perils and potentials of self-selected entry to epidemiological studies and surveys, by Keiding, N. & Louis, T.A. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 179 (2), 319–376.
    181. BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2016). Optimal dynamic spatial sampling. Environmetrics, 27 (5), 293–305.
    182. MELO, O.O., MELO, C.E. & MATEU, J. (2016). Spatial generalised linear mixed models based on distances. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 25 (5), 2138-2160.
    183. MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2016). Guest Editors' introduction to the Special Issue on "Seismomatics: space-time analysis of natural or anthropogenic catastrophes". Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 21 (3), 403-406.
    184. ANGULO, J.M., MADRID, A.E. & MATEU, J. (2016). Point pattern analysis of spatial deformation and blurring effects on exceedances. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 21 (3), 512-530.
    185. MATEU, J. (2016). Discussion to the paper: Causal inference by using invariant prediction: identification and confidence intervals, by Peters, J., Buhlmann, P. & Meinshausen, N. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 78 (5), 947-1012.
    186. GONZALEZ, J.A., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., CRONIE, O. & MATEU, J. (2016). Spatio-temporal point process statistics: A review. Spatial Statistics, 18, 505–544.
    187. MATEU, J. (2016). Discussion to the paper: Of quantiles and expectiles: consistent scoring functions, Choquet representations and forecast rankings, by Ehm, W., Gneiting, T., Jordan, A. & Kruger, F. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 78 (3), 505-562.
    188. MATEU, J. & ROMANO, E. (2017). Advances in spatial functional geostatistics. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31 (1), 1-6.
    189. BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2017). Multivariate functional random fields: prediction and optimal sampling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31 (1), 53-70.
    190. JUAN, P., DIAZ-AVALOS. C., MEJIA-DOMINGUEZ, N. & MATEU, J. (2017). Hierarchical spatial modeling of the presence of Chagas disease insect vectors in Argentina. A comparative approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31 (2), 461-479.
    191. LAGOS, B.M., FUSTOS, R., FIGUEROA, J. & MATEU, J. (2017). Geostatistical mixed beta regression: A Bayesian approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31 (2), 571-584.
    192. MATEU, J. (2017). Discussion to the paper: New statistics for old?—measuring the wellbeing of the UK, by Allin, P. & Hand, D.J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 180 (1), 3-43.
    193. MATEU, J. & FERREIRA, G. (2017). Discussion to the paper: Should we sample a time series more frequently?: decision support via multirate spectrum estimation, by Nason, G.P., Powell, B., Elliot, D. & Smith, P.A. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 180 (2), 353-407.
    194. MATEU, J. & FERREIRA, G. (2017). Discussion to the paper: A Bayesian information criterion for singular models, by Drton, M. & Plummer, M. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 79 (2), 323-380.
    195. STOYAN, D., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., MATEU, J. & GILLE, W. (2017). Mark variograms for spatio-temporal point processes. Spatial Statistics, 20, 125-147.
    196. STOICA, R., PHILIPPE, A., GREGORI, P. & MATEU, J. (2017). An ABC Shadow algorithm: a new tool for spatial patterns statistical analysis. Statistics and Computing, 27, 1225–1238.
    197. IFTIMI, A., MONTES, P., MATEU, J. & AYYAD, C. (2017). Measuring spatial inhomogeneity at different spatial scales using Hybrids of Gibbs point process models. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31 (6), 1455-1469.
    198. ARAFAT, A., MATEU, J. & GREGORI, P. (2017). A family of Markov processes in Maximal Compact Subgroups of a Semisimple Lie groups. Statistics and Probability Letters, 126, 132-138.
    199. GRAELER, B., AYYAD, C. & MATEU, J. (2017). Modelling count data based on weakly dependent spatial covariates using a copula approach. Application to rat sightings. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 24 (3), 433-448.
    200. FERREIRA, G., NAVARRETE, J.P., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. & MATEU, J. (2017). Estimation and prediction of time-varying GARCH models through a state-space representation. A computational approach. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 87 (12), 2430-2449.
    201. MATEU, J., CRUJEIRAS, R., MENEZES, R. & MONTES, F. (2017). Spatio-temporal statistical methods in environmental and biometrical problems. Spatial Statistics, 22 (2), 219-224.
    202. FUENTES-SANTOS, I. GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2017). A nonparametric test for the comparison of first-order structures of spatial point processes. Spatial Statistics. 22 (2), 240-260.
    203. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2017). Analysing highly complex and highly structured point patterns in space. Spatial Statistics, 22 (2), 296-305.
    204. MATEU, J. (2017). Discussion to the paper: Beyond subjective and objective in statistics, by Gelman, A. & Henning, C. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 180 (4), 967-1033.
    205. SIINO, M., ADELFIO, G., MATEU, J., CHIODI, M. & D´ALESSANDRO, A. (2017). Spatial pattern analysis using hybrid models: an application to the Hellenic seismicity. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31 (7), 1633–1648.
    206. MATEU, J. & ECKARDT, M. (2017). Discussion to the paper: Sparse graphs using exchangeable random measures, by Caron, F. & Fox, E.B. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 79 (5), 1295-1366.
    207. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2017). Cokriging and multivariate kriging methods based on data of a functional random field. Comunicaciones en Estadistica, 10 (2), 315-344.
    208. MATEU, J. (2017). Discussion to the paper: Random-projection ensemble classification, by Cannings, T.I. & Samworth, R.J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 79 (4), 959-1035.
    209. AKANDE, A., COSTA, A.C., MATEU, J. & HENRIQUES, R. (2017). Geospatial analysis of extreme weather events in Nigeria (1985 - 2015) using self organizing maps. Advances in Meteorology, ID 8576150, 11 pages.
    210. FUENTES-SANTOS, I., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2018). A first-order ratio-based nonparametric separability test for spatio-temporal point processes. Environmetrics, 29 (1), 1-18.
    211. FERREIRA, G., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2018). Spatio-temporal analysis with short and long-memory dependence: A state-space approach. Test, 27 (1), 221-245.
    212. KHAVARZADEH, R., MOHAMMADZADEH, M. & MATEU, J. (2018). A simple two-step method for spatio-temporal design-based balanced sampling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32, 457-468.
    213. MATEU, J. (2018). Discussion to the paper: Statistical challenges of administrative and transaction data, by Hand, D.J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 181 (3), 1-24.
    214. MELO, C.E., MELO, O.O. & MATEU, J. (2018). A distance-based model for spatial prediction using radial basis functions. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 102 (2), 263–288.
    215. DOOSTI, H., HALL, P. & MATEU, J. (2018). Nonparametric tilted density function estimation: A cross-validation criterion. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 197, 51-68.
    216. GUPTA, S., DEGBELO, A., MATEU, J. & PEBESMA, E. (2018). Quality of life, big data and the power of statistics. Statistics and Probability Letters, 136, 101-104.
    217. MORADI, M., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. & MATEU, J. (2018). On kernel-based intensity estimation of spatial point patterns on linear networks. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27 (2), 302-311.
    218. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2018). Point patterns occurring on complex structures in space and space-time: An alternative network approach. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27 (2), 312-322.
    219. ARAFAT, A., PORCU, E., BEVILACQUA, M. & MATEU, J. (2018). Equivalence and orthogonality of Gaussian measures on spheres. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 167, 306-318.
    220. SIINO, M., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & ADELFIO, G. (2018). Testing for local structure in spatio-temporal point pattern data. Environmetrics, 29 (5-6), 1-19.
    221. AYYAD, C., MATEU, J. & TAMAYO-URIA, I. (2018). Non-linear spatial modelling of rat sightings in relation to urban multi-source foci. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 11 (5), 667-676.
    222. COMAS, C., CONDE, J. & MATEU, J. (2018). A second-order test to detect spatio-temporal anisotropic effects in point patterns. Statistics, 52 (4), 717-733.
    223. MOSAMMAM, A.M. & MATEU, J. (2018). A penalized likelihood method for non-separable space-time generalized additive models. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 102 (3), 333-357.
    224. MATEU, J. (2018). Discussion to the paper: Optimal treatment allocations in space and time for on-line control of an emerging infectious disease, by Laber, E.B., Meyer, N.J., Reich, B.J., Pacifici, K., Collazo, J. & Drake, J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 67 (4), 743-789.
    225. GUPTA, S., PEBESMA, E., MATEU, J. & DEGBELO, A. (2018). Air quality monitoring network design optimisation for robust land use regression models. Sustainability, 10 (5), 1442.
    226. MATEU, J., BOHORQUEZ, M. & GUEVARA, R. (2018). Discussion to the paper: The statistical analysis of acoustic phonetic data: exploring differences between spoken Romance languages, by Pigoli, D., Hadjipantelis, P.Z., Coleman, J.S. & Aston, J.A. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 67 (4), 1-27.
    227. MATEU, J. (2018). Discussion to the paper: Visualizing spatiotemporal models with virtual reality: from fully immersive environments to applications in stereoscopic view, by Castruccio, S., Genton, M. & Sun, Y. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 182 (1), 1-9.
    228. SIINO, M., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2018). Joint second-order parameter estimation for spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32 (12), 3525–3539.
    229. ZHANG, T. & MATEU, J. (2019). Substationarity in spatial point processes. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 171, 22–36.
    230. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2019). Analysing multivariate spatial point processes with continuous marks: A graphical modelling approach. International Statistical Review, 87 (1), 44-67.
    231. AYYAD, C., MATEU, J., OMIDI, M., TAMAYO-URIA, I. & MOHAMMADZADEH, M. (2019). Trivariate non-Gaussian copulas to analyse the spatial behaviour of rat sightings. Statistica Neerlandica, 73 (2), 256-273.
    232. OMAN, S.D. & MATEU, J. (2019). The latent scale covariogram: a tool for exploring the spatial dependence structure of non-normal responses. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 28 (1), 127-141.
    233. ZHUANG, J. & MATEU, J. (2019). A semi-parametric spatiotemporal Hawkes-type point process model with periodic background for crime data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 182 (3), 919-942.
    234. PADILLA, L., LAGOS, B., MATEU, J. & FERREIRA, G. (2019). A Kalman filter method for estimation and prediction of space-time data with an autoregressive structure. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 203, 117-130.
    235. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2019). Forest Inventory. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online.. Balakrishnan, N., Colton, T., Everitt, B., Piegorsch, W.W., Ruggeri, F. & Teugels, J. (Eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. DOI: 10.1002/9781118445112.stat07704.pub2. ISBN: 978-1-118-44511-2.
    236. MORADI, M., CRONIE, O., RUBAK, E., LACHIEZE-REY, R., MATEU, J. & BADDELEY, A. (2019). Resample-smoothing of Voronoi intensity estimators. Statistics and Computing, 29 (5), 995-1010.
    237. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2019). Partial characteristics for marked spatial point processes. Environmetrics, 30 (6), 1-13.
    238. STRANDBERG, J., SJOSTEDT DE LUNA, S. & MATEU, J. (2019). Prediction of spatial functional random processes: Comparing functional and spatio-temporal kriging approaches. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33, 1699–1719.
    239. ALEGRIA, A., PORCU, E., FURRER, R. & MATEU, J. (2019). Covariance functions for multivariate Gaussian fields evolving temporally over Planet Earth. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33 (8-9), 1593–1608.
    240. ATKINSON, P. & MATEU, J. (2019). A Conversation with Peter Diggle. Statistical Science, 34 (3), 504-521.
    241. NASIRZADEH, R., MATEU, J. & SOLTANI, A.R. (2019). On a linear functional mixed effect model for spatial data. Journal of Iranian Statistical Society (JIRSS), 18 (2), 115-137.
    242. RAKSHIT, S., DAVIES, T.M., MORADI, M., McSWIGGAN, G., NAIR, G., MATEU, J. & BADDELEY, A. (2019). Fast kernel smoothing of point patterns on a large network using 2D convolution. International Statistical Review, 87 (3), 531-556.
    243. ARISTIZABAL, J., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2019). Analysis of variance for spatially correlated functional data: application to brain data. Spatial Statistics, 32, 100381. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2019.100381.
    244. ADELFIO, G., SIINO, M., MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. (2020). Some properties of weighted local second-order statistics for spatio-temporal point processes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 34 (1), 149–168.
    245. GONZALEZ, J.A., HAHN, U. & MATEU, J. (2020). Analysis of tornado reports through replicated spatio-temporal point patterns. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 69 (1), 3-23.
    246. NICOLIS, O., MATEU, J. & CONTRERAS-REYES, J. (2020). Wavelet-based entropy measures to characterize two-dimensional fractional Brownian fields. Entropy, 22, 196-211.
    247. MATEU, J. (2020). Discussion to the paper: A new standard for the analysis and design of replication studies, by Held, L. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 183 (2), 449-469.
    248. MULLER, R., SCHUHMACHER, D. & MATEU, J. (2020). Metrics and barycenters for point pattern data. Statistics and Computing, 30 (4), 953-972.
    249. ZHANG, T. & MATEU, J. (2020). Testing first-order spherical symmetry of spatial point processes. Statistica Sinica, 30, 1313-1332.
    250. CRONIE, O., MORADI, M. & MATEU, J. (2020). Inhomogeneous higher-order summary statistics for point processes on linear networks. Statistics and Computing, 30 (5), 1221-1239.
    251. SIINO, M., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & ADELFIO, G. (2020). Spatio-temporal classification in point patterns under the presence of clutter. Environmetrics, 31 (2), 1-17.
    252. MATEU, J. (2020). Discussion to the paper: Functional models for time-varying random objects, by Dubey, P. & Muller, H-G. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 82 (2), 275-327.
    253. MATEU, J. & ECKARDT, M. (2020). Discussion to the paper: Graphical models for extremes, by Engelke, S. & Hitz, A.s. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 82 (4), 871-932.
    254. MATEU, J. (2020). Discussion to the paper: Linear mixed effects models for non-Gaussian continuous repeated measurement data, by Asar, O., Bolin, D., Diggle, P.J. & Wallin, J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 69 (5), 1-39.
    255. MELO, C.E., MATEU, J. & MELO, O.O. (2020). A distance-based model for spatial prediction in the presence of trend. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 25, 315-338.
    256. MORADI, M. & MATEU, J. (2020). First and second-order characteristics of spatio-temporal point processes on linear networks. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 29 (3), 432-443.
    257. SALAFRANCA, D., RODRIGUEZ, S. & MATEU, J. (2020). Geographic profiling: behavior and adaptation to the environment. International E-Journal of Criminal Sciences, 15, 1-27.
    258. ESQUIVEL, N., NICOLIS, O., PERALTA, B. & MATEU, J. (2020). Spatio-temporal prediction of Baltimore crime events using CLSTM neural networks. IEEE Access, 8, 209101-209112.
    259. MORADI, M., CRONIE, O. & MATEU, J. (2020). stlnpp: Spatio-temporal analysis of point patterns on linear networks. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/stlnpp/index.html.
    260. PADILLA, L., LAGOS-ALVAREZ, B., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2020). Space-time autoregressive estimation and prediction with missing data based on Kalman filtering. Environmetrics, 31 (7), e2627. doi: 10.1002/env.2627.
    261. MATEU, J., MORADI, M. & CRONIE, O. (2020). Spatio-temporal point patterns on linear networks: pseudo-separable intensity estimation. Spatial Statistics, 37, 100400. doi: 10.1016/ j.spasta.2019.100400.
    262. SHIROTA, S., GELFAND, A.E. & MATEU, J. (2020). Analyzing car thefts and recoveries with connections to modeling origin-destination point patterns. Spatial Statistics, 38, 100440. doi: 10.1016/ j.spasta.2020.100440.
    263. ROMANO, E., MATEU, J. & BUTZBACH, O. (2020). Heteroskedastic geographically weighted regression model for functional data. Spatial Statistics, 38, 100444. doi: 10.1016/ j.spasta.2020.100444.
    264. RODRIGUEZ-BERRIO, J.F., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., MATEU, J. & ADELFIO, G. (2021). On some statistical properties of the spatio-temporal product density for point processes. Colombian Journal of Statistics, 44 (1), 23-41.
    265. NASIRZADEH, F., SHISHEBOR, Z. & MATEU, J. (2021). On new families of anisotropic spatial Log-Gaussian Cox processes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35 (2), 183–213.
    266. JALILIAN, A. & MATEU, J. (2021). A hierarchical spatio-temporal model to analyze relative risk variations of COVID-19: a focus on Spain, Italy and Germany. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35, 797–812.
    267. MATEU, J. (2021). Discussion to the paper: Testing by betting: A strategy for statistical and scientific communication, by Shafer, G. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 184 (2), 407-431.
    268. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2021). Second-order and local characteristics of network intensity functions. Test, 30, 318–340.
    269. FERREIRA, G., MATEU, J., VILAR, J.A. & MUNOZ, J. (2021). Bootstrapping regression models with locally stationary disturbances. Test, 30, 341–363.
    270. GHORBANI, M., CRONIE, O., MATEU, J. & YU, J. (2021). Functional marked point processes: A natural structure to unify spatio-temporal frameworks and to analyse dependent functional data. Test, 30, 529-568.
    271. TORRES-SIGNES, A., FRIAS, M.P., MATEU, J. & RUIZ-MEDINA, M.D. (2021). A spatial functional count model for heterogeneity analysis in time. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35, 1825-1849.
    272. GONZALEZ, J.A., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., ROMANO, E. & MATEU, J. (2021). Classification of events using local pair correlation functions for spatial point patterns. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (JABES), 26, 538–559.
    273. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2021). Partial and semi-partial statistics of spatial associations for multivariate areal data. Geographical Analysis, 53 (4), 818-835.
    274. HASHEMI, M., MATEU, J. & ZAMANI, A. (2021). Periodically correlated space-time autoregressive Hilbertian processes. Statistical Theory and Applications, 20 (2), 164-170.
    275. MEDIALDEA, A., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2021). Structural complexity and informational transfer in spatial Log-Gaussian Cox processes. Entropy, 23 (9), 1135.
    276. SAEZ, M. et al. (2021). Covid-19: la malinterpretación de los datos de la pandemia daña la confianza del público. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/covid-19-la-malinterpretacion-de-los-datos-de-la-pandemia-dana-la-confianza-del-publico-149387.
    277. GONZALEZ, J.A., LAGOS, B. & MATEU, J. (2021). Two-way layout factorial experiments of spatial point pattern responses in mineral flotation. Test, 30 (4), 1026-1045.
    278. MRKVICKA, T., DVORAK, J., GONZALEZ, J.A. & MATEU, J. (2021). Revisiting the random shift approach for testing in spatial statistics. Spatial Statistics, 42, 100430. doi: 10.1016/ j.spasta.2020.100430.
    279. MATEU, J. & STEIN, A. (2021). Introduction to the special issue Towards Spatial Data Science. Spatial Statistics, 42, 100466. doi: 10.1016/ j.spasta.2020.100466.
    280. MORADI, M., MATEU, J. & COMAS, C. (2021). Directional analysis for point patterns on linear networks. Stat, 10 (1), e323. doi: 10.1002/sta4.323.
    281. ECKARDT, M., GONZALEZ, J.A. & MATEU, J. (2021). Graphical modelling and partial characteristics for multitype and multivariate-marked spatio-temporal point processes. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 156, 107139. doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2020.107139.
    282. BRIZ, A., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2021). Modeling accident risk at the road level through zero-inflated negative binomial models: a case study of multiple road networks. Spatial Statistics, 43, 100503. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2021.100503.
    283. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2021). Assessing local differences between the spatio-temporal second-order structure of two point processes occurring on the same linear network. Spatial Statistics, 45, 100534. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2021.100534.
    284. BRIZ, A., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2022). Identifying crime generators and spatially overlapping high-risk areas through a non-linear model: a comparison between three cities of the Valencian region (Spain). Statistica Neerlandica, 76 (1), 97-120.
    285. CARELLA, G., PEREZ, J., ALVAREZ, M. & MATEU, J. (2022). A Bayesian spatial analysis of the heterogeneity in human mobility changes during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States. The American Statistician, 76 (1), 64-72.
    286. ROMANO, E., GIRALDO, R., MATEU, J. & DIANA, A. (2022). High leverage detection in general functional regression models with spatially correlated errors. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 38 (1), 169-181.
    287. FRIAS, M.P., TORRES-SIGNES, A., RUIZ-MEDINA, M.D. & MATEU, J. (2022). Spatial Cox processes in an infinite-dimensional framework. Test, 31, 175–203.
    288. MATEU, J. (2022). Discussion to the paper: Gaussian differential privacy, by Dong, J., Roth, A. and Su, W.J. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 84 (1), 47-48.
    289. MATEU, J. (2022). Editorial. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 27, 1–3.
    290. BORRAJO, M.I., COMAS, C., COSTAFREDA-AUMEDES, S. & MATEU, J. (2022). Stochastic smoothing of point processes for wildlife-vehicle collisions on road networks. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36, 1563-1577.
    291. BRIZ, A., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2022). Modeling the influence of places on crime risk through non-linear effects: a comparison with risk terrain modeling. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 15, 507-527.
    292. MAHMOOD, M., MATEU, J. & HERNANDEZ-ORALLO, E. (2022). Contextual contact tracing based on stochastic compartment modeling and spatial risk assessment. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36, 893-917.
    293. MILA, C., MATEU, J., PEBESMA, E. & MEYER, H. (2022). Nearest neighbour distance matching leave-one-out cross-validation for map validation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13 (6), 1304-1316.
    294. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G., ABBRUZZO, A. & MATEU, J. (2022). Inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point processes on linear networks for visitors' stops data. Annals of Applied Statistics, 16 (2), 791-815.
    295. ESCUDERO, I., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2022). A spatially correlated model with autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic structure for counts of crimes. Entropy, 24, 892.
    296. GILARDI, A., MATEU, J., BORGONI, R. & LOVELACE, R. (2022). Multivariate hierarchical analysis of car crashes data considering a spatial network lattice. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 185 (3), 1150-1177.
    297. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M. & MATEU, J. (2022). A stochastic Bayesian bootstrapping model for COVID-19 data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36, 2907-2917.
    298. DVORAK, J., MRKVICKA, T., MATEU, J. & GONZALEZ, J.A. (2022). Nonparametric testing of the dependence structure among points-marks-covariates in spatial point patterns. International Statistical Review, 90 (3), 592-621.
    299. MOHAMMADIAN MOSAMMAM, A., ABBASI, E. & MATEU, J. (2022). Bayesian approach for modelling of spatio-temporal crime data. Journal of Statistical Sciences, 16 (2), 435-448.
    300. MATEU, J. (2022). Discussion to the paper: Small data, big time. A retrospect of the first weeks of COVID-19, by Zhao, Q. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, doi: 10.1111/rssa.12934, 185 (4), 1838-1839.
    301. MATEU, J. (2022). Discussion to the paper: Modeling the COVID-19 infection trajectory: a piecewise linear quantile trend model, by Jiang, F., Zhao, Z. and Shao, X. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, doi: 10.1111/rssa.12935, 185 (4), 1839-1840.
    302. CABALLERO, Y., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2022). A spatial randomness test based on the box-counting dimension. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 106, 499-524.
    303. NIRAULA, P., MATEU, J. & CHAUDHURI, S. (2022). A Bayesian machine learning approach for spatio-temporal prediction of COVID-19 cases. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36, 2265–2283.
    304. FERREIRA, G., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2022). Multivariate Kalman filtering for spatio-temporal processes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36, 4337–4354.
    305. FORERO, A.M., BOHORQUEZ, M., RENTERIA, R.R. & MATEU, J. (2022). Identification of patterns for space-time event networks. Applied Network Science, 7 (3), 1-24.
    306. SLATER, J.J., BROWN, P., ROSENTHAL, J.S. & MATEU, J. (2022). Capturing spatial dependence of COVID-19 case counts with cellphone mobility data. Spatial Statistics, 49, 100540. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2021.100540.
    307. MARTINEZ-BENEITO, M.A., MATEU, J. & BOTELLA-ROCAMORA, P. (2022). Spatio-temporal small area surveillance of the COVID-19 pandemics. Spatial Statistics, 49, 100551. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2021.100551.
    308. MATEU, J. & JALILIAN, A. (2022). Spatial point processes and neural networks: a convenient couple. Spatial Statistics, 50, 100644. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2022.100644.
    309. MAHMOOD, M., RIBEIRO, A., MATEU, J. & MORAGA, P. (2022). Modeling infectious disease dynamics: integrating contact tracing-based stochastic compartment and spatio-temporal risk models. Spatial Statistics, 51, 100691. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2022.100691.
    310. MORADI, M., CHAUDHURI, S. & MATEU, J. (2023). On the trend detection of time-ordered intensity images of point processes on linear networks. Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation, 52 (4), 1318-1330.
    311. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M. & MATEU, J. (2023). A phenomenological model for COVID-19 data taking into account neighboring-provinces effect and random noise. Statistica Neerlandica, 77 (2), 146-155.
    312. CHUQUIN, J.F., MAIGUA, S.A., FLORES, M.A., MATEU, J., TORRES, S. & ZAPATA-RIOS, X. (2023). Integrating spatial dependence into functional clustering of NDVI in the Ecuadorian Andes. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 39 (2), 670-684.
    313. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M. & MATEU, J. (2023). Modeling noisy time-series data of crime with stochastic differential equations. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 1053-1066.
    314. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M. & MATEU, J. (2023). Spatio-temporal stochastic differential equations for crime incidence modeling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 1839–1854.
    315. FUENTES-SANTOS, I., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2023). Testing similarity between first-order intensities of spatial point processes. A comparative study. Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation, 52 (5), 2210-2230.
    316. PAYARES-GARCIA, D., PLATERO, J. & MATEU, J. (2023). A dynamic spatio-temporal stochastic modeling approach of emergency calls in an urban context. Mathematics, 11, 1052. doi: 10.3390/math11041052.
    317. JALILIAN, A. & MATEU, J. (2023). Assessing similarities between spatial point patterns with a Siamese Neural Network discriminant model. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 17, 21-42.
    318. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2023). Local inhomogeneous second-order characteristics for spatio-temporal point processes occurring on linear networks. Statistical Papers, 64, 779–805.
    319. GABRIEL, E., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., COVILLE, J., MATEU, J. & CHADEUF, J. (2023). Mapping the intensity function of a non-stationary point process in unobserved areas. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 327–343.
    320. PAYARES, D., MATEU, J. & SCHICK, W. (2023). Spatially informed Bayesian neural network for neurodegenerative diseases classification. Statistics in Medicine, 42, 105-121.
    321. MARTINEZ, A.F., CHAUDHURI, S., DIAZ-AVALOS, C., JUAN, P., MATEU, J. & MENA, R.H. (2023). Clustering constrained on linear networks. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 1983–1995.
    322. CHOIRUDDIN, A., HANNANU, F., MATEU, J. & FITRIYANAH, V. (2023). COVID-19 transmission risk in Surabaya and Sidoarjo: an inhomogeneous marked Poisson point process approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 2271–2282.
    323. DONG, Z., ZHU, S., XIE, Y., MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. (2023). Non-stationary spatio-temporal point process modeling for high-resolution COVID-19 data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 72, 368–386.
    324. RODRIGUES, A., GONZALEZ, J.A. & MATEU, J. (2023). A conditional machine learning classification approach for spatio-temporal risk assessment of crime data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 2815–2828.
    325. GILARDI, A., BORGONI, R., PRESICCE, L. & MATEU, J. (2023). Measurement error models for spatial network lattice data: analysis of car crashes in Leeds. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 186, 313–334.
    326. SALAFRANCA, D., RODRIGUEZ, S. & MATEU, J. (2023). Geographic behavior and adaptation to the environment. International E-Journal of Criminal Science, 15, 1-27.
    327. MORADI, M., CRONIE, O., PEREZ-GOYA, U. & MATEU, J. (2023). Hierarchical spatio-temporal change-point detection. The American Statistician, 77 (4), 390-400.
    328. CHAUDHURI, S., JUAN, P. & MATEU, J. (2023). Spatio-temporal modeling of traffic accidents incidence on urban road networks based on an explicit network triangulation. Journal of Applied Statistics, 50, 3229-3250.
    329. PARK, J., YI, S., CHANG, W. & MATEU, J. (2023). A spatio-temporal dirichlet process mixture model for Coronavirus disease-19. Statistics in Medicine, 42 (30), 5555-5576.
    330. MATEU, J. (2023). Discussion to the paper: Flexible marked spatio-temporal point processes with applications to event sequences from association football, by Narayanan, S., Kosmidis, I. and Dellaportas, P. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 72, 1095–1126.
    331. BRIZ, A., IFTIMI, A., MATEU, J. & ROMERO, C. (2023). A mechanistic spatio-temporal modeling of COVID-19 data. Biometrical Journal, 65 (1), 2100318. doi: 10.1002/bimj.202100318.
    332. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2023). Locally weighted minimum contrast estimation for spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 180, 107679. doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2022.107679.
    333. BRIZ, A. & MATEU, J. (2023). A mechanistic bivariate point process model for crime pattern analysis. Stat, 12 (1), e537. doi: 10.1002/sta4.537.
    334. MOHLER, G. & MATEU, J. (2023). Second order preserving point process permutations. Stat, 12 (1), e558. doi: 10.1002/sta4.558.
    335. SOSA, J., BRIZ-REDON, A., FLORES, M., ABRIL, M. & MATEU, J. (2023). A spatio-temporal multinomial model of firearm death in Ecuador. Spatial Statistics, 54, 100738. doi: 10.1016/ j.spasta.2023.100738.
    336. MATEU, J. & BRIZ, A. (2023). Discussion to the papers: Semi-mechanistic Bayesian modeling of COVID-19 with renewal processes, by Bhatt et al. and A sequential Monte Carlo approach to estimate a time varying reproduction number in infectious disease models: the Covid-19 case, by Storvik et al. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 186 (4), 650–651. doi: 10.1093/jrsssa/qnad053.
    337. FUENTES-SANTOS, I., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2023). Bootstrap bandwidth selection for the pair correlation function of inhomogeneous spatial point processes. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 93 (18), 3329–3361. doi: 10.1080/00949655.2023.2220860.
    338. PAYARES, D., MATEU, J. & SCHICK, W. (2023). NeuroNorm: An R Package to Standardize Multiple Structural MRI. Neurocomputing, 550 (14), 126493. doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2023.126493.
    339. PAYARES, D., OSEI, F., MATEU, J. & STEIN, A. (2023). A Poisson cokriging method for bivariate count data. Spatial Statistics, 57, 100769. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2023.100769.
    340. WIKLE, C., MATEU, J. & ZAMMIT-MANGION, A. (2023). Deep learning and spatial statistics. Spatial Statistics, 57, 100774. doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2023.100774.
    341. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M., MATEU, J. & PINTO, C. (2023). A new population model for urban infestations. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 175 (1), 113939. doi: 10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113939.
    342. GILARDI, A., BORGONI, R. & MATEU, J. (2024). A non-separable first-order spatio-temporal intensity for events on linear networks: an application to ambulance interventions. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 18 (1), 529–554.
    343. VILLANI, V., ROMANO, E. & MATEU, J. (2024). Climate model selection via conformal clustering of spatial functional data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 31, 365–385.
    344. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G. MATEU, J. & CRONIE, O. (2024). Local inhomogeneous weighted summary statistics for marked point processes. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 33 (2), 588-602.
    345. MULLER, R., SCHUHMACHER, D. & MATEU, J. (2024). ANOVA for data in metric spaces, with applications to spatial point patterns. Statistical Science, 39 (2), 262-285.
    346. MATEU, J. & SERAFINI, F. (2024). Discussion to the paper: A diffusion-based spatio-temporal extension of Gaussian Matern fields, by Lindgren, F., Bakka, H., Bolin, D., Krainski, E. and Rue, H. SORT, 48 (1), 55-61.
    347. BRIZ, A. & MATEU, J. (2024). Point process modeling through a mixture of homogeneous and self-exciting processes. Statistica Neerlandica, 78 (4), 600-616.
    348. D'ANGELO, N., PAYARES, D., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2024). Self-exciting point process modelling of crimes on linear networks. Statistical Modelling, 24 (2), 139–168.
    349. PAYARES-GARCIA, D., OSEI, F., MATEU, J. & STEIN, A. (2024). Multivariate Poisson cokriging: a geostatistical model for health count data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 33 (9), 1637–1659.
    350. SOSA, J., MORAGA, P., FLORES, M. & MATEU, J. (2024). A local correlation integral method for outlier detection in spatially correlated functional data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 38, 1197–1211.
    351. MATEU, J. (2024). Discussion to the paper: Automatic change-point detection in time series via deep learning, by Li, J., Fearnhead, P., Fryziewicz, P. and Wang, T. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 86 (2), 325–326. doi: 10.1093/jrsssb/qkad153.
    352. ECKARDT, M., MATEU, J. & GREVEN, S. (2024). Analysing small-area Covid-19 incidence curves using a generalized functional additive mixed models with compositional covariates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 73 (4), 880–901. doi: 10.1093/jrsssc/qlae016.
    353. FADLURHMAN, A., CHOIRUDDIN, A., AHSAN, M. & MATEU, J. (2024). Inhomogeneous log-Gaussian Cox processes with piecewise constant covariates: a case study in modeling of covid-19 transmission risk in East Java. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 38, 2891–2901. doi: 10.1007/s00477-024-02720-4.
    354. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M. & MATEU, J. (2024). Spatial modeling of crime dynamics: Patch and reaction-diffusion compartmental systems. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. doi: 10.1002/mma.9064.
    355. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M. & MATEU, J. (2024). A dynamical mathematical model for crime evolution based on a compartmental system with interactions. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. doi: 10.1080/00207160.2024.2302840.
    356. ECKARDT, M., COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2024). Summary characteristics for multivariate function-valued spatial point process attributes. International Statistical Review. doi: 10.1111/insr.12582.
    357. BOHORQUEZ, M., MATEU, J. et al. (2024). SpatFD. Functional geostatistics: univariate and multivariate functional spatial prediction. CRAN package. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SpatFD/index.html. doi: 10.32614/CRAN.package.SpatFD.
    358. BERNABEU, A., ZHUANG, J. & MATEU, J. (2024). Spatio-temporal Hawkes point processes: a review. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. doi: 10.1007/s13253-024-00653-7.
    359. JALILIAN, A., MATEU, J. & SEDDA, L. (2024). A brief review and guidance on the spatio-temporal sampling designs for disease vector surveillance. Current Research in Parasitology and Vector-Diseases. doi: 10.1016/j.crpvbd.2024.100208.
    360. GONZALEZ, J.A., MATEU, J., CESPEDES, N., CAMACHO, E.A. & CERVANTES, L.C. (2024). A double stochastic point process approach for spatio-temporal dynamics and prediction of crime data. Statistical Modelling. doi: 10.1177/1471082X241264690.
    361. ESCUDERO, I., ANGULO, J.M., MATEU, J. & CHOIRUDDIN, A. (2024). Crime risk assessment through Cox and self-exciting spatio-temporal point processes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. doi: 10.1007/s00477-024-02857-2.
    362. ECKARDT, M., MATEU, J. & MORADI, M. (2024). Function-valued marked spatial point processes on linear networks: application to urban cycling profiles. Stat. doi: 10.1002/sta4.70013.
    363. SLATER, J., BROWN, P., ROSENTHAL, J.S. & MATEU, J. (2024). Leveraging cellphone-derived mobility networks to assess COVID-19 travel risk. Annals of Applied Statistics. Forthcoming.

    Artículos enviados/Submitted papers

    1. MORADI, M., PEBESMA, E. & MATEU, J. (2021). Trajectories: classes and methods for trajectory data. Submitted.
    2. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2021). Structured regression modeling of network intensity functions for spatial point patterns. Submitted.
    3. BALLANI, F., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & STOYAN, D. (2021). Mark-based second-order characteristics in the statistics for spatio-temporal point processes. Submitted.
    4. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2021). A spatial dependence graph model for multivariate spatial hybrid processes. Submitted.
    5. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2021). Quantile analysis of second-order point process characteristics. Submitted.
    6. KLEIN, N. & MATEU, J. (2021). Bayesian effect selection for additive quantile regression with an analysis to air pollution thresholds. Submitted.
    7. RUBILAR, O., FERREIRA, G., MATEU, J. & LAGOS, B. (2024). Bootstrap-based prediction intervals using time-varying processes. Application to the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile. Submitted.
    8. CHOIRUDDIN, A., GONZALEZ, J., MATEU, J., FADLUROHMAN, A. & WAAGEPETERSEN, R. (2024). Variable selection for inhomogeneous spatio-temporal Poisson point processes. Submitted.
    9. PAYARES-GARCIA, D., OSEI, F., MATEU, J. & STEIN, A. (2024). A Poisson cokriging modeling of mosquito-borne diseases in Colombia. Submitted.
    10. BOHORQUEZ, M., MUNOZ, M., VELA, L., MATEU, J. & MORAGA, P. (2024). A quadratic classification rule for spatial functional data. Application to EEG data for silent speech recognition. Submitted.
    11. RIUTORT-MAYOL, G., CUVERO, Y., RODENAS-GOMEZ, J. & MATEU, J. (2024). Additive Gaussian processes for interpretable ANOVA of spatial point patterns. Submitted.
    12. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G., MATEU, J. & CRONIE, O. (2024). Semi-parametric profile pseudolikelihood via local summary statistics for spatial point pattern intensity estimation. Submitted.
    13. PAYARES-GARCIA, D., OSEI, F., MATEU, J. & STEIN, A. (2024). Spatial Downscaling of Multivariate Disease Risk. Submitted.
    14. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M., PLATERO, J. & MATEU, J. (2024). A stochastic partial differential equation for Bayesian spatio-temporal modeling of crime. Submitted.
    15. BRIZ, A. & MATEU, J. (2024). A self-exciting spatio-temporal model with a smooth space-time varying productivity parameter. Submitted.
    16. RODRIGUEZ-AVELLANEDA, F., MATEU, J. & MORAGA, P. (2024). Estimating velocities of infectious disease spread through spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox point processes. Submitted.
    17. DONG, Z., MATEU, J. & XIE, Y. (2024). Spatio-temporal-network point processes for modeling crime incidents with landmarks. Submitted.
    18. CLEMENTE, A., ARNONE, MATEU, J. & SANGALLI, L. (2024). Nonparametric estimators over quantum graphs. Submitted.
    19. FERREIRA, G., MUNOZ, J., ARRATIA, J., MATEU, J., FLORES, M. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. (2024). A Non-parametric tv-GARCH model and space-state system for forecasting. Submitted.
    20. CLARK, N. & MATEU, J. (2024). Social justice implications of model selection for point process models of crime. Submitted.
    21. CLARK, N. & MATEU, J. (2024). Disentangling spatio-temporal cluster point structures through machine learning methods. Submitted.
    22. VALLEJOS, R., FERRER, C. & MATEU, J. (2024). A concordance coefficient for lattice data: An application to poverty indices in Chile. Submitted.
    23. CHOIRUDDIN, A., SAKTI, E.R., WIDHIANINGSIH, T.D., MATEU, J. & FITHRIASARI, K. (2024). Probabilistic deep learning for highly multivariate spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes. Submitted.
    24. PAYARES-GARCIA, D., OSEI, F., MATEU, J. & STEIN, A. (2024). Multivariate geostatistical modelling of disease counts with covariates. Submitted.


    1. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (1994). Modelling Pairwise Interaction Point Processes. 9th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, p. 329-337.
    2. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (1994). Modelos de procesos puntuales Markov. XXI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O., p. 366-67.
    3. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (1995). Inferencia bayesiana en procesos puntuales Markov. V Conferencia Española de Biometría, p. 65-68.
    4. MONTES, F. & MATEU, J. (1995). Análisis temporal del estado de equilibrio en una cadena de Markov. XXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O., p. 57-58. ISBN: 84-87215-46-7.
    5. BOIX, A., MATEU, J., JORDAN, M.M. & SANFELIU, T. (1995). A statistical analysis applied to a study of atmospheric pollution by SO2 and particles in the conurbation of Castellon and its relation to local meteorological parameters. Air Pollution III, Vol. 2, Computational Mechanics Publications, (Eds.) H. Power, N. Moussiopoulos, C.A. Brebbia, 227-234. ISBN: 1 85312 442 7, 1 85312 311 0.
    6. MATEU, J. (1995). The problem of assessing and achieving normality: an application to environmental data. Air Pollution III, Vol. 2, Computational Mechanics Publications, (Eds.) H. Power, N. Moussiopoulos, C.A. Brebbia, 267-274. ISBN: 1 85312 442 7, 1 85312 311 0.
    7. MATEU, J., USO, J.L., MONTES, F. & ANTOLIN, C. (1995). Analysis of a bivariate spatial point pattern in Forest vegetation. Advances in Ecosystems Research, I.I.A.S., Vol. 2, (Eds.) G.E. Lasker & N. Marchettini, 67-71. ISBN: 0 92183 638 4.
    8. USO, J.L., MATEU, J., MONTES, F. & ANTOLIN, C. (1995). Detecting pattern in vegetation: Testing the complete spatial randomness. Advances in Ecosystems Research, I.I.A.S., Vol. 2, (Eds.) G.E. Lasker & N. Marchettini, 72-76. ISBN: 0 92183 638 4.
    9. ANTOLIN, C., MARINEZ; V., USO, J.L., MATEU, J. & SANCHEZ, J. (1995). Influence of the Environmental Factors in the Soil System and Recommendation of Agrarian Use in the Mediterranean Area. Advances in Ecosystems Research, I.I.A.S., Vol. 2, (Eds.) G.E. Lasker & N. Marchettini, 77-83. ISBN: 0 92183 638 4.
    10. MATEU, J. & USO, J.L. (1996). A review of spatial statistics selection software. Software Engineering in Higher Education II, Computational Mechanics Publications, (Eds.) J.L. Usó, P. Mitic, L.J. Sucharov, 231-238. ISBN: 1 85312 385 4, 1 56252 309 0.
    11. JORDAN, M.M., MATEU, J. & BOIX, A. (1996). Multivariate Cluster Analysis of Trace Elements and Mineralogical Components from some Rural Soils. Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies VI: ENVIROSOFT'96, Computational Mechanics Publications, (Eds.) P. Zanetti, C.A. Brebbia, 215-224. ISBN: 1 85312 411 7.
    12. ALBERT, M., MATEU, J. & ORTS, V. (1997). Spatial location and economic development on the Spanish mainland. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development I: ECOSUD'97, Computational Mechanics Publications, Advances in Ecological Sciences, Vol 1, (Eds.) J.L. Usó, C.A. Brebbia, H. Power, 125-134. ISBN: 1 85312 502 4, ISSN: 1369-82-73.
    13. USO, J.L., MATEU, J., VILLACAMPA, Y. & SALVADOR, P. (1997). Adjustment versus meaning? Towards a quantic theory of ecological models. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development I: ECOSUD'97, Computational Mechanics Publications, Advances in Ecological Sciences, Vol 1, (Eds.) J.L. Usó, C.A. Brebbia, H. Power, 375-393. ISBN: 1 85312 502 4, ISSN: 1369-82-73.
    14. MATEU, J., USO, J.L. & MONTES, F. (1997). A marked bivariate spatial model to detect interactions between Mediterranean shrubs. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development I: ECOSUD'97, Computational Mechanics Publications, Advances in Ecological Sciences, Vol 1, (Eds.) J.L. Usó, C.A. Brebbia, H. Power, 447-455. ISBN: 1 85312 502 4, ISSN: 1369-82-73.
    15. PEREZ-ONTENIENTE, A. & MATEU, J. (1997). Earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta) associations in the Valencian Community (Spain). Ecosystems and Sustainable Development I: ECOSUD'97, Computational Mechanics Publications, Advances in Ecological Sciences, Vol 1, (Eds.) J.L. Usó, C.A. Brebbia, H. Power, 477-487. ISBN: 1 85312 502 4, ISSN: 1369-82-73.
    16. CORTES, A., MATEU, J., JORDAN, M.M., BOIX, A. & SANFELIU, T. (1997). Statistical methods in soil management. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development I: ECOSUD'97, Computational Mechanics Publications, Advances in Ecological Sciences, Vol 1, (Eds.) J.L. Usó, C.A. Brebbia, H. Power, 499-509. ISBN: 1 85312 502 4, ISSN: 1369-82-73.
    17. LOPEZ, J.A., MATEU, J., CASTELLO, J. & MARCO, F. (1997). Statistical analysis of flow equations for mathematic ecological models. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development I: ECOSUD'97, Computational Mechanics Publications, Advances in Ecological Sciences, Vol 1, (Eds.) J.L. Usó, C.A. Brebbia, H. Power, 551-560. ISBN: 1 85312 502 4, ISSN: 1369-82-73.
    18. ALBERT, M., MATEU, J. & ORTS, V. (1997). Localización espacial y desarrollo económico: una aproximación con técnicas de estadística espacial. XXIII Reunión de Estudios Regionales: Mundialización, Innovación, Región Arco Mediterraneo, p. 425-430.
    19. CIFRE, E. & MATEU, J. (1997). Análisis de series temporales largas mediante Splus para un diseño de sujeto único. IV Simposio de Metodolog\'{\i}a de las Ciencias del Comportamiento, (Eds.) Manuel Ato García y José A. López Pina, 507-524. ISBN: 84-7684-850-1, D. Legal: MU-1345-1997.
    20. MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (1997). Detecting differences due to group effect for replicated spatial point patterns. XXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O., 19.9-19.10. D. Legal: CS-94-1997.
    21. MATEU, J. & ALBERT, A. (1997). Fitting an Auto-Poisson model: comparisons between the marked and non-marked case. XXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O., 43.93-43.94. D. Legal: CS-94-1997.
    22. ANTOLIN, C., MORALEDA, M., ALVAREZ, D., CARBO, E. & MATEU, J. (1998). Effects of erosion mechanisms under different soil types modified by revegetation and wildfires. The soil as a strategic resource: degradation processes and conservation measures, Geoforma Ediciones. (Eds.) A. Rodriguez Rodriguez, C.C. Jimenez Mendoza & M.L. Tejedor Salguero, 201-206.
    23. MATEU, J. & ALBERT, M. (1998). Algunos métodos para identificar el modelo espacial de las ciudades españolas. La Población Valenciana: Pasado, Presente y Futuro, Seminari d'Estudis sobre la Població del País Valencia. (Eds.) Joan Serafí & otros, 135-151. ISBN: 84 7784 322 8.
    24. USO, J.L., MATEU, J., SALVADOR, P. & SASTRE, P. (1999). A computer system for prediction of risk in Mediterranean shrublands. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development II: ECOSUD'99, Computational Mechanics Publications, Advances in Ecological Sciences (2). (Eds.) J.L. Usó, C.A. Brebbia, 305-319. ISBN: 1 85312 687 X, ISSN: 1369-8273.
    25. USO, J.L., MATEU, J., SALVADOR, P., VILLACAMPA, Y. & SASTRE, P. (1999). The Samsara effect: a Brownian motion of coefficients of determination in Ecological models. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development II: ECOSUD'99, Computational Mechanics Publications, Advances in Ecological Sciences (2). (Eds.) J.L. Usó, C.A. Brebbia, 353-361. ISBN: 1 85312 687 X, ISSN: 1369-8273.
    26. JORDAN, M.M., MATEU, J., BOIX, A. & SANFELIU, T. (1999). Mineralogical Analysis of Mediterranean Soils: Multivariate Cluster Analysis. 6th International Meeting on Soils with Mediterranean Type of Climate, Editorial Novo Print. p. 724-26. D. Legal: B-30.541-99.
    27. SASTRE, P., USO, J.L., MATEU, J., VILLACAMPA, Y. & SALVADOR, P. (1999). Poisson distribution of lexic units in mathematical ecological models. Research in Progress: Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies VII. (Eds.) G.E. Lasker, 23-28. ISBN: 0 92183 683-X.
    28. ARTES, J. & MATEU, J. (2000). Spatial birth-and-death simulation algorithms: perfect vs approximate simulation. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O. p. 415-16. ISBN: 84 8158-152-6. D. Legal: C-468-2000.
    29. CALDUCH, M. & MATEU, J. (2000). Local versus global interactions in detecting spatial patterns. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O. p. 429-30. ISBN: 84 8158-152-6. D. Legal: C-468-2000.
    30. LORENZO, G. & MATEU, J. (2000). Searching for regions of varying spatial intensities in point processes. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O. p. 473-74. ISBN: 84 8158-152-6. D. Legal: C-468-2000.
    31. MATEU, J., ALVAREZ, C., JORDAN, M.M. & SANFELIU, T. (2000). Model-based air pollution characterization. IX International Conference on Transport and Air Pollution. Vol. 2, 279-284. ISBN: 2-85782-533-1. ISSN: 0769-0266.
    32. JUAN, P., MATEU, J., ANTOLIN, C. & AñO, C. (2000). Spatial modelling of water soil erosion using Gis-based data. Management Information Systems, WITPress, Southampton, Boston. (Eds.) C.A. Brebbia & P. Pascolo, 235-244. ISBN: 1 85312 815-5, ISSN: 1470-6326.
    33. ALVAREZ, C., MATEU, J., SANFELIU, T. & JORDAN, M.M. (2000). Environmental pollution management. Management Information Systems, WITPress, Southampton, Boston. (Eds.) C.A. Brebbia & P. Pascolo, 123-132. ISBN: 1 85312 815-5, ISSN: 1470-6326.
    34. ALBERT, J.M., MATEU, J. & ORTS, V. (2000). Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Economic Externalities. Spatial Economics and Ecosystems: The interaction between the Economic and the Natural Environment. (Eds.) N. Georgantzis & I. Tarrazona, 3, 177-205. ISBN: 1-85312-563-6.
    35. USO, J.L., SASTRE, P. & MATEU, J. (2001). Entropic Interpretation of Saint Mathew Law. Advances in Ecosystems Research and Eco-informatics. (Eds.) G.E. Lasker & E.B. Tiezzi, Vol. 5, 41-46. ISBN: 1-894613-01-5.
    36. SALVADOR, P., MATEU, J. & USO, J.L. (2001). Stochastic processes in determination of flow equations in Ecological models. Advances in Ecosystems Research and Eco-informatics. (Eds.) G.E. Lasker & E.B. Tiezzi, Vol. 5, 53-58. ISBN: 1-894613-01-5.
    37. MATEU, J., JUAN, P., AñO, C. & ANTOLIN, C. (2001). Spatial analysis of rainfall erosivity in a Spanish Mediterranean area. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III WITPress, Southampton, Boston. (Eds.) C.A. Brebbia, Y. Villacampa & J.L. Usó, Vol. 10, 501-509. ISBN: 1-85312-871-6 ISSN: 1369-8273.
    38. AXIS, J. & MATEU, J. (2001). Gestatistical methods for the evaluation of antropogenic impact in marine bottom. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III WITPress, Southampton, Boston. (Eds.) C.A. Brebbia, Y. Villacampa & J.L. Usó, Vol. 10, 493-499. ISBN: 1-85312-871-6 ISSN: 1369-8273.
    39. MATEU, J. & LORENZO, G. (2001). Local second-order characteristics for spatial point-based features detection. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Proceedings of the IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. (Eds.) J. Salvador & Filiberto Pla, Vol. 2, 25-30. ISBN: 84-8021-350-7.
    40. MATEU, J., ALVAREZ, C., SANFELIU, T. & JORDAN, M.M. (2001). Joint statistical modelling of data related to air pollution. 9th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution, WITPress, Southampton, Boston. (Eds.) C.A. Brebbia & G. Latini, pp. 673, 113-122. ISBN: 1-85312-877-5.
    41. MONTENEGRO, M. & MATEU, J. (2001). A new kernel family for spatial smoothing. Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. Proceedings of the I Spanish Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. (Eds.) J. Mateu & F. Montes, 261-283. ISBN: 84-8021-368-X. Depósito Legal: SE-2801-2001.
    42. AXIS, J., MATEU, J. & TORRUCO, D. (2001). Analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of biological species. Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. Proceedings of the I Spanish Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. (Eds.) J. Mateu & F. Montes, 191-209. ISBN: 84-8021-368-X. Depósito Legal: SE-2801-2001.
    43. MARTINEZ, F., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2001). Spatio-temporal statistical modelling of surface solar radiation. Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. Proceedings of the I Spanish Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. (Eds.) J. Mateu & F. Montes, 251-260. ISBN: 84-8021-368-X. Depósito Legal: SE-2801-2001.
    44. JUAN, P., MATEU, J., ANTOLIN, C. & AñO, C. (2002). Geostatistical methods to predict water erosion risk in the Rincón de Ademuz (Spain). Geoforma Ediciones. (Eds.) Rubio, J.L., Morgan, R.P.G., Asins, S., Andreu, V., pp. 1975-1987. ISBN: 84-87779-45-X.
    45. JORDAN, M.M., MATEU, J. & SANFELIU, T. (2002). Statistical procedures for soil characterization and classification. Geoforma Ediciones. (Eds.) Rubio, J.L., Morgan, R.P.G., Asins, S., Andreu, V., pp. 1647-1656. ISBN: 84-87779-45-X.
    46. SANFELIU, T., ALVAREZ, C., MATEU, J., GOMEZ, E., HERNANDEZ, D., JORDAN, M.M. & BOIX, A. (2002). Statistical treatment of the recorded concentrations of O3 and NOx: a preliminary step on the study of the soil receptor of chemical leading to greenhouse effect. Geoforma Ediciones. (Eds.) Rubio, J.L., Morgan, R.P.G., Asins, S., Andreu, V., pp. 755-762. ISBN: 84-87779-45-X.
    47. MATEU, J., ARTES, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2002). Computational issues for perfect simulation in spatial point patterns. Computational and Mathematical Methods on Science and Engineering. (Eds.) Vigo-Aguiar, J., Wade, B.A., Vol. III, pp. 141-152. Depósito Legal: S.1026-2002. ISBN: 84-607-5365-4.
    48. CALDUCH, A. & MATEU, J. (2003). Análisis de la pseudo-verosimilitud para procesos puntuales espaciales inhomogéneos. XXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O.. pp. 1314-1335. ISBN: 84-8409-955-5. D. Legal: L-374-2003.
    49. GREGORI, P., VAN LIESHOUT, M.N.M. & MATEU, J. (2003). Modelización de procesos area-interaction generalizados. XXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O.. pp. 1400-1410. ISBN: 84-8409-955-5. D. Legal: L-374-2003.
    50. KRIVORUCHKO, K. & MATEU, J. (2003). Spatial statistics through non-Euclidean distances. ISI International Conference on Environmental Statistics and Health. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. ISBN: 84-688-2623-5.
    51. MARTINEZ, F., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2003). Spatial-temporal modelling of air pollution data in an urban environment. ISI International Conference on Environmental Statistics and Health. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. ISBN: 84-688-2623-5.
    52. MATEU, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2003). Cluster models for spatial point processes with applications. Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Enginnering. T.E. Simos (Ed.). World Scientific, London. pp. 409-412. ISBN: 981-238-595-9.
    53. ALBERT, J.M., MATEU, J. & ORTS, V. (2003). Concentración versus dispersión: Un análisis espacial de la localización de la actividad económica en la U.E. Proceedings del Seminario de Geografía Económica organizado por la Fundación de Economía Aragonesa (Fundear).
    54. GREGORI, P., MATEU, J. & STOICA, R. (2004). A marked point process for modelling three-dimensional patterns. Spatial Point Process Modelling and its Applications. (Eds.) A. Baddeley, P. Gregori, J. Mateu, R. Stoica & D. Stoyan. Publicaciones de la Universitat Jaume I, pp. 91-100. ISBN: 84-8021-475-9. Depósito Legal: CS-113-2004.
    55. MATEU, J. & MONTENEGRO, M. (2004). On kernel estimators of second-order measures for spatial point processes. Spatial Point Process Modelling and its Applications. (Eds.) A. Baddeley, P. Gregori, J. Mateu, R. Stoica & D. Stoyan. Publicaciones de la Universitat Jaume I, pp. 155-186. ISBN: 84-8021-475-9. Depósito Legal: CS-113-2004.
    56. MONTENEGRO, M. & MATEU, J. (2004). Spatial smoothing through a non-negative kernel family. Proceedings of the International Workshop in Applied probability. University of Piraeus, Greece, pp. 252-255.
    57. MATEU, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2004). A note on computational aspects for some cluster spatial point processes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods on Science and Enginnering (CMMSE). Brandas and Vigo-Aguiar (Eds.) pp. 212-225. ISBN: 84-609-1154-3.
    58. PORCU, E., MATEU, J. & SAURA, F. (2004). Nuevos modelos espacio-temporales de covarianza y densidad espectral en epidemiología. Proceedings de la II Jornada Científica de las Sociedades Españolas de Epidemiología y Biometría, 2004, pp. 97-102. ISBN: 84-96221-06-7. Depósito Legal: V-2611-2004.
    59. SAURA, F., PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2004). Building new covariance and spectral densities for space-time models. Proceedings of the 2nd Spanish Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. ISBN: .
    60. PORCU, E., SAURA, F. & MATEU, J. (2004). New classes of covariance functions for spatio-temporal modelling. Proceedings of the 2nd Spanish Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. ISBN: .
    61. PORCU, E., MATEU, J. & ZINI, A. (2004). A new class of variogram: the Dagum spatio-temporal distribution. Proceedings of the 2nd Spanish Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Environmental Processes. ISBN: .
    62. MATEU, J. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2004). Modelling spatial clustering through point processes: a computational point of view. Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2004 (ICCMSE 2004), 2004, Simos, T. and Maroulis, G. (Eds.), pp. 357-365. ISBN: 90-6764-418-8, ISSN: 1573-4196.
    63. MATEU, J., PORCU, E., SAURA, F. & CALDUCH, M.A. (2004). Nuevos enfoques para la construcción de modelos espacio-temporales. Proceedings of the XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO), pp. 107-108. ISBN: 84-689-0438-4.
    64. CALDUCH, M.A. & MATEU, J. (2004). Análisis de errores y bondad de ajuste en procesos espaciales inhomogéneos. Proceedings of the XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO), pp. 253-254. ISBN: 84-689-0438-4.
    65. GREGORI, P. & MATEU, J. (2004). Practical Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood Estimation for GAI models. Proceedings of the XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO), pp. 319-320. ISBN: 84-689-0438-4.
    66. MATEU, J., SAURA, F., GREGORI, P. & JUAN, P. (2005). Wildfire hazard evaluation through a space-time point process conditional intensity model. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (ECOSUD05). Tiezzi, E., Brebbia, C., Jorgensen, S.E. and Almorza-Gomar, D. (Eds.), pp. 59-68. ISBN: 1-84564-013-6, ISSN: 1746-448X.
    67. PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2005). Nonseparable stationary and nonstationary spatial temporal covariances through completely monotone functions and copulas.Sistemi Complessi e Statistica Computazionale. Universita Degli Studi Di Padova, Cleup Editrice, Padova, 11, pp. 151-156.
    68. PORCU, E. MATEU, J. & GREGORI, P. (2005). Recent advances in spatial temporal modelling.Sistemi Complessi e Statistica Computazionale. Universita Degli Studi Di Padova, Cleup Editrice, Padova, 11, pp. 157-160.
    69. JUAN, P., PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2005). Testing independence for spatial processes through spectral analysis. Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Renard, P., Demougeot-Renard, H. and Froidevaux, R. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 3-540-26533-3.
    70. SAURA, F., RENSHAW, E. & MATEU, J. (2005). Análisis de series temporales con datos perdidos: una visión automatizada desde los procesos de puntos. I Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional (SICO'2005), I. Rojas-Ruiz and H. Pomares-Cintas (Eds.), Thomson, pp. 91-95. ISBN: 84-9732-444-7. Depósito Legal: SE-4058-2005.
    71. PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2006). A deeper look at some properties of space-time covariance functions. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA3). A. Militino, L. Ugarte, B. González-Ramajo & T. Goicoa (Eds.), pp. 29-32. ISBN: 84-9769-139-3. Depósito Legal: NA-2114-2006.
    72. BEVILACQUA, M., GAETAN, C., PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2006). Composite likelihood methods for space-time data. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA3). A. Militino, L. Ugarte, B. González-Ramajo & T. Goicoa (Eds.), pp. 73-75. ISBN: 84-9769-139-3. Depósito Legal: NA-2114-2006.
    73. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2006). Space-time dynamics of reproducing cells. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA3). A. Militino, L. Ugarte, B. González-Ramajo & T. Goicoa (Eds.), pp. 113-116. ISBN: 84-9769-139-3. Depósito Legal: NA-2114-2006.
    74. PORCU, E., NICOLIS, O. & MATEU, J. (2006). Decoupling of local and global behaviour for the Dagum Random Field and related models. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA3). A. Militino, L. Ugarte, B. González-Ramajo & T. Goicoa (Eds.), pp. 245-246. ISBN: 84-9769-139-3. Depósito Legal: NA-2114-2006.
    75. NICOLIS, O., PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2006). On long memory dependence for some stochastic models. Proceedings of Spatial Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes. ISBN: 88-8459-078-7.
    76. MATEU, J., COMAS, C., PORCU, E. & LOPEZ, J.A. (2006). Probability mapping in cluster spatial processes. Computational and analytical solutions through copulas. Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences (ICCMSE 2006). Vol. 7, T. Simos & G. Maroulis (Eds.), pp. 376-379. ISBN: 90-04-15542-2.
    77. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2007). Ordinary kriging for functional data. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM-2007).
    78. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2007). Functional kriging: Concurrent model. Proceedings of the XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2007). ISBN: 978-84-690-7249-3.
    79. PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2007). On the mystery of the Dagum Random Field. Proceedings of the XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2007). ISBN: 978-84-690-7249-3.
    80. COMAS, C., MATEU, J., PALAHI, M. & PUKKALA, T. (2007). Modelización forestal a través del desarrollo de procesos puntuales. Proceedings del II Congreso Nacional de Modelización Forestal.
    81. PORCU, E., BEVILACQUA, M., GAETAN, C. & MATEU, J. (2007). A weighted composite likelihood approach for space-time data. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference S.Co.2007. P. Mantovan, A. Pastore & S. Tonellato (Eds.), pp. 404-408. ISBN: 978-88-6129-114-0.
    82. PORCU, E., BEVILACQUA, M., MATEU, J. & GAETAN, C. (2007). Challenging space-time complexity: a composite likelihood approach. Proceedings of the International Environmetrics Society-TIES2007.
    83. PORCU, E., ZINI, A., BEVILACQUA, M. & MATEU, J. (2007). Testing separability for some classes of covariance functions. Proceedings of the International Environmetrics Society-TIES2007.
    84. DELICADO, P., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2008). Point-wise Kriging for spatial prediction of functional data. In Functional and Operatorial Statistics. Springer Series: Contributions to Statistics. Dabo-Niang, S. & Ferraty, F. (Eds.). pp 135-142. ISBN: 978-3-7908-2061-4
    85. COMAS, C., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2008). Analysing spatial point patterns with associated functional data. In Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA4). Cocchi, D., Mateu, J., Montes, F., Otranto, E., Porcu, E. & Usai, A. (Eds.). pp. 157-164. Publisher Democratica Sarda. ISBN: 88-6025-098-6.
    86. COMAS, C., MATEU, J. & DELICADO, P. (2008). Shape of sample plots for homogeneous spatial point processes. In Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA4). Cocchi, D., Mateu, J., Montes, F., Otranto, E., Porcu, E. & Usai, A. (Eds.). pp. 165-170. Publisher Democratica Sarda. ISBN: 88-6025-098-6.
    87. FOSCOLO, E., AYYAD, C., PORCU, E. & MATEU, J. (2008). Some new estimators for copula-based models. In Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA4). Cocchi, D., Mateu, J., Montes, F., Otranto, E., Porcu, E. & Usai, A. (Eds.). pp. 217-228. Publisher Democratica Sarda. ISBN: 88-6025-098-6.
    88. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2008). From multivariable to functional cokriging: an alternative for space-time prediction. In Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA4). Cocchi, D., Mateu, J., Montes, F., Otranto, E., Porcu, E. & Usai, A. (Eds.). pp. 229-236. Publisher Democratica Sarda. ISBN: 88-6025-098-6.
    89. LORENZO, G., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2008). Features detection in spatial point processes via cluster and MDS techniques. In Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA4). Cocchi, D., Mateu, J., Montes, F., Otranto, E., Porcu, E. & Usai, A. (Eds.). pp. 277-290. Publisher Democratica Sarda. ISBN: 88-6025-098-6.
    90. MARTINEZ, F., MATEU, J., MONTES, F. & PORCU, E. (2008). Comparing stationary space-time covariance functions for fitting dynamic life tables. In Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA4). Cocchi, D., Mateu, J., Montes, F., Otranto, E., Porcu, E. & Usai, A. (Eds.). pp. 299-308. Publisher Democratica Sarda. ISBN: 88-6025-098-6.
    91. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2008). Functional kriging: total model. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Geostatistics Congress, Vol 2. Julian Ortiz & Xavier Emery (Eds.). pp. 1161-1166. Printed by Quebecor world Chile S.A. ISBN: 978-956-8504-19-9.
    92. MATEU, J. (2008). Spatial and spatio-temporal dependencies: an excursus through biometrical applications. In Proceedings of the II Iberian Mathematical Meeting.
    93. COMAS, C., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2009). Efecto de la forma y el tamaño de las parcelas de muestreo en patrones puntuales homogeneos. Proceedings of the XXXI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2009). Editum Publicaciones. ISBN: 978-84-691-8159-1. Depósito Legal: MU-292-2009.
    94. MATEU, J. & NICOLIS, O. (2009). Wavelet-based analysis of the spatial structure of point patterns. In Proceedings of TIES, XX Annual Conference of the International Environmetrics Society.
    95. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2009). Hierarchical clustering of spatially correlated functional data. In Proceedings of the XIX Simposio de Estadística, Medellin.
    96. MWAMBO, F.M., CABRAL, P., CAETANO, M. & MATEU, J. (2010). Human activities and climatic change impact modelling on the habitat suitability for the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti) in the proposed Mount Cameroon National Park. In Proceedings of USIG2010, Oeiras, Portugal.
    97. MADRID, A.E., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2010). Spatial threshold exceedances analysis through marked point processes. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA5). González-Manteiga et al. (Eds.). Publisher Unidixital. ISBN: 978-84-934272-8-3. Depósito Legal: C 1990-2010.
    98. NICOLIS, O., MATEU, J. & DERCOLE, R. (2010). Testing for anisotropy in spatial point processes. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA5). González-Manteiga et al. (Eds.). Publisher Unidixital. ISBN: 978-84-934272-8-3. Depósito Legal: C 1990-2010.
    99. JUAN, P., MATEU, J. & DIAZ-AVALOS, C. (2010). Characterizing spatial-temporal forest fire patterns. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA5). González-Manteiga et al. (Eds.). Publisher Unidixital. ISBN: 978-84-934272-8-3. Depósito Legal: C 1990-2010.
    100. LORENZO, G. & MATEU, J. (2010). Spatial pattern classification for children with attention deficit. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA5). González-Manteiga et al. (Eds.). Publisher Unidixital. ISBN: 978-84-934272-8-3. Depósito Legal: C 1990-2010.
    101. MATEU, J., COMAS, C. & CALDUCH, M.A (2010). Testing for spatial stationarity in point patterns. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA5). González-Manteiga et al. (Eds.). Publisher Unidixital. ISBN: 978-84-934272-8-3. Depósito Legal: C 1990-2010.
    102. FERNANDEZ-AVILES, G., MONTERO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2010). Spatio-temporal covariance modelling of CO concentrations in Madrid. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA5). González-Manteiga et al. (Eds.). Publisher Unidixital. ISBN: 978-84-934272-8-3. Depósito Legal: C 1990-2010.
    103. MATEU, J. (2010). A coherence-based measure for spatial classification. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop in Applied Probability (IWAP-2010). Ribas, A., Glaz, J., Jimenez, R. and Romo, J. (Eds.). p.71. Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Depósito Legal: M-28524-2010.
    104. MATEU, J. (2010). Composite likelihood-based estimation methods for space-time stochastic processes. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop in Applied Probability (IWAP-2010). Ribas, A., Glaz, J., Jimenez, R. and Romo, J. (Eds.). p.71. Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Depósito Legal: M-28524-2010.
    105. ARISTIZABAL, J.P., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2010). Análisis de datos funcionales cerebrales: Una aproximación con potenciales evocados. Proceedings of the XX Simposio de Estadística (Santa Marta, Colombia). Publisher: Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
    106. COMAS, C., MATEU, J. & DELICADO, P. (2010). Definición e ilustración de un nuevo estadístico para analizar patrones puntuales con marcas funcionales. Proceedings of the XXXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2010). Costa, J., Fernandez, R., Presedo, M.A. and Vilar, J.M. (Eds.) Editorial Orbigraf. ISBN: 978-84-693-6152-8. Depósito Legal: C 2913-2010.
    107. MADRID, A.E., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2010). Características anisotrópicas de eventos extremos. Un análisis mediante procesos puntuales marcados. Proceedings of the XXXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2010). Costa, J., Fernandez, R., Presedo, M.A. and Vilar, J.M. (Eds.) Editorial Orbigraf. ISBN: 978-84-693-6152-8. Depósito Legal: C 2913-2010.
    108. MATEU, J. (2010). Spatial point pattern classification with environmental applications. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Meeting of the German Statistical Society. Publisher: Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft. Printer: CL Druckzentrum GmbH, Nurember.
    109. ROMANO, E. & MATEU, J. (2010). Outlier detection for geostatistical functional data: an application to sensor data. Proceedings of GFKL-CLADAG 2010 Meeting. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. Springer.
    110. FERNANDEZ-AVILES, G., MONTERO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2010). Spatio-temporal Modeling of Carbon Monoxide. Are ecologist right? Development, Energy, Environment, Economics, Mladenov, M., Psarris, K., Mastoraskis, N., Caballero, A. & Vachtsevanos, G. (Eds.), pp. 333-337. ISBN: 978-960-474-253-0. ISSN: 1792-6653
    111. FERNANDEZ-AVILES, G., MONTERO, J.M., MATEU, J. & PORCU, E. (2011). Geoestadística espacial y espacio-temporal: Vino nuevo, cepas viejas. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on History of Probability and Statistics. J.M. Rioboo & I. Rioboo (Eds.). pp. 163-178. Printed by Nino-Centro de Impresion Digital. ISBN: 978-84-938774-9-1. Depósito Legal: C-1763-2011.
    112. COMAS, C. , DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2011). A new second order function to analyse spatial point patterns with functional marks. 8th International Conference on Computational Management Science (CMS 2011). University of Neuchatel (Switzerland).
    113. SERRA, L., JUAN, P., VARGA, D., MATEU, J. & SAEZ, M. (2011). Spatio-temporal pattern modelling of wildfires in Spain. 1st Spatial Statistics Conference. Enschede (The Netherlands).
    114. MATEU, J. (2011). Spatially correlated functional data. Second Workshop on Spatial Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes, B. Cafarelli (Ed.), pp. 45-48. ISBN: 978-88-96025-12-3. Foggia and Gargano (Italy).
    115. JUAN, P., DIAZ, C. & MATEU, J. (2012). New tests of separability for spatio-temporal marked point processes with covariates. XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2012).
    116. GIRALDO, R., MATEU, J. & REYES, A. (2012). Residual kriging for functional data. XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2012).
    117. SERRA, L., SAEZ, M., VARGA, D., TOBIAS, A., JUAN, P. & MATEU, J. (2012). Spatio-temporal modelling of wildfires in Catalonia, Spain, 1994-2008, through log Gaussian Cox processes. Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Forest Fires III, Brebbia, C.A. & Perona, G. (Eds). ISBN: 978-1-84564-584-7. Southampton: WITpress, pp. 39-49.
    118. MATEU, J. (2012). The problem of classification in spatial point patterns. XXII Simposio Internacional de Estadística. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. ISSN: 1900-365X.
    119. MELO, C., MELO, O. & MATEU, J. (2012). Interpolacion espacio-temporal basada en distancias con funciones de base radial. XXII Simposio Internacional de Estadística. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. ISSN: 1900-365X.
    120. MELO, O., MELO, C. & MATEU, J. (2012). Un modelo espacial lineal generalizado mixto con tendencia basada en distancias. XXII Simposio Internacional de Estadística. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. ISSN: 1900-365X.
    121. MATEU, J. (2012). The problem of classification in spatial point patterns. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA6). Menezes, R. et al. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-989-97939-0-3.
    122. IGNACCOLO, R., MATEU, J. & GIRALDO, R. (2012). Kriging with external drift for functional data for air quality monitoring. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA6). Menezes, R. et al. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-989-97939-0-3.
    123. DIAZ-AVALOS, C., MATEU, J. & JUAN, P. (2012). Non parametric significance tests for spatial point processes with covariates. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA6). Menezes, R. et al. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-989-97939-0-3.
    124. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & LORENZO, G. (2012). Spatio-temporal analogues to LISA functions. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA6). Menezes, R. et al. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-989-97939-0-3.
    125. MEJIA-DOMINGUEZ, N., DIAZ-AVALOS, C., MATEU, J. & MEAVE, J. (2012). Description and modelling of spatial interactions and species coexistence in a plant community. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA6). Menezes, R. et al. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-989-97939-0-3.
    126. ROMANO, E., VLAD, I. & MATEU, J. (2012). Automatic contour detection and functional prediction of brain tumour boundary. In Analysis and Modeling of Complex Data in Behavioural and Social Sciences (JCS-CLADAG12). ISBN: 978-88-6129-916-0. Publisher Cleup Padova.
    127. ROMANO, E. & MATEU, J. (2012). Outlier detection for geostatistical functional data: an application to sensor data. In Classification and Data Mining. A. Giusti, G. Ritter, M. Vichi (Eds.). ISBN: 978-3-642-28893-7.
    128. DIAZ-AVALOS, C., JUAN, P., MATEU, J. & RABINOVICH, J. (2012). Multivariate spatial modelling of prevalence of Chagas disease in Argentina. In Proceedings of the IX Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications (geoENV2012). J. Gómez-Hernández (Ed.). Editorial Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. ISBN: 978-84-8363-924-5.
    129. BOHORQUEZ, M., MATEU, J. & GIRALDO, R. (2013). Optimal sampling designs for spatially correlated functional data. In Spatial Statistics Conference.
    130. CABALLERO, W., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2013). A universal kriging approach for spatial functional data. In Spatial Statistics Conference.
    131. MATEU, J. (2013). Classification and clustering in spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. In Spatial Statistics Conference.
    132. RENAU-PRUNONOSA, A., MORELL, I., PULIDO-VELAZQUEZ, D. & MATEU, J. (2013). Ecological remediation volume (ERV) in coastal aquifers affected by seawater intrusion. Methodology and application in the Oropesa Torreblanca Plain (Spain). In Mathematics of Planet Earth, Lectures Notes in Earth System Sciences. Pardo-Igúzquiza et al. (eds). ISBN: 978-3-642-32407-6, ISSN: 2193-8571, pages 520-525.
    133. MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J. (2013). Local clustering in spatio-temporal point patterns. In Mathematics of Planet Earth, Lectures Notes in Earth System Sciences. Pardo-Igúzquiza et al. (eds). ISBN: 978-3-642-32407-6, ISSN: 2193-8571, pages 171-174.
    134. ROMANO, E., MATEU, J. & VLAD, I. (2013). Brain Tumor Shape Deformation: a Functional Data Analysis Approach. In SCO 2013: Complex Data Modeling and Computationally Intensive Statistical Methods for Estimation and Prediction.
    135. BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2013). Optimal sampling designs for spatially correlated functional data. In XXIII Simposio Internacional de Estadística. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
    136. MELO, O., MELO, C. & MATEU, J. (2013). Modelo autorregresivo espacio-tiempo lineal generalizado basado en distancias con perturbaciones autorregresivas espacio-tiempo. In Proceedings of the IV Encuentro Iberoamericano de Biometria. M.C. Romero, C. Marinelli and R. Cepeda (Eds.). Editor Grupo Argentino de Biometria (GAB), Región Argentina de la Sociedad Internacional de Biometria. ISBN: 978-987-23883-6-2.
    137. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., MATEU, J., GHORBANI, M. & GONZALEZ, J.A. (2013). Point process spatio-temporal product density estimation in R. In Use R 2013.
    138. GONZALEZ, J.A., MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J. (2013). Spatio-temporal ANOVA for replicated point patterns using R. In Use R 2013.
    139. GIRALDO, R., DELICADO, P. & MATEU, J. (2013). Spatio temporal kriging prediction: An approach based on functional data. XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2013). J. Mateu et al. (Eds.). Universitat Jaume I, e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    140. GONZALEZ, J.A. & MATEU, J. (2013). Spatio-temporal ANOVA for replicated point patterns. XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2013). J. Mateu et al. (Eds.). Universitat Jaume I, e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    141. COMAS, C., MATEU, J., CAPDEVILA, C. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. (2013). Analisis de orientaciones en patrones espacio-temporales forestales. XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2013). J. Mateu et al. (Eds.). Universitat Jaume I, e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    142. JUAN, P., MATEU, J. & RIAZZUDIN, K. (2013). Spatial Bayesian modelling of armed confl icts in Africa. XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2013). J. Mateu et al. (Eds.). Universitat Jaume I, e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    143. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & GHORBANI, M. (2013). Statistical properties of the spatio-temporal second-order product density function. XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2013). J. Mateu et al. (Eds.). Universitat Jaume I, e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    144. SERRA, L., SAEZ, M., VARGA, D., MATEU, J. & JUAN, P. (2013). Modeling big wildfires using a two-part econometric model. XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2013). J. Mateu et al. (Eds.). Universitat Jaume I, e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    145. BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2013). Using random projections on the optimal sampling design for functional data. XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2013). J. Mateu et al. (Eds.). Universitat Jaume I, e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    146. ARANDA, J.A., MARCO, J. & MATEU, J. (2013). Funcion de distribucion combinacion lineal de dos Gammas. XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2013). J. Mateu et al. (Eds.). Universitat Jaume I, e-Treballs d'Informatica i Tecnologia, 16. ISBN: 978-84-8021-957-0.
    147. ROMANO, E., MATEU, J. & VLAD, I. (2014). A functional model for detecting changes in evolving shapes brain tumors. The 47th SIS scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS-2014). S. Cabras, T. Di Battista and W. Racugno (Eds.). CUEC Cooperativa Universitaria Editrice Cagliaritana, Cagliari. ISBN: 978-88-8467-874-4.
    148. AYYAD, C., MATEU, J. & TAMAYO, I. (2014). Spatial clustering of rat sightings around urban multi-source focus. Satellite workshop of the IBC2014 on Spatio-Temporal Statistics.
    149. CAROT, D., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2014). Spatio-temporal classification in point patterns under the presence of clutter. Satellite workshop of the IBC2014 on Spatio-Temporal Statistics.
    150. MATEU, J. (2014). Recent contributions to the analysis of spatio-temporal point patterns. 12th Iranian Statistical Conference.
    151. BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2014). Dynamic Spatial Sampling. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA7). ISSN 2037-7738.
    152. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., GHORBANI, M. & MATEU, J. (2014). Local indicators of spatio-temporal association: LISTA functions. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA7). ISSN 2037-7738.
    153. JUAN, P., DIAZ-AVALOS, C. & MATEU, J. (2014). Non-Gaussian spatial modelling of Chagas disease in Argentina. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA7). ISSN 2037-7738.
    154. OMIDI, M., AYYAD, C., MATEU, J., MOHAMMADZADEH, M. & TAMAYO, I. (2014). Spatial clustering analysis using copulas and point patterns. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA7). ISSN 2037-7738.
    155. CAROT, D. & MATEU, J. (2014). Spatio-temporal classification in point patterns under the presence of clutter. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA7). ISSN 2037-7738.
    156. GONZALEZ, J.A., HAHN, U. & MATEU, J. (2014). Analysis of spatio-temporal point patterns with replication. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA7). ISSN 2037-7738.
    157. ROMANO, E., MATEU, J. & VLAD, I. (2014). Measuring contour functions deformation by principal differential analysis: a distance based approach for the analysis of Gioblastoma Multiform. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA7). ISSN 2037-7738.
    158. COMAS, C., CONDE, J. & MATEU, J. (2015). Un test para la deteccion de efectos anisotropicos espacio-temporales. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2015). Ugarte, M.D., Militino, A.F., Santafe, G. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-84-606-7906-6. Dep. Legal: NA 857-2015.
    159. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., MISHRA, A.K., MATEU, J. & GONZALEZ, J.A. (2015). A coherence measure of association between LISA functions in spatial point patterns. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2015). Ugarte, M.D., Militino, A.F., Santafe, G. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-84-606-7906-6. Dep. Legal: NA 857-2015.
    160. GONZALEZ, J.A., MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. (2015). Second-order analysis of criminological events on a spatio-temporal linear network. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2015). Ugarte, M.D., Militino, A.F., Santafe, G. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-84-606-7906-6. Dep. Legal: NA 857-2015.
    161. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., MISHRA, A.K., MATEU, J. & GONZALEZ, J.A. (2015). Using R to build a coherence measure between LISA functions and its use for classification in spatial point patterns. In Use R 2015.
    162. GONZALEZ, J.A., MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J. (2015). Measuring dissimilarities between point patterns using R. In Use R 2015.
    163. CRONIE, O. & MATEU, J. (2015). Functional marked point processes – Unifying spatio-temporal frameworks. In Spatial Statistics Conference 2015.
    164. STOICA, R., PHILIPPE, A., DAVYDOV, YU., GREGORI, P. & MATEU, J. (2015). An ABC method for sampling posterior distributions of marked point processes. In Spatial Statistics Conference 2015.
    165. COMAS, C., CONDE, J. & MATEU, J. (2015). A test to detect spatio-temporal anisotropic effects. In Spatial Statistics Conference 2015.
    166. MATEU, J., OMIDI, M., AYYAD, C., MOHAMMADZADEH, M. & TAMAYO, I. (2015). Spatially dependent count data prediction using a copula approach. Application to rat and cockroach sightings. In Spatial Statistics Conference 2015.
    167. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J., MISHRA, A.K., MATEU, J. & GONZALEZ, J.A. (2015). A coherence measure of association between LISA functions in spatial point patterns. In Spatial Statistics Conference 2015.
    168. IFTIMI, A., MATEU, J. & MONTES, F. (2015). Modelling varicella incidence in Valencia, Spain. In Spatial Statistics Conference 2015.
    169. GONZALEZ, J.A., MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J. (2015). Prototypes of replicated spatio-temporal point patterns. In Spatial Statistics Conference 2015.
    170. GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W., FUENTES-SANTOS, I. & MATEU, J. (2016). Nonparametric tests for the first-order structure of point processes. Application to the analysis of wildfire patterns. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 11-14. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    171. COMAS, C., CONDE, J., GONZALEZ, J.A. & MATEU, J. (2016). Covariance properties of the reduced second-order moment measure of stationary bivariate Poisson point processes. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 65-68. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    172. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2016). Structural approaches towards multivariate spatial and spatio-temporal point processes: Graphical modelling and network approaches for complex patterns. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 71-72. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    173. MORADI, M., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. & MATEU, J. (2016). An adapted intensity estimator for linear networks with an application to modelling anti-social behaviour in an urban environment. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 121-124. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    174. STOYAN, D., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & GILLE, W. (2016). Spatial and temporal mark mariograms: A new heuristic approach between point processes and geostatistics. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 135-138. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    175. ARAFAT, A., PORCU, E., BEVILACQUA, M. & MATEU, J. (2016). Equivalence and Orthogonality of Gaussian Measures on the Sphere. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 151-154. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    176. AYYAD, C., ARAGO, P. & MATEU, J. (2016). Modelling crime data in european mediterranean towns: a vine copula approach. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 155-158. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    177. GONZALEZ, J.A., LAGOS-ALVAREZ, B.M., COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2016). Analysis of variance for replicated spatial point patterns in mechanical flotation cells. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 185-188. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    178. SIINO, M., MATEU, J. & ADELFIO, G. (2016). Spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes on earthquake events. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 213-216. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    179. ZHUANG, J. & MATEU, J. (2016). Semi-parametric estimates of the long-term background trend, periodicity, and clustering effect in crime data. In Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA8), 219-222. ISBN: 978-84-608-8468-2.
    180. MATEU, J., GONZALEZ, J.A. & HAHN, U. (2016). An ANOVA-type procedure for replicated spatio-temporal point patterns with environmental applications. In Proceedings of the 13th Iranian Statistical Conference, pp 87. Edited by Sheikhi Ayyub, Shahid Bahonar University of kerman.
    181. MOHAMMADZADEH, M., OMIDI, M. & MATEU, J. (2016). Composite likelihood and Bees algorithm for the estimation of spatio-temporal covariance functions. In Proceedings of the 13th Iranian Statistical Conference, pp 97. Edited by Sheikhi Ayyub, Shahid Bahonar University of kerman.
    182. OMIDI, M., MOHAMMADZADEH, M. & MATEU, J. (2016). Using copulas to model spatial point pattern data. In Proceedings of the 13th Iranian Statistical Conference, pp 114. Edited by Sheikhi Ayyub, Shahid Bahonar University of kerman.
    183. GONZALEZ, J.A., MATEU, J. & LAGOS-ALVAREZ, B.M. (2016). Analysis of marked point patterns with replications. XXXVI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2016), pp 118. Lopez-Fidalgo, J., Martin-Martin, R. (Eds.). Edita: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18239/jor_07.2016.
    184. STOYAN, D., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & GILLE, W. (2016). Mark Variograms for Spatio-Temporal Point Processes. XXXVI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO-2016), pp 145. Lopez-Fidalgo, J., Martin-Martin, R. (Eds.). Edita: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18239/jor_07.2016.
    185. MATEU, J., GONZALEZ, J.A., HAHN, U. & LAGOS, B. (2017). An ANOVA-type procedure for replicated spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. 17th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (AMSDA), pp 130-131. Christos H Skiadas (Editor). ISBN: 978-618-5180-22-5.
    186. SIINO, M., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2017). Some extensions in space-time LGCP: Application to earthquake data. 17th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (AMSDA), pp 171-172. Christos H Skiadas (Editor). ISBN: 978-618-5180-22-5.
    187. ADELFIO, G., SIINO, M. & MATEU, J. (2017). Spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes on earthquake events. TIES-GRASPA 2017 Conference, Bergamo, pp 4. Cameletti, M. & Finazzi, F. (Eds). ISSN 2037-7738.
    188. MATEU, J., GONZALEZ, J.A. & LAGOS, B. (2017). Two-factor experiment analysis for replicated marked point patterns. TIES-GRASPA 2017 Conference, Bergamo, pp 54. Cameletti, M. & Finazzi, F. (Eds). ISSN 2037-7738.
    189. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., ROMANO, E., GONZALEZ, J.A. & MATEU, J. (2017). Spatial clustering of LISA functions: a functional approach. TIES-GRASPA 2017 Conference, Bergamo, pp 67. Cameletti, M. & Finazzi, F. (Eds). ISSN 2037-7738.
    190. STRANDBERG, J., SJOSTEDT DE LUNA, S. & MATEU, J. (2017). Prediction of spatio-temporal data: A comparative study of two kriging approaches. TIES-GRASPA 2017 Conference, Bergamo, pp 77. Cameletti, M. & Finazzi, F. (Eds). ISSN 2037-7738.
    191. MATEU, J. (2017). An ANOVA-type procedure for replicated spatio-temporal point patterns with environmental applications. 61 World Statistics Conference, ISI 2017, Marrakech.
    192. FUENTES, I., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2017). Testing spatio-temporal separability by a first-order log-ratio based test. Application to the analysis of wildfire patterns. 61 World Statistics Conference, ISI 2017, Marrakech, Morocco.
    193. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & STOYAN, D. (2017). Mark second-order characteristics for spatio-temporal point processes. 61 World Statistics Conference, ISI 2017, Marrakech, Morocco.
    194. GONZALEZ, J.A., LAGOS, B. & MATEU, J. (2017). Two-factor experiment analysis for replicated marked point patterns. 61 World Statistics Conference, ISI 2017, Marrakech, Morocco.
    195. MATEU, J. (2017). Peter Diggle: a pragmatic vision of spatial statistics, and the right balance between science and humanity. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    196. GONZALEZ, J.A., LAGOS, B. & MATEU, J. (2017). Statistical analysis of a fixed effects model for replicated spatial point patterns in minerals engineering. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    197. GUPTA, S., PEBESMA, E. & MATEU, J. (2017). Air quality monitoring network location optimization for robust land use regression model. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    198. COMAS, C., CONDE, J. & MATEU, J. (2017). Covariance properties of the reduced second-order moment measure of stationary marked Poisson point processes. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    199. MORADI, M., CRONIE, O. & MATEU, J. (2017). The smoothing of Voronoi Intensity estimators and its application to network point pattern data. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    200. JUAN, P., ARAGO, P., MATEU, J. & DIAZ-AVALOS, C. (2017). Spatio-temporal analysis of forest fire alerts with temporal sets of INLA-SPDESpatio-temporal analysis of forest fire alerts with temporal sets of INLA-SPDE. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    201. FUENTES, I., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2017). A first-order ratio-based nonparametric separability test for spatio-temporal point processes. Application to the analysis of wildfires. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    202. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & STOYAN, F. (2017). Mark variograms and other mark-based second-order characteristics in the statistics of spatio-temporal point processes. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    203. MATEU, J. (2017). Point patterns in space and space-time: Linear models and change of support. Spatial Statistics Conference: One World one Health, Lancaster, UK.
    204. MATEU, J. (2017). Point patterns in space and space-time: Linear models and change of support. Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2017), London, pp 64. ISBN: 978-9963-2227-4-2. ECOSTA Econometrics and Statistics.
    205. NASIRZADEH, F., NASIRZADEH, R., SHISHEBOR, Z. & MATEU, J. (2018). On the J function for homogeneous and inhomogeneous log Gaussian Cox processes. 14th Iranian statistics conference, Shahrood, Iran.
    206. JALILIAN, A., JALILIAN, M. & MATEU, J. (2018). Generalized K function for spatial point processes. 14th Iranian statistics conference, Shahrood, Iran.
    207. ECKARDT, M. & MATEU, J. (2018). Partial statistics for spatial point patterns. 9th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA IX), Montpellier, France.
    208. FUENTES-SANTOS, I., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2018). Bootstrap bandwidth selection for kernel estimation of the pair correlation function in inhomogeneous spatial point processes. 9th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA IX), Montpellier, France.
    209. BALLANI, F., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & STOYAN, D. (2018). Spatio-temporal point processes: a second-order marked framework. 9th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA IX), Montpellier, France.
    210. GONZALEZ, J.A. & MATEU, J. (2018). Random permutation test in factorial models for spatial point patterns. 9th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA IX), Montpellier, France.
    211. VILLAMIL, A., BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2018). Spatialfd: A package for functional kriging, functional cokriging and optimal sampling of functional data. 9th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA IX), Montpellier, France.
    212. RAMIREZ, Y., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & RESTREPO, R. (2018). Geographically weighted generalized principal component analysis. XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO2018), Oviedo, Spain, Lubiano, M.A. and Salas, A. (Eds.). Edita: Universidad de Oviedo. ISBN: 978-84-16664-98-6. Depósito Legal: AS 1875-2018.
    213. GONZALEZ, J.A. & MATEU, J. (2018). Crossed models for spatial point patterns in materials science. XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO2018), Oviedo, Spain, Lubiano, M.A. and Salas, A. (Eds.). Edita: Universidad de Oviedo. ISBN: 978-84-16664-98-6. Depósito Legal: AS 1875-2018.
    214. FUENTES-SANTOS, I., GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. & MATEU, J. (2018). Analyzing the performance of nonparametric tests to compare the fist-order distribution of spatial point processes. 9th International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP2018), Budapest, Hungary.
    215. BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2018). Prediction and optimal sampling for spatial multivariate functional random fields. 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT and CRoNoS FDA 2018), Iasi, Romania. ISBN: 978-9963-2227-3-5.
    216. SIINO, M., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & ADELFIO, G. (2019). Classification of spatio-temporal point patterns with mixture modelling formulation based on the K-th nearest neighbour distance. Conference of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS-2019), Milano, Italy
    217. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., GONZALEZ, J.A., ROMANO, E. & MATEU, J. (2019). Spatial clustering of pair correlation LISA functions: a functional approach. Conference of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS-2019), Milano, Italy
    218. BOHORQUEZ, M., GUEVARA, R., SARMIENTO, L. & MATEU, J. (2019). Classification analysis for spatial functional random fields. Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC-2019), Guayaquil, Ecuador.
    219. VILLAMIL-SALDANA, A.C., BOHORQUEZ, M., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2019). Spatfd: An R package for functional kriging, functional cokriging and optimal spatial sampling of functional data. Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC-2019), Guayaquil, Ecuador.
    220. BOHORQUEZ, M., GUEVARA, R., SARMIENTO, L. & MATEU, J. (2019). Recent topics in functional data analysis: Analysis of variance, spatial statistics and quality control. Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC-2019), Guayaquil, Ecuador.
    221. MATEU, J. & GONZALEZ, J.A. (2019). An ANOVA-type procedure for replicated spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. Biannual Conference of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, Santander, Spain.
    222. SAEZ, M., BARCELO, M.A., JUAN, P., TOBIAS, A. & MATEU, J. (2019). Co-regionalization of Markov Cube Kriging. Application to the modelling of the variation of air pollution and in the construction of risk maps of crimes and offenses. Spatial Statistics 2019: Towards Spatial Data Science, Sitges, Spain.
    223. MEDIALDEA, A., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2019). Informational assessment of log-Gaussian Cox processes. Spatial Statistics 2019: Towards Spatial Data Science, Sitges, Spain.
    224. MORADI, M. & MATEU, J. (2019). Statistical measures for space-time network-based point patterns. Spatial Statistics 2019: Towards Spatial Data Science, Sitges, Spain.
    225. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., GABRIEL, E., COVILLE, J., MATEU, J. & CHADEOUF, J. (2019). Predicting the intensity function of point processes inside unobserved windows. Spatial Statistics 2019: Towards Spatial Data Science, Sitges, Spain.
    226. BORRAJO-GARCIA, M.I., COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2019). Nonparametric covariate-based first-order intensity estimation for point patterns on networks. Spatial Statistics 2019: Towards Spatial Data Science, Sitges, Spain.
    227. BOHORQUEZ, M., GUEVARA, R., SARMIENTO, L. & MATEU, J. (2019). Classification analysis for spatial functional random fields. Spatial Statistics 2019: Towards Spatial Data Science, Sitges, Spain.
    228. BORRAJO-GARCIA, M.I., COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2019). Kernel intensity estimation on networks with spatial covariates. Statistical Analysis for Space-Time Data (ECAS2019), Lisboa, Portugal.
    229. SIINO, M., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., MATEU, J. & ADELFIO, G. (2019). Spatio-temporal classification in point patterns under the presence of clutter. Statistical Analysis for Space-Time Data (ECAS2019), Lisboa, Portugal.
    230. ARISTIZABAL, J.P., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2019). Analysis of variance for spatially correlated functional data: application to brain data. XXIX Simposio Internacional de Estadística, Barranquilla, Colombia.
    231. ROMANO, E., GONZALEZ, J.A., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F.J. & MATEU, J. (2019). Functional data analysis for spatial aggregated point patterns in seismic science. CLassification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society (CLADAG 2019), Cassino, Italy. Publisher Centro Editoriale di Ateneo Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale. ISBN: 978-88-8317-108-6.
    232. MATEU, J. (2020). Complex spatial and spatio-temporal point process dependencies. German Statistical Week (Statistische Woche), Dresden, Germany.
    233. TORRES, A., FRIAS, M.P., MATEU, J. & RUIZ-MEDINA, M.D. (2020). Spatial multiscale analysis of functional count models. Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2020), London, UK. 2020-ECOSTA ECONOMETRICS AND STATISTICS. ISBN: 978-9963-2227-9-7.
    234. MEDIALDEA, A., ANGULO, J.M & MATEU, J. (2020). Structural information-complexity transfer in log-Gaussian Cox processes. Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2020), London, UK. 2020-ECOSTA ECONOMETRICS AND STATISTICS. ISBN: 978-9963-2227-9-7.
    235. GILARDI, A., BORGONI, R. & MATEU, J. (2021). A spatio-temporal model for events on road networks: an application to ambulance interventions in Milan. 50th meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Pisa, Italy.
    236. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2021). Local Indicators of Spatio-Temporal Association on linear networks. The Spatial and Temporal Statistics Symposium (STSS), Wollongon, Australia.
    237. GILARDI, A., BORGONI, R., PRESICCE, L. & MATEU, J. (2021). Measurement error models on spatial network lattice: car crashes in Leeds. 13-th Scientific Meeting on Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG 2021), Firenze, Italy.
    238. ECKARDT, M., MATEU, J. & GREVEN, S. (2021). Generalized functional additive mixed models with compositional covariates for Spanish Covid-19 incidence data. CMStatistics 2021, London, UK.
    239. NASIRZADEH, F., SHISHEBOR, Z. & MATEU, J. (2021). Range-anisotropic super elliptical log-Gaussian Cox processes. 4th Seminar on Spatial Statistics and its Applications, Tehran, Iran.
    240. GILARDI, A., BORGONI, R., PRESICCE, L. & MATEU, J. (2021). Measurement error models on spatial network lattice: car crashes in Leeds. The Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) 2021, Online, Italy.
    241. ROMANO, E., DIANA, A. & MATEU, J. (2021). Small area estimation via heteroskedastic geographically weighted regression for functional data. SAE 2021: Conference on BIG data for Small Area Estimation, Online, Naples, Italy.
    242. GILARDI, A., BORGONI, R. & MATEU, J. (2022). Geographically weighted regression for spatial network data: an application to traffic volumes estimation. 51st Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS2022), Caserta, Italy. PEARSON, ISBN: 978-88-9192-736-1.
    243. D'ANGELO, N., PAYARES, D., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2022). Hawkes processes on networks for crime data. International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Trieste, Italy.
    244. BRIZ-REDON, A., IFTIMI, A., MATEU, J. & ROMERO-GARCIA, C. (2022). A mechanistic spatio-temporal point process model to study COVID-19 propagation. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO2022), Granada, Spain.
    245. ESCUDERO, I., MATEU, J. & ANGULO, J.M. (2022). Spatio-temporal point process models for crime data. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO2022), Granada, Spain.
    246. GONZALEZ-MONSALVE-J., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., ROMANO, E. & MATEU, J. (2022). Classification of Events Using Local Pair Correlation Functions for Spatial Point Patterns. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO2022), Granada, Spain.
    247. FRIAS-BUSTAMANTE, M.P., TORRES-SIGNES, A., RUIZ-MEDINA, M.D. & MATEU, J. (2022). Spatial Cox processes in an infinite-dimensional framework. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO2022), Granada, Spain.
    248. BOHORQUEZ, M., FORERO, A.M., MATEU, J. & RENTERIA, R.R. (2022). Identification of patterns for space-time event networks. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO2022), Granada, Spain.
    249. MEDIALDEA, A., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2022). Analisis informacional de procesos de Cox log-gaussianos en espacio-tiempo bajo distintos escenarios de separabilidad. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO2022), Granada, Spain.
    250. DVORAK, J., MRKVICKA, T., MATEU, J. & GONZALEZ-MONSALVE, J. (2022). Nonparametric tests of dependence between a spatial point process and a covariate. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA X), C. COMAS & J. MATEU (Eds). Universitat de Lleida, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-9144-364-3. DOI 10.21001/METMA X, pp 55-58.
    251. GILARDI, A., BORGONI, R. & MATEU, J. (2022). Spatial statistical calibration on linear networks: an application to the analysis of traffic volumes. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA X), C. COMAS & J. MATEU (Eds). Universitat de Lleida, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-9144-364-3. DOI 10.21001/METMA X, pp 105-108.
    252. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G., MATEU, J. & CRONIE, O. (2022). Local test of random labelling for functional marked point processes. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA X), C. COMAS & J. MATEU (Eds). Universitat de Lleida, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-9144-364-3. DOI 10.21001/METMA X, pp 161-164.
    253. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2022). Locally weighted spatio-temporal minimum contrast for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA X), C. COMAS & J. MATEU (Eds). Universitat de Lleida, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-9144-364-3. DOI 10.21001/METMA X, pp 179-182.
    254. ESCUDERO, I., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2022). A spatially correlated self-exciting spatio-temporal model with conditionally heteroskedastic structure for counts of crimes. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA X), C. COMAS & J. MATEU (Eds). Universitat de Lleida, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-9144-364-3. DOI 10.21001/METMA X, pp 185-188.
    255. MEDIALDEA, A., ANGULO, J.M. & MATEU, J. (2022). Risk analysis of a log-Gaussian Cox process under scenarios of separability and nonseparability. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA X), C. COMAS & J. MATEU (Eds). Universitat de Lleida, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-9144-364-3. DOI 10.21001/METMA X, pp 219-222.
    256. PAYARES, D., PLATERO, J. & MATEU, J. (2022). Log-Gaussian Cox processes with integro-differential equations: modelling 112-emergency calls. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA X), C. COMAS & J. MATEU (Eds). Universitat de Lleida, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-9144-364-3. DOI 10.21001/METMA X, pp 277-280.
    257. CHIODI, M., D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G. & MATEU, J. (2023). Towards the specification of a self-exciting point process for modelling crimes in Valencia. Proceedings of the Statistics for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Conference, University of Pavia.
    258. CLEMENTE, A., ARNONE, E., MATEU, J. & SANGALLI, L.M. (2023). Spatial regression with differential regularization over linear networks. Proceedings of the Statistics and Data Science Conference, SDS group.
    259. CLEMENTE, A., ARNONE, E., MATEU, J. & SANGALLI, L.M. (2023). Non-parametric density estimation over linear networks. Proceedings of GRASPA, Palermo.
    260. MATEU, J. & BRIZ, A. (2023). Mechanistic spatio-temporal modeling of infectious diseases and crime data on urban environments. Proceedings of GRASPA, Palermo.
    261. MATEU, J. & JALILIAN, A. (2023). Recent approaches in coupling deep learning methods with the statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. SIS-Ancona, Italy.
    262. MORADI, M., CRONIE, O., PEREZ-GOYA, U. & MATEU, J. (2023). Hierarchical group-wise multivariate change-point detection. NORDSTAT 2023. https://nordstat2023.org/.
    263. D'ANGELO, N., ADELFIO, G., MATEU, J. & CRONIE, O. (2023). Local methods for complex spatio-temporal point processes. Young Environmental Statisticians Meeting.
    264. MUNOZ, J., FERREIRA, G., ARRATIA, J., RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., FLORES, M. & MATEU, J. (2023). Estimation and Prediction of Slowly Time-Varying Parameters in GARCH models: A Non-parametric Approach. International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2023).
    265. RODRIGUEZ, F., MORAGA, P. & MATEU, J. (2024). Estimating velocities of infectious disease spread through spatio-temporal log-Gaussian point process models. 11th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA XI). https://metmaxi.netlify.app/programme.
    266. RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F., DIAZ-SEPULVEDA, J.F., GIRALDO, R. & MATEU, J. (2024). Exploring random fractal models for analyzing second-order properties of point processes on linear networks. 11th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA XI). https://metmaxi.netlify.app/programme.
    267. MEDIALDEA, A., ANGULO, J.M., MATEU, J. & ADELFIO, G. (2024). A fully non-separable structure for log-Gaussian Cox processes. 11th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA XI). https://metmaxi.netlify.app/programme.
    268. BERNABEU, A., LINDGREN, F., MATEU, J. & SERAFINI, F. (2024). Extending Inlabru to spatio-temporal Hawkes processes. 11th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA XI). https://metmaxi.netlify.app/programme.
    269. COMAS, C. & MATEU, J. (2024). A further look for trajectories in space-time point patterns. 11th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA XI). https://metmaxi.netlify.app/programme.
    270. PAYARES-GARCIA, D., OSEI, F., MATEU, J. & STEIN, A. (2024). Advances in geostatistical disease mapping: multivariate Poisson cokriging. 11th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA XI). https://metmaxi.netlify.app/programme.
    271. CALATAYUD, J., JORNET, M., PLATERO, J. & MATEU, J. (2024). Stochastic partial differential equation for spatio-temporal modeling of crimes. A Bayesian framework. 11th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA XI). https://metmaxi.netlify.app/programme.
    272. OCAMPO-NARANJO, Y., MRKVIKA, T., MATEU, J. & RODRIGUEZ-CORTES, F. (2024). Cluster models selection for stationary spatial point patterns. 11th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA XI). https://metmaxi.netlify.app/programme.



    Durante el año 2001 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2001 I attended the following scientific meetings.

    Además, en Octubre 2001 organizamos unas Jornadas sobre modelización espacio-temporal de problemas medioambientales.

    Further, we organized a workshop on spatio-temporal modelling of environmental processes held in Benicassim (Castellon, Spain) from 28 to 31 October 2001.


    Durante el año 2002 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2002 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2003 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2003 I attended the following scientific meetings.

    Además, en Febrero 2003 organizamos unas Jornadas sobre Geoestadística y Modelos Matemáticos en Hidrogeología.

    In addition, we organized a workshop on geostatistics and mathematical modelling in hydrogeological problems to be held in Universitat Jaume I (Castellon, Spain) from 10 to 11 February 2003.


    Durante el año 2004 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2004 I attended the following scientific meetings.

    Además, en Abril 2004 organizamos el congreso con título: "International Conference on Spatial Point Process Modeling and its Applications (SPPA)", que se celebrará en Benicassim, Castellón del 4 al 8 de Abril.

    In addition, we organized a workshop called "International Conference on Spatial Point Process Modeling and its Applications (SPPA)", to be held in Benicassim, Castellón, from 4 to 8 April 2004.


    Durante el año 2005 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2005 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2006 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2006 I attended the following scientific meetings.

    Además, durante las semanas de 12-16 Junio 2006 y 3-7 Julio 2006 organizamos un Seminario Internacional con título: "International Seminar on special functions with a view on building space-time covariance functions".

    In addition, we organized the weeks of 12-16 June 2006 and 3-7 July 2006 an International Seminar called "International Seminar on special functions with a view on building space-time covariance functions".


    Durante el año 2007 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2007 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2008 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2008 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2009 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2009 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2010 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2010 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2011 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2011 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2012 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2012 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2013 participé en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2013 I attended the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2014 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2014 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2015 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2015 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2016 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2016 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2017 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2017 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2018 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2018 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2019 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2019 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2020 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2020 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2021 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2021 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2022 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2022 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2023 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2023 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2024 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2024 I am attending the following scientific meetings.


    Durante el año 2025 participaré en los siguientes congresos y reuniones de carácter científico.

    During 2025 I am attending the following scientific meetings.

    Last updated: December 20, 2024