Martínez, V., 2001,
An Artifial Compression Procedure Via Flux Correction,
in book on Godunov Methods: Theory and Applications,
edited review E.F.Toro, Kluwer Acad./Plenum Publ., pp. 595-602,
ISBN: 0-306-46601-5.
Balaguer, A., Conde, C., López, J.A. and Martínez, V., 2001, A Finite Volume Method with a Modified ENO Scheme Using a Hermite Interpolation
to Solve Advection-Diffusion Equations,
Internat. J. Numer. Methods in Engrg., vol.50, pp.2339-2371.
Vicente Martínez and Antonio Marquina, 2003, Computation of travelling wave solutions of scalar conservation
laws with a stiff source term,
Computers & Fluids, Volume 32, Issue 8, pp.1161-1178.
Fernández, E.D. and Martínez, V., 2005,
An Artificial Compression
Technique Applied to Shallow Water Equations
with Pollutant,
book on “Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IV”, Edited by F.
Benkualdoun, D. Ouazar and S. Raghay, ISTE Hermes Science Publishing, pp.
595-602, ISBN: 1-905209-48-7.
Castelló, J. y Martínez, V., 2005,
Matemática de la Sedimentación en la Costa,
Medi Ambient n. 6, Publicacions de
la Universitat Jaume I, ISBN: 84-8021-523-2.
Fernández, E.D. and Martínez, V., 2007,
A Treatment of Discontinuities for Nonlinear
Systems with Linearly Degenerate Fields,
Computers & Fluids,
Vol. 36, No.
5, pp. 987-1003.
Sein-Echaluce, M.L.; Martínez, V.; Lerís, D.;
Correas, J.M.,
(In Process), Cooperation Between Universities To Develop An Online Learning
Environment In Mathematics,
in book Technology,
Education and Development.