______________oooooo Short Biography oooooo______________
Vicente Martínez born in 1958, (Cheste) Valencia, Spain.
He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematics and Numerical Analysis (Advisor:
Prof. Antonio Marquina) from the University of Valencia. He has been Lecturer in
Applied Mathematics since 1991 in Jaume I University (Castellón, Spain). Since
2004 He has been professor in Applied Mathematic in Jaume I University. Also,
since 2006 He has been head of the Master in Computational Mathematics.
He has been main researcher in several projects
related with numerical methods for partial differential equations. Also, he has
participated in several projects of e-learning.
He has been invited speaker in University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of
Valencia, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Brunel University and Trento
He has selected publications in Kluwer Acad. Publ., International Institute for
advanced Studies, Computacional Mechanics Publications, Hermes Science
Publishing, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, Technology, Education
and Development, SIAM J. on Numerical Analysis, Computers Maths. Applic.,
Internat. J. Numer. Methods in Engrg., Computers & Fluids, etc.