Web Development

Client Side


Óscar Belmonte Fernández

Universitat Jaume I


There are lots of awesome tools to develop amazing Web Applications.

We are going to use some of the most popular, but there are lots of other either complementary or alternative tools.

This tools will help you in fast prototyping and development.


  1. Node Package Manager (npm).
  2. Atom Editor.
  3. Summary.

Node Package Manager (npm)

npm logo

npm makes it easy for JavaScript developers to share and reuse code, and it makes it easy to update the code that you're sharing.

See the video.

npm is currently bundle with NodeJS.

So, first thing, let's install NodeJS.

We will talk about NodeJS later in the course (Server Side).

We can check that the installation is correct by:

$ node -v
$ npm -v

Which are the version numbers for NodeJS and npm.


Atom logo

A hackable text editor for the 21 st Century. Atom is a text editor that's modern, approachable, yet hackable to the core—a tool you can customize to do anything but also use productively without ever touching a config file.

Most power of Atom comes from the packages you can install on it. Take a look at Atom packages.

Some recomended packages:

  • Linter, and linter-tidy.
  • Tern.
  • Autoclose-html.
  • File-icons.
  • Goto, goto-definition.


In this lesson we have install some of the basic tools for developing web client applications.

First, we have installed Node.js, and npm.

Then, we have installed Atom, and some usefull packages.

Now we already have all stuff needed to start developing web applications. Let's start.