Tasks 6 & 7


6     Have a look at the following games and describe, in a few lines, if you like them or not, and how you could improve the games. Indicate what other new online games you could make.











7     Writing Task. You have seen the following two articles in local newspapers. Write to the Letters Page of the newspaper which printed the articles giving your views on whether computer games are good or not for children’s health. Find more articles if you consider it necessary.




Computer games cause childhood obesity


The percentage of obese children in the UK is rising rapidly and shows little sign of slowing down. Experts blame our sedentary, couch-potato lifestyles on too much TV and too many video games. Some children spend more time sitting in front of a computer screen than doing anything else. This must stop!




Get Fit with the Zii Fit Console


Get fit and carry on gaming. What a great idea! Here’s how to burn fat and lose weight with the Zii.

1 Wear comfortable clothes. Take the Zii body test and set your goals.

2 Now you are ready to begin training. Try a new activity every day. Make sure you come back every single day.

3 Start losing weight. It’s as simple as that!