Sending e-mails




Imagine that you are in these situations. Write and send an e-mail in English for each of those situations.

Your messages don’t have to be very long (3-4 lines for each situation are enough).

You can write all of them in the same word document, together with the following on-line task and then send the document to your teacher as an attachment.

Please note that the subject in each e-mail should be: Subject code-Your last name.





You are at a party. You meet a man/woman who you fall instantly in love with. At the end of the party, the man/woman proposes that you get married immediately, on the following day. When you wake up next morning, you have already decided what to do. Write him/her an e-mail and tell him/her your decision and your reasons.



You are desperate for work. You see an advertisement that asks for previous experience that you don't have, but you think you could do the job anyway. If you pretended you had previous experience, you feel pretty sure you would get the job. Write an e-mail applying for the job.



You've failed your English exam. Write an e-mail to your teacher and try to persuade her to give you a 'pass'.



Write an e-mail to your teacher discussing what you like and dislike in this module.



Can you think of any activity you would like your lecturer to include in this module next course? Write her an e-mail suggesting those activities.